Well not updated this in a while! Since getting Jenny my red mini back from the body shop and my dad buying that mess of an estate my clubby as taking a back seat really.
Mainly because not much has happened with her other then her getting a little more rusty each day haha. Since the last update I started a new job with a bit more of a commute and she's doing alright I'm glad to say. I was gonna get another car to use but for the time being she is ok. She does about 50-60 miles a day now.
Only interesting pic I have is of 2 deloreans I found and thought as they are my dream car and cheeky pic was in order!

Only other thing is that she had her MOT today and she passed first time with only 5 advisories which I'll get sorted within the next few weeks so I am happy with that! Thats about it really. Happy New Year everyone! Think i'll treat the car to a late crimbo gift as she's been so good!