Hi,Well, that was some break, being busy being a dad. Following some unplanned unemployment I've spent some time with the mini hacking the floor pan out. Took a lot longer than I'd thought, mostly due to the layers and layers of patches. Stripped the drivers side toe board down properly for linishing but the passenger side is still fighting. Painful, noisy work.
Some pics:
Good bracing.
On your toe-board, I'd remove the two re-enfourcement plates. They will have rust under them like where the floor pan was.
Also, don't scrap your old floor pan. Keep the tunnel. It could help someone that has a bad one. If you cut the front off the tunnel, keep it, at the verry least it can be used as a pattern.
I would love to have your tunnel and crossmember for my progect. If you're willing to prep it for shipping to the USA. And I'd pay of course.
Keep up the good work.