What Did You Do To Your Mini Today
Posted 27 April 2023 - 10:13 PM
On the negative side. Found a bit of grease on the clutch bolt.
Adjusted the rear toe. But there might be issues on the nearside so a little roadtest to see how it feels is next
Posted 03 May 2023 - 10:01 AM
Dropped it at the garage for a full service, tappet adjustments and potentially fit a hi-lo kit.
Posted 03 May 2023 - 12:18 PM
Took the saloon out for a run with the AEM A/F meter fitted. It turns out the mixtures are just about spot on,.The meter does show how the mixture can vary from rich to weak and back from second to second during transition phases from lift off to throttle up.
Posted 04 May 2023 - 04:15 PM
Dropped it at the garage for a full service, tappet adjustments and potentially fit a hi-lo kit.
Got it back from the garage today. Full service carried out and the tappets adjusted. Sounds a million times better now. Also, had the high-lo kit fitted and finally have the correct ride height I've been after for a while, to which I just haven't got round to.
However, slight play was picked up on the water pump and a slight mist. Nothing major but may need changing in the future. They're cheap enough anyway so if it does go i'll do it.
Posted 04 May 2023 - 09:33 PM
Posted 05 May 2023 - 02:08 PM
finally got round to sorting the last few niggling jobs on my mini before the London to Brighton run in a few weeks time, Its had new tires all round as the old ones were from 2000 and 2005 and starting to crack. I have also finally sorted out the temperature sensor not reading, as others on here advised the manifold coolant pipes were blocked, after finally getting the hoses off, i set to work with a drill slowly hand turning the hardened crud out so i could then flush it all through with the hose. Refitted everything, topped up the coolant and taken for a test drive, and how have a working temp gauge, and the engine is running a lot better as well.
Posted 07 May 2023 - 05:41 PM
Had my mini on show with TMF at this years Himley Hall Mini show. Great day!
Posted 07 May 2023 - 08:36 PM
Finally got my kit from RCL Frames, and fully intend to put in a CGA3DE into my Innocenti before IMM.
I can dream.
Posted 14 May 2023 - 06:18 PM
Clutch needed replacing so bit the bullet and ordered a MED Verto Stg 2.
It is a 1990 Cooper so master cylinder sits right where you don't want it, so decided to remove it to make life easier.
I was expecting a bloodbath but to be fair the old flywheel came off relatively easy and even the oil seal (which was leaking very badly) came off OK.
However, had to call it a day as no loctite and would prefer a new flywheel bolt so putting together a mini spares order tonight.
Roll on next weekend and hopefully have it back together again.
Posted 15 May 2023 - 05:55 PM
Posted 15 May 2023 - 06:35 PM
Had a great time, weekend just gone, camping and zipping the mini around the excellent roads of North Wales with similar folk.
Edited by RichMPiBlue, 15 May 2023 - 06:35 PM.
Posted 16 May 2023 - 10:05 PM
Posted 19 May 2023 - 07:53 PM

Posted 21 May 2023 - 07:01 PM
Picked up a few bits at Brighton:
A couple of Yokohama 165/70 H10s
Couple of Minifins
A replacement N/S Rear lens
Roof trim clip
Here are a couple for Spider:
Attached Files
Posted 22 May 2023 - 03:43 PM
Replaced the seals in the clutch master cylinder. AAARRRRGGGHH Got the split pin and pin out without too much trouble after removing the front seats, the column and the heater/air pipes, but I had to make up a special clamp/holder to get the new pin back in and opening the new split pin was a nightmare. The fork needed a bit of welding to make the hole round again. The bloke who put them in at the factory must have been paid well and been a contortionist to boot.
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