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Project Paddy A Long And Slow Rebuild.

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#391 sonikk4


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Posted 25 June 2015 - 07:30 PM

Did you do a joggled join or is that butt welded like mine?

Butt welded unlike the ones i did on Wills car which were joggled. It needs to be smooth both sides.

#392 Ben_O


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Posted 25 June 2015 - 07:36 PM


Did you do a joggled join or is that butt welded like mine?

Butt welded unlike the ones i did on Wills car which were joggled. It needs to be smooth both sides.


Exactly my sentiments.

when going for a full on resto and trying to make the car completely original, the last thing you want is visible welds and patches, even if they are hidden by carpet or trim.

takes longer but well worth it in my opinion.


looks great as always. wish i was progressing as fast



#393 sonikk4


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 07:19 PM

Minor boo boo when i welded in the arch closeout, well two as it goes. The first one was welded it in fully including to the seat pan. The realised i needed to fit the companion bin first to the seat pan then the closeout. Doh!!! not the end of the world though as none of this will be seen .

The next one was because of the above the closeout is a tad too far over which in turn lifted the curved section which even when it was pinned it lifted slightly. This now means the quarter panel does not fit. However nothing that slitting disc and welder cannot cure.




Then it was onto the inner stiffener. I was going to use a new one i had fabricated but it was a fraction too wide so fortunately the old one was salvageable.


and a quick trial of the outer sill


#394 Ben_O


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 08:32 PM

I made a mistake with my arch closeout too.

I welded it in so the bottom of it was flush with the bottom front of the arch instead of being up a bit if you catch my drift.


I hope that won't cause any problems with the boot floor.


At least you managed to sort it out and like you say, it won't be seen

#395 sonikk4


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 08:34 PM

I made a mistake with my arch closeout too.

I welded it in so the bottom of it was flush with the bottom front of the arch instead of being up a bit if you catch my drift.


I hope that won't cause any problems with the boot floor.


At least you managed to sort it out and like you say, it won't be seen


The only thing you may find Ben is on the underside of the closeout it wont be flush with the seat pan.

#396 Ben_O


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 08:35 PM


I made a mistake with my arch closeout too.

I welded it in so the bottom of it was flush with the bottom front of the arch instead of being up a bit if you catch my drift.


I hope that won't cause any problems with the boot floor.


At least you managed to sort it out and like you say, it won't be seen


The only thing you may find Ben is on the underside of the closeout it wont be flush with the seat pan.


Ill cross that bridge when i get to it. If the worst comes to the worst, ill have to make a piece to go in and just make it look like it is supposed to be like it by doing the same the other side

#397 sonikk4


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 08:05 PM

Right on with the closeout boo boo. First thing was to slot the lip so it would sit in the correct place


Then once the quarter panel was offered up it was tacked in place, quarter panel removed and then a filler piece welded in. this was the result



Very happy with that so then it was on to the companion bin. This was fairly straight forward and took very little time to weld in place. The majority is done just the front lip to finish. job for next week as it was getting fat too hot in the workshop.


#398 Ben_O


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:49 PM

what's the plate on the companion bin Neil?

#399 sonikk4


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 06:16 AM

Ahh top secret stuff that Ben. Actually its where my seat belt attaches to so i thought i would reinforce it somewhat rather than the flimsey skin only. Its a bit OTT really as to be honest its not doing much more.


Saying that though there are more larger welds attaching the bin to the car so the strength has increased somewhat. 

#400 hughJ


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 03:55 PM

Hello Neil, I have not been on the forum for some time and when I come on here you are doing another major restoration with your usual care and skill. I always have to remember it was you who really got me going and helped me with my welding. I'm still driving around. Love my little car. Have to thank you for it. I will need a few years before tackling another. It's the time. No one realises the hours of work till they have done it. Good for you. I have to admire your guts.


Kindest wishes, Hugh

Edited by hughJ, 10 July 2015 - 03:58 PM.

#401 sonikk4


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 03:59 PM

Graham??? Who is this mysterious Graham you speak of Hugh, maybe my superhero alter ego?? ( It's Neil)

Cheers for the kind words though, yep 3rd one now and still got at least another two possibly three to do after Paddy.

Nice to hear you are still enjoying the wee green beastie.

#402 hughJ


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 04:07 PM

Neil, your too fast for me. I realised my error and edited within 0.25 nanoseconds. You were in before that! Call it old age. I got my bus pass now!



#403 sonikk4


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Posted 16 July 2015 - 08:31 PM

Not a huge amount done but got some early sealing in.

Taping up




Then the sealant





And a splash of paint.


#404 Marco1972


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Posted 17 July 2015 - 08:15 AM

Hi Neil

Not been on here for a few months

The resto on Paddy is looking really good keep up the fantastic work


#405 jagman.2003


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Posted 17 July 2015 - 08:41 AM

Neil, your too fast for me. I realised my error and edited within 0.25 nanoseconds. You were in before that! Call it old age. I got my bus pass now!



Good to hear your mini is still going well Hugh..!

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