Mini/mini United Not Divided
Posted 07 September 2010 - 07:10 AM
Many people are moaning that there are to many new minis at show well people get your cars out and show them off, there are hundreds of great little minis out there that we would love to see.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 07:25 AM

I think things are slowly changing in the UK too, as the new MINI gets older and cheaper secondhand and more Mini/MINI enthusiasts from both sides are either owning both types or accept the two communities can thrive and get on together and be far stronger united then apart in the long term.
How do I buy a Mini/MINI United sticker to display?
'dave585' there is an interesting discussion on the 'Minifinity' forum about the growing ownership of MINI's as a daily driver by classic Mini owners (see link below) so it may be worth you posting details there also:
Edited by mab01uk, 07 September 2010 - 07:42 AM.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 09:35 AM
The BMW MINI might be a good car,but a Mini its not.It has its own magazine,so let it have its own clubs and shows.It had no place at Uttoxeter and it should have no place at Lutterworth.
Edited by miniman44, 07 September 2010 - 09:38 AM.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 09:47 AM
Its probably only in this country, but its still happening.
I also second everything else miniman44 has said.
Dave, as a MINI owner, i respect you as you have the right view, and wish all MINI owners would act like you, rather than the BMW owners normal way.
I get that allot of BMW MINI owners have no idea about the connection to the classic, or are just not interested, but it does not give them the right to say its ******* and shouldn't be aloud on the road which is what i hear quite a bit around where i live.
Good luck with the campaign, but unfortuantly, i wont be joining untill i see the MINI community being more welcoming to the classic.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 09:59 AM
With the bini owners i find they can be arrogant about some parts of the classic, also their attiude shows that they want to take over (could be comletely wrong here) . Also they usually have better stand places at some shows as in himley and also at uttoexter. i run my mini club and its only classic minis and hornets/elfs, becuase i have had bad experiences with people with binis.
Im not taring every bini owner with the brush and that, but id rather it just be a classics show and then different one for the binis, as i find the concours a complete joke with the new minis.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 10:29 AM
When the BMW clubs openly invite us to their shows, they are welcome at ours, at the moment, they have there own shows and wont let the classics in, and then gate crash ours, and complain when we dont want them at ours.
Its probably only in this country, but its still happening.
I also second everything else miniman44 has said.
Dave, as a MINI owner, i respect you as you have the right view, and wish all MINI owners would act like you, rather than the BMW owners normal way.
I get that allot of BMW MINI owners have no idea about the connection to the classic, or are just not interested, but it does not give them the right to say its ******* and shouldn't be aloud on the road which is what i hear quite a bit around where i live.
Good luck with the campaign, but unfortuantly, i wont be joining untill i see the MINI community being more welcoming to the classic.
I own a classic Mini and I recently attended Notts Mini Club 2 Day Invassion of Wales I was the only classic on the run but I was made to feel very welcome.
I am sick of the stupid its not a MINI comments I also find the stickers such as true brit no german "£$% offensive the new MINI's are built in OXFORD ENGLAND do people class Jaguar Landf Rover, Aston Martin, Bentley or ROlls as foriegn no they don't so why the MINI. Our club accepts both and 3 of my closest friends own new MINI's after woning classics and needing a more reliable car for everyday use and not being able to afford to run 2 cars they choose the new MINI so they can still be involved. I attened MINI United last year and although there were more New MINI's then classics there were far more classic Mini traders there then New MINI traders. Maybe its time for everyone to stop benig so against each other and tried to get along Mini/MINI United Not Divided is the way forward or the Mini Scene wil slowly die the shows this year have indicated this every show seams to have been quiter then last.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 11:23 AM
Far too much elites crap to put up with.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 11:39 AM
Maybe its time for everyone to stop benig so against each other and tried to get along Mini/MINI United Not Divided is the way forward or the Mini Scene wil slowly die the shows this year have indicated this every show seams to have been quiter then last.
I think that's to do with current Economics not mini/MINI Politics...
Personally I don't like the MINI, but I don't care enough to rant about it either, I do also find concourse hillarious, "who's got the least stonechips" I personally am into classic cars as a whole, the MINI isn't in my eyes a classic so I don't look at them at shows, to me it's of no interest, feels a bit like you're walking around a showroom. I don't really like MAX POWER looking classic mini's either... but that's me.
I like it when MINI drivers turn up to a charity event to help raise money for a good cause, but I prefer not to drive directly behind them so I can see the road ahead and not have to keep braking.
I don't like some of the snobbery associated with some MINI owners, with them not including the classic mini in their shows, which if it wasn't for the mini and all it's history they clearly wouldn't exist... but then... I get really confused that BMW on their website are selling a MINI based on another car's pedigree, I guess I'll never understand, and don't care to give it much more thought.
New MINI owners are welcome in our MOC also.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 12:33 PM
New MINI day was for both cars yes more new turned up but the classics that turned up put on a good show and were very welcomed.
MINI UNITED 2009 was a massive 3 day event held over the bank holiday in may, it was held at silverstone with live concerts from Calvin Harris and Paul Weller. The show had driving expos for adults and kids, go karting trade stands plus you could have taken your mini on the track as many times has you wanted in between the racing from the mini 7s JCW challenge etc. 99% of the classics which turned up were from europe Germany,France,Poland plus Russia only 1% from the uk which for a big show in the 50th year was pretty poor by anyones standards. Instead of turning up many just sat behind there keyboards mouthing off about it! Even mini world turned up!
Next year there is a new show for both cars on the 26thjuly which would like classic to turn up and enjoy the fun, be interesting to see how many go.
Has for new mini owners attuide at shows is there any wonder why? being booed at spat at things thrown over cars and cars being damaged no wonder many are arsey. This is what we are trying to sort out and bring the two together an oilive branch as such. but it seems many people have still got a bee in their bonnets and that will never change which is a big shame.
You know what i think its time to get rid of my MINI cancel the classic restortation i have got planned for 2011 and buy a corsa/astra vxr of a ford rs or may be a jap car. Fed up with the whole thing now!!
Posted 07 September 2010 - 12:56 PM
There will always be those on both sides that stir up hate, let them. if they cant move on then fine, just keep promoting the United theme and i think things will slowly begin to change.
its time to start taking things less seriously and just enjoy our automobiles, no matter what shape or size! ( well apart from saxos, i mean c'mon, theres a limit

