started at 2pm at +4c in the garage, just got in when temp was reading door had it's final fitting today, made good hinges out of old ones, less give so door is steadier, had a cuppa, and got back at it, my mate. dropped of some bread-tray trolleys, so Evy is now on skates....much easier to move around. Nearside door was next, easy fit and in no time all was lined up, so as a bonus, that door got re-skinned first, it had been 4 years when I did MUK's doors so after a visit in my memory lane, skin was on in 20 minutes, but that was with the handy tool from Sean Shifty Whitfield, Yep it is a 'Flanges bending tool', this guy has all the tools you need for here are a few pics from the door. finish welds tmz and give that door a coat of paint, then back on the off-side door...
off-side door fitting;
final trial fit skins 3.jpg 38.39K 10 downloads final trial fit skins 2.jpg 17.72K 6 downloads final trial fit skins 1.jpg 172.61K 19 downloads
Nearside door re-skinned;
Skin on 2.jpg 36.61K 8 downloads Skin on 3.jpg 123.96K 5 downloads Skin on 1.jpg 124.77K 2 downloads
Progress finally