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Total Rebuild Of '71 Evy

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#226 minimuk


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Posted 05 May 2012 - 03:00 PM

Muk, once I sell my beetle I'll have enough money and a garage with a pit and all the tools to do it. The things I'll need help with is retaining the structure while welding and what order to do it in and reconditioning parts basically. Also I think you should keep the original colour but with silver wheels of some sort.

is the beetle a classic one, great that you have a fully fitted workable garage to hand, half a job done,....ask away when you got a mini, I would go for any of the ones you mentioned, the innocenti is of coure a preferable choise but hard to come by I think. Keep us updated,.... and enjoy the ride on this tread, Check out Project 850X above, my last project.

#227 minimuk


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 03:52 PM

anyhow moving on, I dropped the @bootfloor and rear seats today, what a mess, six cutting disks and a lot of dust....


rear seat



rear seat?

this is special;

Glad I managed this today, bit of spotweld drilling tmr on the rear bulkhead and a good clean up....

#228 ToM 2012

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:21 PM

great work mate you don't mess about ;D keep it up :thumbsup:

#229 grahama


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:39 PM

All new panels going in, heritage or pattern?? That little lot should keep you out of trouble for a while !!


#230 minimuk


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 08:04 PM

All new panels going in, heritage or pattern?? That little lot should keep you out of trouble for a while !!


Heritage boot floor, Magnum Arches, heritage heal board, magnum Cross member and floor halves, wing and front panel not decided yet....



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Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:54 PM

got your foot on the gas now matey :highfive:

#232 minimuk


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 10:19 PM

got your foot on the gas now matey :highfive:

warming up slowly, if I just had one week, on my own, no work no, midering...would be done,....however fat chanse that happening, working out in my head what comes first, heelboard, then floor and seats,then arches, ........basicly shedloads of plugwelding to do...... :gimme:

#233 big yin

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 11:35 PM

Just had a flick through this thread, Minimuk you're doing a cracking job! Heelboard is my next job... I've only just picked up the skills for welding and fabricating, so most of the work i've done has taken a long, long time! Had my mini for 6 and a half years now, It was a complete car... its now a bare shell with a lot of metal missing, although not as much as you've had to do!!

Good to see someone taking on such a project and making a good job of it, cant wait to see it finished. Also looking forward to seeing how your heelboard turns out, be good for me to see how its done :)

#234 minimuk


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 11:47 PM

Just had a flick through this thread, Minimuk you're doing a cracking job! Heelboard is my next job... I've only just picked up the skills for welding and fabricating, so most of the work i've done has taken a long, long time! Had my mini for 6 and a half years now, It was a complete car... its now a bare shell with a lot of metal missing, although not as much as you've had to do!!

Good to see someone taking on such a project and making a good job of it, cant wait to see it finished. Also looking forward to seeing how your heelboard turns out, be good for me to see how its done :)

well big yin, 6.5 years is a long time,a bare shelll is ok as long you have braced it the rest is just a puzzle, check out my other project on here, Projects 850X might be some hints to, I replaced the end 13" of each side on the heelboard, amongst other things. Are you working a few hours a week on yoru project, is your project on here?, I will have a read..

#235 jagman.2003


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 07:12 AM

Nice little pile of rusty scraps your building up there. It's always nice to see how much has come out. Keep up the great work.

#236 minimuk


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 08:31 AM

Nice little pile of rusty scraps your building up there. It's always nice to see how much has come out. Keep up the great work.

Thanks for the encouragement,..I have studied your tread b4 and know what I will come across soon...........Bracing is half the job, but still have to have access to most places is a challenge then..... a bit more fetling this afternoon I hope, might aswell take the arches out now, they are just dangling there.... ;D

#237 minimuk


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Posted 09 May 2012 - 05:53 PM

Nice little pile of rusty scraps your building up there. It's always nice to see how much has come out. Keep up the great work.

so there I was working on the rear bulkhead and suddenly the car dropped by 1 inch, although the tunnel is braced very well he stayed in position, but the outer sill collapsed, so had to jack him up on the brace between the old arches and lifted him back in position,.... I think I need to make some kinda construction to get the weight of the excisting floor, couple of tall stands and a joist through the rear windows comes to mind,....
all fun >_<

#238 minimuk


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 03:36 PM

so I did move the trolley under the mini, and put a block of wood under the B-post, done the job for now,....
trying to tidy the bottum of the bulkhead, made a cut above the lip and then,.......run out of cutting disc's, forgot how quick they go,lol

will use the old bit as a 'template' and weld back on when I trial fit the bootfloor, heel board got to come out next and clean up the bins, then get bootfloor on subby and line up the lot,...that will certainly be a fun time...... :gimme:

#239 big yin

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Posted 10 May 2012 - 08:20 PM

Hi Minimuk, I've braced it whenever I've taken any structural metal out, the biggest problem I'm having is rectifying all the bad work that has been done in the past. The driver side rear quarter and the rear panel have both been replaced at some point, and whoever did it rushed it and didn't brace the shell, so its all slightly out of shape at the rear... I'll check out your other thread in a minute :) At the moment I'm not working on it at all, I'm a student and I've got my final exam in 3 weeks, so I'm revising for that at the moment. I'll be getting back to the mini straight after though :) I haven't made a build thread yet, But once my exam is over I'll make one, with photos from all through the past 6.5 years :)

#240 minimuk


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 08:29 PM

Hi Minimuk, I've braced it whenever I've taken any structural metal out, the biggest problem I'm having is rectifying all the bad work that has been done in the past. The driver side rear quarter and the rear panel have both been replaced at some point, and whoever did it rushed it and didn't brace the shell, so its all slightly out of shape at the rear... I'll check out your other thread in a minute :) At the moment I'm not working on it at all, I'm a student and I've got my final exam in 3 weeks, so I'm revising for that at the moment. I'll be getting back to the mini straight after though :) I haven't made a build thread yet, But once my exam is over I'll make one, with photos from all through the past 6.5 years :)

No problem, we can sort you out,..good luck with yr exam's. where abouts are you?

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