so you think this topic i started doesn't have enough links and technical info on it
if you know of any other sources of info or discussions on this topic post them up, the more info about this topic out there the more people can read up before they start a project .
No, This topic has the right information for the points you have raised but I feel we have to have a general post with much information covering common mini aspects like flip fronts and common mods.
You do a great job Bungle and I wish more people understood the IVA like you do but sadly they dont, yet still offer advice to others and thats where the problems start.
Is there anyway of starting an info only thread and maybe putting a link to contact you for further information if people just cant get the information they understand from DVLA/Vosa?
I dont really know the whole answer to this issue the forum is having on this topic but I do feel stopping bad advice is a good thing.

Edited by garrett3, 29 January 2011 - 10:45 AM.