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Honda B18c Mini

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#31 paul190181


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Posted 13 March 2011 - 05:33 PM

sorry i just read the mini tec site and have found the answer.

Very expensive aswell!!!

Hi yeah it was very expensive but i think it was well worth it everything fits perfect and nice and easy to fit to the car , it fits the b18 engine easily aswell you just have to elongate a few holes on the olternator bracket and grind a little bit of metal of the lugs on the rocker cover .

#32 paul190181


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Posted 17 March 2011 - 06:42 PM

Had a few hours free yesterday so i maneged to get the exhaust manifold fitted , also put the new wheel bearings in and fitted new ball joints to the hub . and got the alternator fitted had to do a little bit of grinding to get it to fit . also received my dta engine loom and ecu , and the kit car loom to wire up the car so it will be a complete new loom . plus it makes it realy easy to wire up and my radiator also arived today so some good progress hopefuly the rocker cover arives this week so i can get that in and everything instaled properly .
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#33 paul190181


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 04:54 PM

Rite made a little bit of progress on the mini , started to fit the new wiring loom to the car and solder and shrink wrap all the connections , fitted the hubs to the car and new wheel bearings and swivell joint , Ive just got o take the engine out to chang the rocker coer and hopefuly fit the radiator in next weekend .
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#34 Kam


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 07:20 PM

Those brake discs look well out of place amongst all the clean tidy work and shiny new parts! I take it there are only on there temporary :w00t:

Did you get your DTA from Watsons? If so, then just double check they are all 12v relays and not 24v >_<

Really tidy build, good work, keep at it

#35 paul190181


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 06:36 PM

Had a spare evening the other day so i droped the subframe out and fitted the radiator and rocker cove hopefuly get some wiring done this weekend ,Posted Image
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Edited by paul190181, 14 April 2011 - 06:38 PM.

#36 dma550


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 08:24 PM

looks great. One thing I always wondered about is the wells. If you've cut them out on both sides for the rad on one side, and the engine on the other, is there some sort of liner that gets replaced? I built a 550 spyder a few years back and we had no rear liners. I would have to clean 3 lbs of rocks and sand out of there every few days.

#37 paul190181


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Posted 15 April 2011 - 03:14 PM

looks great. One thing I always wondered about is the wells. If you've cut them out on both sides for the rad on one side, and the engine on the other, is there some sort of liner that gets replaced? I built a 550 spyder a few years back and we had no rear liners. I would have to clean 3 lbs of rocks and sand out of there every few days.

Hi no their is no liner in their but its only going to bee a sunny day car so im hoping it should be to big a problem with it .

#38 paul190181


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Posted 15 April 2011 - 03:18 PM

Well the inlet finaly arived today so just had a quick trip down to the workshop to see what it fits like and it should go in ok with a few samco elbows or 45s , so it looks like il have to chop the inlet , but on the up side i wont have cut the bulkhead or the front away so it will look more standard and factory finish wich is what im looking for .
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#39 Bounce


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Posted 24 April 2011 - 09:19 PM

Great thread.

I've noticed you've cut away at your front panel a little bit of the manifold and slave cylinder. Do they protrude much? Would they rub on a grill?

Also I've been reading on 16vmini that the 45's for the inlet manifold can collapse in on themselves causing the engine to run rich or not at all. Just a little warning for you. I don't know if you can get reinforced ones or not. Maybe worth a look.

Edited by Bounce, 24 April 2011 - 09:21 PM.

#40 paul190181


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 08:59 AM

Great thread.

I've noticed you've cut away at your front panel a little bit of the manifold and slave cylinder. Do they protrude much? Would they rub on a grill?

Also I've been reading on 16vmini that the 45's for the inlet manifold can collapse in on themselves causing the engine to run rich or not at all. Just a little warning for you. I don't know if you can get reinforced ones or not. Maybe worth a look.

