hi all got a bit of a update plastic coated a few more bits before i went on holiday didn't get time to post up. while i was on holiday i got reading the bible
the carbration section really caught my eye so i thought ill give that a go so yesterday o started to strip a spare HS4 i had in the garage, i slimmed down the throttle shaft to 0.170 of a inch or there about chamfered the piston edges off took the dremel to the carb elbow and replaced the wax stat with 3p if only everything could be as cheap to sort out
. i finished off the carb earlier and fitted it to the car took it out for a run and it made a huge difference was running a little rich to start off with changed the needle took it out again still felt good but was even worse, i managed to gas out the garage by just parking in front of it
. so i left it for today ill have another tinker tomorrow. OH and i thought the head gasket had blown as well as it was leaking water out the area that the coil bracket mounts in the end it was the head nut wasn't tight enough form when i plastic coated the bracket
. anyway here's a few pics of coating and carb
plastic coated
looks better than rusted ends
vizard carb
shaft before (if pic is not too blured)
rebuilt can see how one half of the shaft looks now
carb elbow ported
minght just be able to see the piston edge is chamfered
all other pics are too blured dont know why thanks for looking any opinions welcome Liam