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Project Paddy A Long And Slow Rebuild.

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#781 skoughi


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Posted 09 June 2017 - 06:31 PM

I spent ages on my clubman bonnet doing the same thing as you've done, a few times I took a step back and wondered just what the hell I was doing but saw it out to the end. It did turn out ok but I would've saved so much of my life by just getting a new one! I now look at it every now and then and wonder when the rust is going to break out on it...............

#782 sonikk4


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 03:17 PM

Well new bonnet has rocked up in the biggest box in the world. Cheers to all at Minispares that was seriously well packed. Box was that big there was no way it would fit in my car




BUT Heritage your workmanship leaves a lot to be desired. The next picture are off the internal bracing. One side fitted well and no gap.



The other side i can practically get my fingers in the gap, rubbish to be honest.



So more bloody work. Not impressed.

#783 sonikk4


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 03:45 PM

Oh and to add to this, the dent coming from the inside out on the bracing


and the razor sharp burred edge of the larger part of the bracing



BMH you need to sort yourselves out. This is shoddy workmanship and poor quality control. 

#784 Ben_O


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 07:38 PM

Sorry to see the dodgy bonnet Neil.


It's not just the Mini panels it seems. I have recently ordered some BMH panels for an MG and they were not perfect. The sills had been repaired by the looks of things. There were picking hammer blow marks on the insides of the sills both ends.


Good on them for the packing though. The MG bonnet I ordered which was an eye watering amount of money turned up damaged 3 times leaving them with almost £2000 worth of returned unusable bonnets because they didn't wrap them well enough.


Even the one i settled on had minor damage

#785 Steve220


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 07:45 PM

Shocking panels, especially at a time when BMC have upped their prices too!!

#786 sonikk4


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 08:12 PM

Very poor, not a happy camper at all. One thing i could have overlooked but three, well no chance. lets see what the emails bring out. Gutted really as i wanted this ready for me for when i get back from holiday so now i will have to wait.

#787 Marco1972


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 09:32 PM

That's crap mate

I'd be sending it straight back looks like stevie wonder was on QC that day
They should be ashamed sending that tat out especially the price of the bloody things

Hope it all pans out enjoy your holiday you've earned it


Edited by Marco1972, 13 June 2017 - 09:34 PM.

#788 sonikk4


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Posted 01 July 2017 - 08:08 PM


#789 sonikk4


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Posted 01 July 2017 - 08:09 PM

Blimey it works. Now using Imgur.


This is going to take a lot of work now.

#790 Ben_O


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Posted 01 July 2017 - 08:44 PM

I changed to Imgur a while back and haven't looked back.


Much faster, much easier and after uploading thousands of photos, I have had no silly messages saying that i need to give them money to expand my storage.


I just found that PB got really slow and lots of annoying pop ups .


How's Paddy going?

#791 sonikk4


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Posted 01 July 2017 - 09:11 PM

I changed to Imgur a while back and haven't looked back.


Much faster, much easier and after uploading thousands of photos, I have had no silly messages saying that i need to give them money to expand my storage.


I just found that PB got really slow and lots of annoying pop ups .


How's Paddy going?


For sure mate, Paddy is on hold while i buy paint. Its a bit awkward at the moment as the place i want to buy it from seems to have my paint code down for wrong dates, plus they need to order in Octoral so need to have a think about them.


Also i wont get a replacement bonnet from Minispares until the end of July as Heritage have not got anymore and wont have any built until then. Its a bloody pain at the mo so i'm sorting things out around the house while ordering in things i need to set the workshop up for paint. Got most of the best but waiting on some ducting. I will need to ask my brother in law to take my other compressor up to the workshop for breathing air supply.

#792 Mervyn


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:48 AM

Heritage are a joke these days. They've lost their way. I can only presume there has been major changes in management or staffing. There's no way the old boys would've let that panel go out.

They'd clout it with a hammer and dolly like you wouldn't believe and there would be no witness marks, superb craftmanship from ex line workers who did it for years

Now it just looks like they're stamping and shipping with zero QC and no F given.



#793 pete l

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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:58 AM

Neil, what excuse did BMH give you when you complained ?

#794 Sleeping Park Lane

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Posted 04 July 2017 - 03:51 PM

That's shockingly poor "quality" from any supplier, least of all the supposed "original" manufacturer. Hope they sort you out with a decent replacement.

#795 sonikk4


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 07:19 PM

Heritage are a joke these days. They've lost their way. I can only presume there has been major changes in management or staffing. There's no way the old boys would've let that panel go out.

They'd clout it with a hammer and dolly like you wouldn't believe and there would be no witness marks, superb craftmanship from ex line workers who did it for years

Now it just looks like they're stamping and shipping with zero QC and no F given.




Yep my very thinking to be honest

Neil, what excuse did BMH give you when you complained ?

This is the reply Simon@minispares got from them


I’m sorry to hear your customer has received one of our clubman bonnets in this condition and what looks like poor manufacturing. I have passed the email onto our manufacturing department and they have asked for the bonnet to be returned.


I have been asked to return it to their manufacturing department for them to look at it. They will be supplying a replacement directly to Minispares at Potters Bar where i can then inspect it before i take it away. Fair play to Minispares and especially Simon through all of this. Good comms with this issue. Although its a royal pain in the arse plus i will have to drive there,  it does mean i can pick up a new windscreen and some MK3 door glass so not the end of the world.

That's shockingly poor "quality" from any supplier, least of all the supposed "original" manufacturer. Hope they sort you out with a decent replacement.


The annoying thing for me is the amount of Heritage items i have fitted to Paddy, every external panel including door and boot skins, quarter panels, rear panel boot floor, rear valance and closeouts etc etc and no real issues at all with any of them. They really need to double check their end products before they send them out. 

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