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Total Rebuild Of '71 Evy

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#46 minimuk


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Posted 11 March 2011 - 05:19 PM

Hi, good day today, I did mention yesterday to do the doorpost and flitch etc,....so I did start early and had a go at it.

this is what I cut of yesterday, there is a post in there, inner flitch and the sill just fell on top of it, suppose gave up more like

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After a lot of measuring, tacked then welded on the hinge post repair panel
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A post box plate on
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Spotweld post repair panel to hinge panel
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spotweld post repair panel to Apost box plate
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cleaning inner-wing first with petrol then sanding
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sanding spotwelds and seamwelds flat
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Tacked first and then seam-welded flitch innerwing and under scuttle end
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sanding it all flat againAttached File  DSC01690a.jpg   21.3K   16 downloads
noticed a rusty area, where the suspension mounting bracket lives,...cut it out!! thankfully, no rust inside unlike the otherside, never the less cleaned it out and zinc-primed itAttached File  DSC01691a.jpg   18.58K   11 downloads
New 2 mm piece tacked in position and seam-welded it
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Zinc primed the lot again,.........RESULT!!!!
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Seam sealing tomorrow and a bit tidying up on the inside, then the buttom window panel

Well Happy with the new doorpost assembly, flitch and innerwing repair job.Attached File  DSC01695a.jpg   23.97K   16 downloads

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#47 B1LLY87


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Posted 14 March 2011 - 06:34 PM

Good work again, loving your work.

#48 tedmcedd


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Posted 14 March 2011 - 08:47 PM

great work! nice to see a another proper mk3 shell being saved!! what are your plans?

#49 minimuk


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Posted 14 March 2011 - 11:49 PM

great work! nice to see a another proper mk3 shell being saved!! what are your plans?

hi, plan's...... first make the body/shell strong again,...backpanel, roof, all the floorpanels, wheel arches etc. Building a 1300 GT engine for it at the moment(started that engine as I was a bit bored waiting for my other project to come back from painter) or recon the origional 998cc from 1969, back in its origional color perhaps or go dark again, pending what engine the wheels will follow and brake systhem to match, got origional seats but they need re-furb, dash origional with a twist of mod-cons. Well that is a nice plan come to think of it just now.
What you reckon?

Edited by minimuk, 14 March 2011 - 11:51 PM.

#50 minimuk


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Posted 18 March 2011 - 06:31 PM

Now the inner wings are replaced on both sides and treated(for now) I manged to put one new doorstep in on the N/S after playing with my other "project 850X",

First brace the door opnening after measuring the hieght, width and diagonal distances, always measure,.......
Then I started the fun work,...cutting!!!

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trial fit new step, and yes,....measure again...I cut the new step to size and seam weld on the front part of step and rear end of the step

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Sanding the welds flat to surface level
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Even got bits to sell on EBAY tonight!!
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Bit of priming and a bit more done on her today, checked the rear quarter today, 3" on base need replacing and a tidy-up arround the arch, per usual!!

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Another day for that

#51 tedmcedd


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 11:10 AM

work looks great as usual!

plans sound good to me! im always one for originality with a twist... what was the original colour? theres some great 70s colours out there that no one seems to go for!!


#52 minimuk


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 07:25 PM

work looks great as usual!

plans sound good to me! im always one for originality with a twist... what was the original colour? theres some great 70s colours out there that no one seems to go for!!


Ed, good point, old blue it is,.. I will have to look up the color name and code for this one but agree there are great colours. Let you know when I found it.

#53 minimuk


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Posted 21 March 2011 - 08:31 AM

work looks great as usual!

plans sound good to me! im always one for originality with a twist... what was the original colour? theres some great 70s colours out there that no one seems to go for!!


Ed, good point, old blue it is,.. I will have to look up the color name and code for this one but agree there are great colours. Let you know when I found it.

Right, as far I can make it out from the exsisting colour, its either Mineral Blue (BU9) or Teal Blue (BLVC18), leaning more towards the darker Mineral Blue as the Teal blue is lighter blue in colour.
Then again, I might give her another colour ie Black Tulip or the opposite Pale Primrose Yellow, green is not really my colour but....Green Mallard!!

#54 minimuk


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Posted 23 March 2011 - 04:13 PM

Jason, here are the bulkhead pictures
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PM me after 10.30 I will be on here

#55 tedmcedd


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Posted 23 March 2011 - 09:10 PM

teal blue and tundra green are my top ones, mallard and Aqua are also nice ones...

#56 minimuk


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Posted 23 March 2011 - 09:31 PM

teal blue and tundra green are my top ones, mallard and Aqua are also nice ones...

Will see when I get there, not so sure about the olive colour might grow on me in time, but agree, those old colours are fab, and will stand out on their own. First a bit more welding and metal bashing, full floor next and cross-member, then heel board,.......and then.......well you know, just getting on with it.



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Posted 25 March 2011 - 02:06 PM

Jason, here are the bulkhead pictures
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PM me after 10.30 I will be on here

thanks we have cut a section away I hope it will do, its a lot larger than you asked for but better to be sure,

Attached Files

#58 minimuk


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Posted 25 March 2011 - 02:43 PM

Jason, here are the bulkhead pictures
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PM me after 10.30 I will be on here

thanks we have cut a section away I hope it will do, its a lot larger than you asked for but better to be sure,

Jason hi,
looks good from the front side and yep is large enough, Is that taken from an 87 mini? what is the condition of the suspension side?
If you have a picture of that and looks good, and I am happy, I will let you know asap then you can invoice me tonight.

#59 minimuk


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Posted 29 March 2011 - 05:46 PM

well and so it goes on, worked on my other project this morning, .......headling...... definately not my cup of tea!! got bored after 3 hours and no point wathching glue drying so I carried on with EVY. I need to do the next step and that is floors, for that I need to drop the subby first and check the arches etc,

nearside rear arch and subframe-boot floor "Panel"

not much floor left there,....less to worry about!

well what a state that is in, dropped the subframe, loosening two bolts on the heel-board was ample, but the handbrake cables kept it in place,...I think

as you can see a bit past it I would say

Salvage what I can, trunnions and radious arms few bolts and handbrake cables, brake valve and other bits

the rest cut up and selling on Ebay
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I am happy I done that today but it seems to take ages and feels like nout done.
I will make a list of panels tomorrow and see what goes in first next week

#60 minimuk


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Posted 29 April 2011 - 11:08 PM

As I am working hard to get "Project 850X" on the road, I have neglected EVY a bit,....however in the mean time I did manage to get most repair panels, last one I found was a new, never used heritage full boot floor panel with battery box, won't tell you what I paid for it but was less than 100 quid. well happy with that find. Will be cutting out the old cross-member as that is rather beyond repair, and will be replacing that with a 72 donor one. Need a heel board and 2 full floor panels and then well,.....welding starts again.
Action plan will include;
replace cross member
floor panels and full lenght heel board
boot floor panel with rear seats
wheel arches
rear boot panel replace with donor panel
outer sills
rear quarters (both)
replace roof with donor roof
front panel and wings
and a few more.........
Most probably and being optimistic about this, but I will start that in June,...this year!! :)

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