My Poor Wee Mini Sky
Posted 31 December 2010 - 09:28 PM
keep up the good work....
Posted 03 January 2011 - 12:56 PM
I drilled out spotwelds and tried to deal with the roller welds on the door pillars at the windscreen surround. I think you guys are so much more patient than me - damage as usual and not a clean job.
Drivers side
Passenger side
Notice I had to repair a bit I gouged out with my chisel!
And the drivers side I had to stitch a wee tear
And ground it
Posted 03 January 2011 - 01:30 PM
Any progress is good progress, keep it up
Posted 03 January 2011 - 07:22 PM
This afternoon I took all the rear glass out. I used my feet lying on my back and out popped the rear windscreen straight onto the concrete floor! I thought well there's another bit gone but, it didn't break! I then took out the rear side windows using the same method and you'd never believe I did the same with one of them and it didn't break either. The jam was with me today. However, true to me, I trashed the trim cards below the windows trying to get them out. A Mini's trim is really made of rubbish and very difficult to remove without wrecking it.
Glass ready to go up to attic
And a heap of other bits
Then I tackled the spot welds along the top of the windscreen surround. I made a poor job. I couldn't see the weld, could just feel a dimple in the metal behind. I am going to have to cut out and put in some patches. I am dreading tackling the roller weld along the roof seam.
Posted 03 January 2011 - 08:23 PM
Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:52 PM
Best wishes, David
Posted 03 January 2011 - 11:57 PM
I'm learning to weld and my mini looks to be in similar condition to yours. I had ago at patching my bootlid after not much practice and made a right mess, so practice, practice, practice and all is getting better.
Keep up the good work and you will be done in no time.
It can really get you do can't it! I get fed up with it every now and then but you gotta think of what an amazing feeling you will have once you get to 100% complete................then the fun of buying another one to repair, lol!
Best of luck!
- Rich
Posted 04 January 2011 - 12:39 AM
Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:28 PM
And thanks David, yes another Highlander with just two firths and twenty miles between us. Thanks for your kind offer - I will probably get in touch later. At present can't see past the grinding and welding.
Thanks Rich - the welding is difficult but I do seem to have got round a corner. I don't panic about blowing through and if I do and havn't ground it too thin I can usually catch it again. Its still not beautiful.
Thanks, too, myredmini for the nice comments.
These comments do keep you going.
Well after a day at figures I decided on therapy - out to the garage and get a couple of patches in. Chickened out of tackling the seam at the gutter.
So I tackled the grinding and spot weld removing mess and destruction created by HughJ removing panels. Tackled the top passenger corner. I first stitched a grind mark I had done years ago when I was looking at how bad the rust was. Then patched in a wee piece. I didn't use one continous piece as I wanted it to be as near to what it was. It is two pieces at the corner.
You can clearly see my damage!
Ground down - can't get into the corner - I have a wee power tool that might do that. Then cut out the next bad bit and put in another patch.
And ground it flat.
Not much but every little will get me to a going Mini.
Posted 06 January 2011 - 11:14 AM
Well you know, when you are short on funds either you wait or you make do with what you have, I have a lot of donor bits to work with so *shrug*
my current 'project' in the mini would scare you... I am saving something that was not saveable...
Pictures when I get the project mostly done
Posted 13 January 2011 - 11:04 AM
I spend my hours with the wire brush and we have only just started the body work.
Looking forward to watching your progress
Posted 13 January 2011 - 06:40 PM
The last thing you need to do is melt the loom.
Posted 15 January 2011 - 07:24 PM
Thanks again for the replies - Chris, Mel and Neil. Chris - always an encourager. Thanks again for advice, Neil, I will move the loom before welding the new windscreen surround. Thank you Mel, give welding a go - for me it is starting to become more pleasant than wire brushing! But who likes wire brushing! However the welds down below are not very nice.
I've moved from the windscreen surround to doing the drivers side flitch panel. I have to take more metal away from the windscreen - having got the new panel to compare with. The flitch panels have to be repaired anyway, before the the scuttle and surround can be fitted.
I had to do a wee repair to the doorstep before the repair panel can be fitted.
Cut out the shape of the repair panel
And did a very ugly repair to the back of the lower dash-panel
Trial fit of the flitch repair panel - I tried to be so careful but there is quite a gap in some places where I have to butt weld. I'll put my hammered bit of copper pipe behind it when I do it. I've also drilled holes for plug welding.
The door on this side has always been a poor fit and drops as its opened. I hope this is due to the lip on the scuttle panel having rusted away (where the A-panel is folded round it). I hope when all welded up it will be fine. I did try the door in a couple of times but it still sags when just held with a couple of bolts and clamps.
And surfaces cleaned with flap wheel and primed with weld through primer where metal meets metal.
So next week I will hopefully weld in my first panel, instead of just wee patches. I have seen this repair on other members topics but could not conceive of the work involved to get here.
Grind on
Edited by hughJ, 15 January 2011 - 07:35 PM.
Posted 15 January 2011 - 08:21 PM
Posted 15 January 2011 - 09:05 PM
I am not quite as brave as you, and have a hubby who can already weld, so although I want to learn I'm going to let him do Harvey and hopefully by the next project I will be good enough notto just blow holes everywhere.
We are just about to cut out the driver side flitch panel for a pretty similar repair to yours.
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