Did a little preliminary tuning and set the jet to give 3.8% CO, later tuned down a little as it seemed run a bit smoother leaner. Still have no idea if it will drive alright and have any power under load, all things to have fun with later down the line. For the moment though it starts first time from cold and is noticeably more responsive at 'blipping' from idle than the Stromberg was. I do like an SU

I've also slightly revised the fuel line under the bonnet and found a bit of hose to fit to the overflow valve so it doesn't spill over the manifold :goodideasign: fitted a cheapie crankcase breather filter to lose the breather pipe with the K&N (still not a permanent feature). Modified the choke cable to fit well to the SU and linked it all up, works a dream. Still need to sort the throttle cable and do a little rewiring for the live on the coil.
I've also been playing about with steering wheels but have settled on the HPF wheel that Jon was selling. Postman gave it to me today (thanks Jon) and have to say I'm very happy with it, looks great. Will try to recover it with leather to match the bits Jon already did, will see what I can do about the tired Griffin badge, and am considering painting the spokes satin black as per original plans, but the gloss has really grown on me. Plenty of time until the interior goes back in anyway

Tomorrow I might even get around to stripping the rust and treating the drivers floor pan, like I planned to do weeks ago.