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Brakes And Brake Pads

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#16 me madjoe 90

me madjoe 90

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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:21 PM

More importantly dont buy cheap discs I got the standard disk and pad kit from mini sport and the discs are so poorly made the judder from the brakes is realy bad shakes the whole car they came in and orange box with white writeing think the name was somethin rotors. I Need to sort some proper discs out.... recomendations on makes that are still not to expencive.

However the Black stuff pads are great and i drive winedy country lanes every day

Edited by me madjoe 90, 25 January 2011 - 10:22 PM.

#17 George929


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:32 PM

RED STUFFFFF !!!!!! -------------------------> the way forward

#18 samsfern


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:39 PM

seeing as when i was driving spiritly (not hard or on track) i could smell the brakes cooking, along with having virtually no brakes, i switched to green stuff and they didnt seem any better, currently got yellow stuff fitted and havent managed to cook them, even after trying my best to cook them. But their getting pretty low and i cant seem to find them again, so will have to try something else.

#19 me madjoe 90

me madjoe 90

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Posted 25 January 2011 - 11:37 PM

seeing as when i was driving spiritly (not hard or on track) i could smell the brakes cooking, along with having virtually no brakes, i switched to green stuff and they didnt seem any better, currently got yellow stuff fitted and havent managed to cook them, even after trying my best to cook them. But their getting pretty low and i cant seem to find them again, so will have to try something else.

must have a good power plant, I try to brake as littel as posible then i might have a chance of 70 ish

#20 steverose


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 11:07 AM

has anyone been on track with either greenstuff or m1144's?

I have been on track with both and for me its M1144 all the way. I was on track last weekend with green stuff pads fitted and they were worse than rubbish, even when warm they werent that good but it took ages for them to warm up. Stick with mintex every time. This weekend the mini is having the green stuff ones taken out and changed.

#21 benb12


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 11:57 AM

I have greenstuffs, I'm not that impressed with them. Good if you've just come of a slip road or something but other than that, they're quiet naff. I'll leave them on til my track day and then swap to mintex's or something.

#22 bunch1980


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Posted 28 January 2011 - 11:17 PM

8.4" brake kit i got form Sc parts is made by Quniton hazell, not heard of them before but they seem to make a lot of bits, also realised spare fan belt i have is made by them.
not fitted the discs or pads yet but its on my list, but wanted to try black stuff especially is they make less dust but it that just a myth?

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