Posted 07 September 2010 - 12:58 PM
JB is having her pre winter service so I arrived on The Angel and had to park in the non Mini area.A friend from Wales is slowly re-building her Mini so got a lift in a Corsa,they had to park in the same place.But where were the BMWs.
The Angel would,I'm sure,have come 3rd in the loudest Mini competition,but she wouldn't have been allowed in.I know a guy whose trike would have been well placed in the sound off.Gotterdammerung at full volume,especially going through a tunnel,is something to be heard.
Psst.I've heard a rumour that Renault are after the Elf and Hornet names,but maybe thats just a LFP I hear.
On further thought,I would have gone to Lutterworth Sunday,but as a mate said,State pension divided by petrol = not enough cash.lol.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 01:36 PM
All the grey minis were the gp club uk, they were there rasing maoney for cancer reserch after gp mike who was big in the mini world died this year with cancer.I apologise for this morning,maybe I went a bit OTT,yet.Yet if all the BMWs had been removed from the Mini parking area,club stands and the show proper,it would have looked a tad empty.Can someone tell me,how many MINI's were there in that clever,Study in Grey.
JB is having her pre winter service so I arrived on The Angel and had to park in the non Mini area.A friend from Wales is slowly re-building her Mini so got a lift in a Corsa,they had to park in the same place.But where were the BMWs.
The Angel would,I'm sure,have come 3rd in the loudest Mini competition,but she wouldn't have been allowed in.I know a guy whose trike would have been well placed in the sound off.Gotterdammerung at full volume,especially going through a tunnel,is something to be heard.
Psst.I've heard a rumour that Renault are after the Elf and Hornet names,but maybe thats just a LFP I hear.
On further thought,I would have gone to Lutterworth Sunday,but as a mate said,State pension divided by petrol = not enough cash.lol.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 01:43 PM
Posted 07 September 2010 - 02:15 PM
Classic mini owners are welcome to come to shows. Many events ask for classics to turn up but instead of going and showing it seems many people would prefer to sit behind a keyboard and moan!
New MINI day was for both cars yes more new turned up but the classics that turned up put on a good show and were very welcomed.
MINI UNITED 2009 was a massive 3 day event held over the bank holiday in may, it was held at silverstone with live concerts from Calvin Harris and Paul Weller. The show had driving expos for adults and kids, go karting trade stands plus you could have taken your mini on the track as many times has you wanted in between the racing from the mini 7s JCW challenge etc. 99% of the classics which turned up were from europe Germany,France,Poland plus Russia only 1% from the uk which for a big show in the 50th year was pretty poor by anyones standards. Instead of turning up many just sat behind there keyboards mouthing off about it! Even mini world turned up!
Next year there is a new show for both cars on the 26thjuly which would like classic to turn up and enjoy the fun, be interesting to see how many go.
Has for new mini owners attuide at shows is there any wonder why? being booed at spat at things thrown over cars and cars being damaged no wonder many are arsey. This is what we are trying to sort out and bring the two together an oilive branch as such. but it seems many people have still got a bee in their bonnets and that will never change which is a big shame.
You know what i think its time to get rid of my MINI cancel the classic restortation i have got planned for 2011 and buy a corsa/astra vxr of a ford rs or may be a jap car. Fed up with the whole thing now!!
I respect what your trying to do and good luck. However Mini United was a corporate run show by BMW. A lot of people are still very peed off by BMW lawyers and the way they have thrown their weight about.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 02:39 PM
I think this is a good idea. I'd rather have a new MINI, in its current design on our roads, tracks and on all surfaces as it returns to International Rallying next year than no Mini at all.

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