Mini/mini United Not Divided
Posted 07 September 2010 - 11:40 PM
I have a 2 year old son who gets just as excited to see a MINI as he does when he sees a mini i havent tried to turn him against them and he has just as many toys of one as he does the other! To him its the same car. I dont want him to grow up hating them just because they are different all this silly behavour towards them is only going to make them worse towards us! I read earlier about one who had his bonnet jumped on by a classic owner! Is it any wonder why they can be hostile towards us. Some people are so immature!
I do think it would be nice to have a couple of purely classic mini events and alike for the MINI but i cannot see why we cant get along as a whole.
My mum used to own a yellow clubman when she was my age which she worked on herself and looked after! She is now in her 50s and is not able to maintain a classic. She still loves them and because of that was thinking of buying a MINI. That way it will start first time be more reliable and will be a more comfortable ride to work and it will be a way that she can have a mini like her younger years without all the hassle and maintainance of a classic!
I would display a sticker in my window
Posted 07 September 2010 - 11:43 PM
Ohh come on, thats extreme. This is a car, we're talking religions here... way out of scale, surely? Cant we all just get on? We're all passionate about one thing, and thats a car known as the Mini, in new form or old, cant we just celebrate that and stop being rediculous?
I used it as an analogy which I directly explained may seem exaggerated, there was no proportional link between the two, feel free to make your own analogies up whilst you're on here.
Oh and I really wish people would stop being so petty and insecure that they feel religion can't be talked about any more. It's hardly like I'm saying the Mini is Al-Qaeda's weapon of choice.
I haven't got a problem with the MINI. I just don't feel it deserves such a big a spectacle at a CLASSIC Mini show. How about you just read the paragraph above it too instead of seeing 'religion' and clinging to that like an argumental scapegoat.

Edited by Wright&Wright, 07 September 2010 - 11:45 PM.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 12:55 AM
Also some people want a mini and a modern car for practically, but can't afford to run 2 cars, so what do you do? The BINI is as close as it gets to both
Edited by danrock101, 08 September 2010 - 01:02 AM.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:28 AM
We are not insisting that any one joins up if you dont you dont, But there are many people who would like to join and enjoy other peoples company wheather it be classic or new. they would like to attend shows were there is a good atmosphere and not have to worry that some out of date idiot who only form of enjoyment is to ruin it for them with bad lanugage and the worry that their car will be damaged! because its fun.All in all, Mini owners and MINI owners will never completely accept each other's scene. What annoys me about the original post is that people are now insisting that we MUST be united with each other. Look I have no interest in the new MINI what so ever and I wouldn't be annoyed to see a few at the show, the Mini pedigree living on is something I've promoted. HOWEVER, MINI owners feeling like they should be included entirely in CLASSIC Mini shows is something completely different. We come to the classic shows to see classic Mini's. I don't mind looking at a new MINI, that's fine, but I don't see why they feel they need to be a larger part of a show that's not to do with their scene.
I mean hell, if I wanted to go and see a MINI show, I'd be a bit disappointed to see a load of classic Minis there because that's not what I came to see.
They have their shows, we have our shows. What's wrong with that?
I know I'm exaggerating here but it's the only analogy I could think of, It's like suggesting Jews, Muslims and Catholics should all pray in the same holy place.
Sure they have their different religions (scenes), doesn't mean they have to combine into one place.
You know the funny thing as well MINI owners dont mind all the slagging off if its fun and done in a joking way but when it comes to nasty threats that is just the end of it!
For years MINI owners have put up with stickers in minis such as 100% free of bmw (funny to see one in a bmw owned mini 94-2001) true brit etc but when one MINI had 100% rusting rover free oh god the out cry from it was unbeliveable. If you can give but cant take then dont do it!
The idea of mini/MINI united not divided is designed to bring both communities together to enjoy the cars talk to each other etc. You do know that there is now a growing group of people that have the MINI and because of this either want or have brought a classic to restore or to drive and have both at shows, no thought not! plus many people worldwide are now getting the classic buzz from places where mini didnt sell well or not at all, no again thought not!
I have had the plesure of meeting many a famous person to do with the mini John Sheppard one of the minis design team with sir Alec himself. He informed me that Sir Alec hated the clubman mini when the front end changed and wanted nothing to do with it as it was not a mini as he had deisgned anymore, also John Rhoddes famous 60s race driver who in the interview for the new mini mag online that they had to hide any mods they did on their cars as Sir Alec hated any mods to the mini, in fact any mods to the mini made it not a mini to him anymore, so you could inclued any mini motorbike/honda engined car, and all the fancy mods done. So if its just proper mini only at shows then ony minis made up to the 70s and then ones made up to 94 before the sportspack was add should be at shows then!
Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:40 AM
So if its just proper mini only at shows then ony minis made up to the 70s and then ones made up to 94 before the sportspack was add should be at shows then!
