Right well today I attempted to get something done bit hit a stumbling block. I found out the dash that I was meant to put in my red car. This is now gonna go in the clubby for 2 reasons. 1. as said before speedo in the clubby does not work so I'll put this dash in with the 2 clock speedo I have. 2. My red cars going back to the center speedo it should have so I wouldn't have needed this dash anyway. I went to fit the speedo to the dash and hit a problem.
Heres the dash. From here it looks like the speedo is in fine.

But if you look here the speedo does not fit flush at the bottom.

I thought it wasn't pushed in enough. But if you look at the back the speedo its as far down as it will go.

So is this just a badly made dash? Or is it something to do with the speedo.
Any ideas what's wrong with this? Is it something stupid I cant see?
O yes and another idea I'v had. Not 100% sure if I'll do it or not but I'm thinking of sticker bombing the glove box and the speedo surround. What's everybody's thought? In case you don't know what sticker bombing is look at this.