Hi no the slave cylinder and inlet doesnt pertrude to far i have tried fiting the grill on and it fits fine the only thing im going to do is get the exhaust wraped and enamel coated to keep th heat down . Yeah id cam to that conclusion on the mini inlet this week end while trial fitting so i decided to cut it in half and get the pipes milled down at 30degrese so they fit flush at a nice angle away from the bulkhead and have them welded together so i dont have any problems with to much air etc .

#41 Bounce


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 10:48 AM

Nice. Plenty of pictures for your reworked inlet manifold please. It's something I'd be interested in doing when I get my project on the go.

Not sure if you mentioned it, but what are you doing for a fuel pump? I remember reading a couple of years ago that the SPI pump would be OK to use for a B16. Would it do for your B18?

#42 GreaseMonkey


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 11:47 AM

Spi pump is no good, you need something that'll run 3 bar for the injection system. It's hard to tell the difference between the spi and mpi pumps so I'd replace anyway, either running the honda pump which Is smaller and just needs a little work to fit or a walbro 255 pump which again fits with some work.

#43 paul190181


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 03:38 PM

Nice. Plenty of pictures for your reworked inlet manifold please. It's something I'd be interested in doing when I get my project on the go.

Not sure if you mentioned it, but what are you doing for a fuel pump? I remember reading a couple of years ago that the SPI pump would be OK to use for a B16. Would it do for your B18?

Hi ive got a uprated walburo pump im my mpi tank so it should be more than capable of fuling it and going to fit some new type r injectors so the fuling side definately wont be a problem , il post some inlet pics up when i start on it the machine shops shut down until next week but after that i will hopefuly start making some good progress.

Edited by paul190181, 26 April 2011 - 07:59 PM.

#44 Kam


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 06:42 PM

Fueling wise as mentioned already I wouldn't bother with a mini pump, yes some have used a MPI one but to be honest the last thing you want at near 9k revs is lack of fuel! If its gonna be a budget build then fairy muff but even still this is one area I wouldn't bother with taking the risk and just find some more pennies - get the walbro 255 lph and chuck it in the injection tank if your keeping the standard mini tank that is, its got more than enough for what you need and will handle even the most silly of mods you throw on the engine

If you are intent on using a mini one (I still say a big fat massive NO) then forget the SPI and get a MPI, on the side is some numbers on both

If the pump has 5 numbers followed by 7 numbers then thats a SPI, if its got 8 numbers followed by 5 then its a MPI and what you want

But not really what you want :thumbsup:

Paul - 45 hoses have got history, I know there has been a couple of times I've read about them popping off or leaking, not always but has happened, your inlet runners look more straighter than the poxy standard honda tapered ones so if you can get them cut and re-welded it will be better but more work

#45 paul190181


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 08:04 PM

Fueling wise as mentioned already I wouldn't bother with a mini pump, yes some have used a MPI one but to be honest the last thing you want at near 9k revs is lack of fuel! If its gonna be a budget build then fairy muff but even still this is one area I wouldn't bother with taking the risk and just find some more pennies - get the walbro 255 lph and chuck it in the injection tank if your keeping the standard mini tank that is, its got more than enough for what you need and will handle even the most silly of mods you throw on the engine

If you are intent on using a mini one (I still say a big fat massive NO) then forget the SPI and get a MPI, on the side is some numbers on both

If the pump has 5 numbers followed by 7 numbers then thats a SPI, if its got 8 numbers followed by 5 then its a MPI and what you want

But not really what you want :thumbsup:

Paul - 45 hoses have got history, I know there has been a couple of times I've read about them popping off or leaking, not always but has happened, your inlet runners look more straighter than the poxy standard honda tapered ones so if you can get them cut and re-welded it will be better but more work

hi kam yeah allready ditched the 45 elbows , the inlets going into a local machine shop when they open next week to be milled down to a 60 degree angle and welded up , and ive already got a walburo 255 pump in the tank , cheers for the advice on that .

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