after just a few days of using him the urge for more modification just grew stronger lol 1st up was to upgrade the brakes and suspension so a set of alloy 4pots,discs,pads and a spax coilover kit was the first of many mods to be made.

while in the 2008 castle coombe show i spotted a set of lamps that took my fancy so home they came with me.a mate of mine fabricated a lamp bar for me and the lamps were sprayed to match the car then fitted

next up was to fit a rear roll cage.this was the first cage i have ever fitted to a mini and a lot of lessons were learned that day lol

ooops forgot to mention that a month or so after buying vini i had to replace the crank and clutch.the guy i bought it off had replaced the big end bearings but hadnt shimmed the crank end floated correctly and killed the crank beyond any repair so a donor engine was sourced for a bottom end rebuild. to be fair to vini this is the only engine work he has had since i bought him.