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Project Who The **** Is Alice.

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#31 Carlos W

Carlos W

    Mine is purple, but I have been told that's normal

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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:20 PM

nothing worse than a floppy nob!

Nice car!

#32 leaky


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:34 PM

great project and lovely clubby mate i love the dash looks sweet has it been lowered at all
cheers and i like the petrol bib lol where did u get it from

Hi. Thanks for the comment. Yea the clubbys been lowered quite a bit. It looks nice but means it does rub on the arches and I cant really take people in the back. The exhaust scraps on pretty much everything as well lol.

The petrol bib is off ebay. Funny enough I'v had loads of people asking me that.


Again thanks for the comment.

Edited by Mini-jon, 01 January 2011 - 11:35 PM.

#33 leaky


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:36 PM

nothing worse than a floppy nob!

Nice car!

HAHA your right their.

Thanks. :(

#34 mentalmini89


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:42 PM

cheers does it rub on the arches front and back and are quick shifts good are u just changing it cause its fallen off or as u say a floppy knob lol it does look awesome either way

#35 Burnard


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:46 PM

That issue with the dash is normal, mines exactly the same.

#36 leaky


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:54 PM

cheers does it rub on the arches front and back and are quick shifts good are u just changing it cause its fallen off or as u say a floppy knob lol it does look awesome either way

Its mainly the rear arches it rubs on. I do rub on the front when I'm on full lock though. It doest really bother me though to be honest. The quick shift is ok. I didn't like it at first but once I got used to it, it was pretty cool. I'm just changing it as I'd rather have the standard one. I only use the car to go too and from college and work and most of the time I'm in a traffic jam so with that sort of driving a quickshift its kinda point less. Plus you cant fit a normal mini nob on it and I don't really like the metal one. Its bloody cold to hold when your driving to work at half 6 in the morning and its -7 outside.


That issue with the dash is normal, mines exactly the same.

Yea I thought so. A mate had told me all the ones he had fitted were a bit of a bad fit. I'm just gonna put it in and have done.


#37 leaky


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 06:33 PM

Right. The standard shifter is back on and working so I can now drive again. So today I took the clubby to her first show. It was only a small classic car show in Newbury but was still a pretty good day out. Anyway their was a stand with a couple of clubby grills on. I thought I would get one as I want an all black grill. So the plan was to buy one then get my mate too powder coat it. Anyway they wernt really mint but where straight enough but said to myself before I'm not paying more then a fiver for one. Anyway I asked how much he wanted for them and said £3. Result I'll buy me a clubby grill for £3. Turns out me meant £3 for the both of them. Yea £1.50 each. So I pretty much pulled his arm off lol.

Anyway here they are.

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As said their not perfect but for that price I'm not gonna cry about it lol.

#38 mentalmini89


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 07:03 PM


#39 leaky


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Posted 12 January 2011 - 11:17 PM

Right well in true Jon style I broke it lol. It happened monday but I'v just been a bit lazy with updating this. Anyway not sure what it is 100% yet. Although I think its just the drive shaft that come out the gearbox. Thing is as it came out its snapped the brake caliper.

Anyway the AA man game out in his van. Really nice man. He owns a mini of his own as it goes which was cool.

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Anyway turns out my car was way to low to go on his little wheel trolly things so he called me a truck.

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Anyway after the car had been unloaded off the truck me and my dad were pushing it in to my drive as the wheel suddenly went and fell on an angle. Like the sort of thing that happens when a ball joint pops. I'm pretty sure this is where the brake caliper snapped. Anyway I got it back in the drive and after pushing the drive shaft in a bit the wheels back to where it should be. Thats what leads me to think it was just the drive shaft that popped out. Anyway I'v not had a proper look due to college but when I do I'll get some pics.

O yea and something a bit weird. My mate rung the AA told them I broke down. They came out and bought me home for free even though he was in his own car and wasn't even with me when it broke. They just asked him to sign a piece of paper. They then picked my car up and took it to my house while he drive home in his own car. I thought this seemed a tad odd but hey ho.

O yes and I also ordered some speaker pods from optimise automotive.

Anyway thats about it. Thanks for reading.

Edited by leaky, 18 October 2012 - 09:25 AM.

#40 GreaseMonkey


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Posted 12 January 2011 - 11:43 PM

Ah sorry to hear that, surprised they called the truck though. The AA man managed to get mine on the dolly doo dah but the back was sitting real close to the ground ;) I thought I'd lose the exhaust that night ;)

#41 Burnard


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Posted 12 January 2011 - 11:48 PM

Jon, PLEASE get a bini, that way its funny when you ******* up.

When i eventually get round to joining the AA im only going to get relay which means they just send out a truck to load me onto and take me homeeeee.
My cars even lower than that one so it has no hope of getting on a dolly.

#42 GreaseMonkey


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Posted 12 January 2011 - 11:50 PM

Also it sounds like a ball joint has popped out and pulled the driveshaft out? Wheel wouldn't go all funny like that

#43 WRLondon



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Posted 13 January 2011 - 12:13 AM

yeah i had the thread rip off while going round a corner >_<
my mini would never get on a dolly as the AA man
"How the F*** am i going to fit a jack under there! not enough room for my arm!" Lol
i had a "quick" release front bumper so jacking or winching starts from there :P

#44 leaky


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Posted 13 January 2011 - 04:54 PM

Cheers for the replies people. I'v still not gone out and looked at it. Too dark to be faffing around under cars in the evening. If I get time I'll have a look Monday.

#45 briain


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Posted 14 January 2011 - 04:52 AM

Also it sounds like a ball joint has popped out and pulled the driveshaft out? Wheel wouldn't go all funny like that

I agree it happened to me a few months ago wheel went completely sideways it also pulled the driveshaft out

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