Received the "Used Good" steering column inner shaft just before lunch.
I think "used good" is Swahili for "rusted to feck but might be OK".
Anyway, I spent an hour or more removing the worst of the corrosion and as the splines on both ends were fine It has been installed.
Slackened the rack U-Bolts and began the dance of despair working at arms length with a thing that's about as easy to aim as an angry cat.
More by luck than judgement I am sure, I managed to get the alignment right first go and the nip-up bolt slid in place easily.
Don't you just love doing up that bolt 1/16th of a turn at a time in the that little panel recess?
Column all fully re-secured and then the rack U-Bolts done up again.
Amazingly.... now when you move the wheel by just a smidge the wheels begin to turn. Not the 10-15 degrees required before.