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Weld Up Those Bulkheads Or Face An Iva Test

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#346 garrett3


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 10:43 AM

so you think this topic i started doesn't have enough links and technical info on it

if you know of any other sources of info or discussions on this topic post them up, the more info about this topic out there the more people can read up before they start a project .

No, This topic has the right information for the points you have raised but I feel we have to have a general post with much information covering common mini aspects like flip fronts and common mods.

You do a great job Bungle and I wish more people understood the IVA like you do but sadly they dont, yet still offer advice to others and thats where the problems start.

Is there anyway of starting an info only thread and maybe putting a link to contact you for further information if people just cant get the information they understand from DVLA/Vosa?

I dont really know the whole answer to this issue the forum is having on this topic but I do feel stopping bad advice is a good thing.

Cheers :w00t:

Edited by garrett3, 29 January 2011 - 10:45 AM.

#347 wolfie


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 01:16 PM

very good write up here http://www.theminifo...howtopic=137011

Thats a good link

I dont understand why there has to be so many threads on the subject when theres a good link like that.

Just want to point out Bungle i am not personally attacking you if its come accross as that i apologise i know i am to blunt sometimes.

#348 Bungle


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 02:34 PM

it would be nice if another member could do a similar guide after fitting a turbo box etc

#349 mini-geek


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 11:15 PM

I have a couple of questions regarding this now.... I'm looking at getting a fiberglass shell and rebuilding my mini into that,, will that mean I have to go on a Q plate or can it be the donor mini's reg?

#350 Tupers


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 11:27 PM

I have a couple of questions regarding this now.... I'm looking at getting a fiberglass shell and rebuilding my mini into that,, will that mean I have to go on a Q plate or can it be the donor mini's reg?

Yes you will end up on a Q plate.

#351 mini-geek


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 11:30 PM

dam didn't want that to happen! why are there all these kit cars that have age related plates off the donor car then? how do they do it?

#352 Ethel


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Posted 03 February 2011 - 01:46 AM

Not necessarily, you need to look at the DVLA's online info.

If you build up a new kitcar from one existing donor you get an age related plate. It's called a kit conversion http://www.direct.go...cle/DG_10014246

I'd be surprised if anyone has actually been through IVA yet because of a flip front or bulkhead butchery. I very much doubt they'd do it voluntarily.

The DVLA may decide such mods cost a car its identity (and V5), but the reason it's all a bit of a farce is the IVA test wouldn't look at those mods any differently to a Mini that's standard in those areas.

It's stories from anyone who's had a run in with the DVLA over modifications to their Mini that we really want. Maybe someone has repaired a write off with a flip front & then taken it for a VIC?

#353 mini-geek


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Posted 03 February 2011 - 03:08 PM

Ok I kind of understand that. Just a shame that I'm using so much of the cars stuff but I can't keep the reg.

So if it's a Q plate it won't say mini on the reg doc? But will that mean insurance is cheeper?

#354 ibrooks


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Posted 03 February 2011 - 03:21 PM

dam didn't want that to happen! why are there all these kit cars that have age related plates off the donor car then? how do they do it?

You won't get a Q-plate by doing what you've described and for exactly the same reasons that all those kit-cars get an age related plate.

You will NOT get the current Mini's identity because the new shell is not of the same design and construction as the original. To do this you would have to use a heritage shell or find a provably new old stock Rover shell and the car wouldn't have to go though IVA at all. Kit cars did once-upon-a-time get the donor car's registration but that ended long before even SVA appeared.

If you use bits from several different donor cars then yes you will get a Q.

You have stated that you want to transfer all the parts from the existing car to the GRP shell. That makes it a kit car using a Mini donor vehicle. So long as it has a single donor vehicle you will get an age related plate showing the same age as the donor vehicle. What you wouldn't get if you used a pre '73 car is the tax exempt status despite the reg pate still looking like the car is that age.


#355 Bungle


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:18 AM


#356 Lee_bash


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 10:52 AM

Putting that into simple terms, are not allowed to mod cars in anyway? Or is it just that if we do, they need to pass a test to say they're safe?

#357 Ethel


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 11:23 AM

Sent to my MEP's via http://www.writetothem.com/write

Please oppose this proposal.


It jeopardises the legitimate activities of thousands or motor enthusiasts, that also generates millions of pounds in the UK economy. There is no social value in compelling motorists to keep their vehicles in strictly original condition and modifications & improvements have always been allowed, within the bounds of the current construction and use regulations.

There is already adequate legislation in the UK administered by the DVLA and VOSA - MoT's, IVA.

Do you really wish to make it illegal for us to fit seatbelts to cars that didn't have them as original equipment; improve vehicle lighting, brakes & suspension to make vehicles safer?

This legislation is likely to be incompatible with Article 7 of ECHR in many cases and will cause chaos for those charged with enforcing it, if it is passed.

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