Thanks Alex

I love my Minus and think its the best way to keep a mini and not wake up in the night bolt upright in a cold sweat worrying about tin worm

Its a lot more faff but with a bit of know how and common sense they are easy to work on

Jonny i do have the original mounts but i still need to use them for my stainless mock ups.
Right time for a small up date. I had to file and sand out bigger recess's in the bulk head to allow for the metros brake master cylinder to squeeze in end result being:-

Thanks to using a metro brake master cylinder i have room under my bonnet with a good inch or so gap without fouling

and no bonnet modifications

Just need to do to finish off the bottom half of the stainless engine steady bracket so i can trial fit the engine-steady (with the Titanium bolts

) + engine and work out where the bulge needs to be for my air filter.
Regards Blue