Right, that was a day to forget. Everything went well with the flatting back.
So it at the point of now being ready for more coats of primer. Wheeled it back in and panel wiped it down. While i was waiting for the panel wipe to flash off, i prepped the compressors ready to start painting. However the 100ltr one decided it had had enough of working and promptly blew up. Bugger.
Now luckily under the cabinet was a 2 1/2hp 50 ltr compressor we used for pumping up tires so that got roped into use as a supply for my air fed mask. Not the best and it is very marginal but it works.......just!!
So on with the mask and............................no bloody air
the connector had not seated so that was an easy fix. Started spraying and the primer mix was far far better and went on nicely. Then NO BLOODY AIR again. This time the connector on the mask had unwound causing me to leg it out of the workshop sharpish.
So reattached, tightened and cracked on again. 2 good coats all over then disaster, i must have caught the l/h quarter panel with the airlines and marked it.

I gave it a heavy coat of primer and yup it ran but not that bothered as it will flat back nicely.
So ended up with this again

And the knackered compressor and its stand in

So the plan tomorrow is to flat back the outside of the car and the engine bay, the seat crossmember, the companion bins and waist rails. I will do the boot to a degree as well. Then its masking time so the boot and inside of the car can be top coated.