Now the time has come to get Flo back on the road. I decided to sort out a few areas had been bugging me, the plan was to fit 2 new outer sills, the N/S door skin, sort out a little area of bubbling on the bonnet, a few little dents, change the wheel arches, and fit a new interior. However things are never as simple as they may first appear..

Somehow I managed to wangle some space in a workshop, so yesterday I went and picked up the mini from it's winter hiding place. Started first time, not bad after 6 months sitting! I drove it into the garage and jacked it up, ready to attack the O/S sill.
Looks pretty innocent..

Nasty sill

So I cut off the sill, to find lots of rust waiting for me inside..

Something tells me I need an inner sill

At least the rear didn't look too bad..

After a bit of digging, I realised the floor pan needed attention as well..

And the flitch looked suspicious too..

I cleaned up the reverse, and found a big plate.. I'm quite ashamed to admit that I think I did this when I first got the car, and had justed started in a bodywork garage.. although it was so long ago I can't actually remember.

So I cut out the rust on the floor pan

Made and tacked in a plate

And the same with the flitch

Cut out the rusted section of the inner sill

Made a new inner sill and welded it in