Just to find out who would be intrested in going to the London to Brighton run in
may next year (I know its a long way away but the staff need to start thinking
about things like this now lol) and then maybe having a stand for the mini forum.
Ok heres the site which tells you about it all
The london-to-brighton mini run 2004
This is the sort things they have planned for the day
london-to-brighton run 2004
Sunday 16 May – The big Day
5.30am Gate re open at Crystal Palace
6.30am Registration opens at booking-in desk – Time to collect your run packs folks
8.30am Drivers briefing – All drivers to attend
8.45am Concourse leaves
9.00am 19th London to Brighton Mini Run is started
11.00am Onwards – Arrival at Maderia Drive
11.30am Gymkhana Starts. This is open to all except show n shine and display stands. Gain pass from LSMOC stand
12.00 midday Sound off starts
1pm Show N Shine Judging starts. You MUST be with your car, with your judging form otherwise your car wont be marked.
3pm Show N Shine Judging finishes
3.45pm Gymkhana closes
4pm Presentation of awards at LSMOC Stand
5pm Event Finishes