If you want to be picky, we can also say that Sir Alec would turn in his grave to see what BMW have done to his design so we can also safely say that the BINI would be off the invite list to any show.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:58 AM
Well according to mr shepard and mr rhoddes Sir Alec would have been happy with the MINI but maybe not on the size.So if its just proper mini only at shows then ony minis made up to the 70s and then ones made up to 94 before the sportspack was add should be at shows then!
If you want to be picky, we can also say that Sir Alec would turn in his grave to see what BMW have done to his design so we can also safely say that the BINI would be off the invite list to any show.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 05:35 AM
Well according to mr shepard and mr rhoddes Sir Alec would have been happy with the MINI but maybe not on the size.So if its just proper mini only at shows then ony minis made up to the 70s and then ones made up to 94 before the sportspack was add should be at shows then!
If you want to be picky, we can also say that Sir Alec would turn in his grave to see what BMW have done to his design so we can also safely say that the BINI would be off the invite list to any show.
If he hated any mod to the mini how could he have liked the MINI, and it's not as though the size isn't really much i'm sure he could have forgotten about that... i find it very hard to believe that he'd have liked it given what you said above.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:35 AM
sorry but thats nothing to the very abusive comments that go the other way, Try being a called names that you wouldnt hear on tv or threats of damage to cars myself and others have have, then come back to memy experience of MINI drivers:
MINI owner: is that yours?
me: yes
MINI owner: why have you got that? couldnt you afford a proper one?
me: I have got a proper one, why have you got that? cant you handle a real car?
MINI owner: *laughs* but seriously, wouldnt you rather have one of these? they're so much better
me: errrr no......
so until someone persuades me otherwise, sorry. its an alright car, but its not a mini.
like i said, thats my experience of MINI owners, i've never been abusive or threatening to one. Sorry if you think thats "nothing" but you asked what I think, and thats it. disregard it if you want, not fussed.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:45 AM
As Dave as already said this is nothing to do with BMW/MINI I formed the facebook group as a classic Mini owner who is fed up with all the problems 3 of my friedns have MINI's and they have all been damaged at some point to me this is crimial damage sadly the ulprits were never cuaght. When I started going to shows about 15 years ago they were fun places to be in the last few years they have lost most of their appeal it is nothing to do with MINI's attending shows its the minority of classic owners who appear have nothing better to do then cuase upset to other people just becuase they drive a MINI. I got so fed up with it all I even considerd selling my Mini's and leaving the Mini/MINI scene I for one am glad BMW have kept the Mini name alive or I wouldn't have my 1999 Sports Pack which is my pride and joy. I have driven 2 MINI and they were both fantastic to drive and were very similar to the Mini yes there bigger but they are also safer more reliable (yes the early gen ones had problems but then again my 1999 classic ended up back in the garage 3 days after I picked it up so I think a few teething probelms with a completly new car can be expected if ROver could iorn out problems in a 40 year old design!!!) Yes BMW were heavy handed with how they dealt with traders etc but they issued a apolagy at last years IMM so surely it is now time to forget the past troubles and get on with it As has been said prevously when the clubman was luanched round nose Mini owners didn't like it but now the same with late coopers and sports packs.
As for people damaging Minis/MINI's at shows then if they're cuaght they should be banned form all shows why weather its a restored or unrestored classic or a new MINI they are someones pride and joy that they have spent a lot of their hard earned money on and to have it damaged by some midless idiot is completly unacceptable and people who do such things can not be true fans of such a great Marque
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Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:54 AM
I think this is a case to " agree to disagree "
Im keeping the topic open as at the moment we are still in the healthy debate mode , lets keep it that way
Posted 08 September 2010 - 09:08 AM

Whichever side of the MINI/Mini debate you agree with, these Mini/MINI topics on TMF always seem to be very popular with both sides and looking at the numbers, if nothing else they get a lot of people posting and viewing the threads!!
Posted 08 September 2010 - 09:34 AM
in 40 years time when the MINI has become a classic and therefore earned its name.
Does anybody seriously think this will happen ?
I probably wont be around in 40 years time but i dont !
Posted 08 September 2010 - 10:21 AM
Just to add to what Stroker said, it's a bit like a lamb going into the wolves den and saying hey can't we just be friends, we all know it won't happen, it's worth a try but i think it's best to agree to disagree.
Edited by cagy, 08 September 2010 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 08 September 2010 - 10:25 AM
Best picture of the Mini United sticker I have seen so far 'DowntonMini'.............it looks really good, it will be good to know that if you see one of these displayed on a Mini or MINI at a show that you will get a friendly wave back!
Whichever side of the MINI/Mini debate you agree with, these Mini/MINI topics on TMF always seem to be very popular with both sides and looking at the numbers, if nothing else they get a lot of people posting and viewing the threads!!
Thanks mab01uk I always wave at all Mini/MINI's normally with MINI's they wave back even if they look a little conffused!!
Posted 08 September 2010 - 10:34 AM
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