Grp Sprint Hayabusa
Posted 25 June 2010 - 04:13 PM
Just to keep you up to speed
things will be a bit slow as not working at this time
so as soon as I get another job its full steam ahead
wish me luck.
Front sub frame all built up, Im sure you have seen this before
Rgards Ben
Posted 31 July 2010 - 02:25 PM
Chris sent me a photo of the 209 Busa engine
in the chassis

Posted 26 October 2010 - 02:49 PM
for a short while to work and get my project when I
return, it loooks great and cant wait to get my hands on it
some of my freinds are going to give me a hand to set things up
as I mite return to Aus at a later date and mite take me away from
the project, thank god for freinds.
Regards Ben.
Posted 22 November 2010 - 10:37 AM
My Name is Ben,
I live in Dunoon Scotland, and I have just asked Chris to make me a Sprint grp Body and get it ready to fit
a hayabusa that will be fitted with a all out Turbo, the grp shell gell coat will be lime green all other panels will
be carbon,
cant wait to get my hands on, as always working away from home,
if any one is building one in Scotland drop me a line, if you need help doing your project.
Regards Ben
Hi Ben, Did you get the car all finished, collected, tried and tested ?
I've built one but not with zcars frame etc.. made my own spaceframe, used metal shell, busa turbo..
Took wheels brakes etc off my hot rod.. 13 x 10 etc
Built it to race in scottish saloons but apparently have banned spaceframed cars for 2011 so will probably have to sell it and build/buy something else.. ;-(
Posted 19 December 2010 - 09:51 AM
My Name is Ben,
I live in Dunoon Scotland, and I have just asked Chris to make me a Sprint grp Body and get it ready to fit
a hayabusa that will be fitted with a all out Turbo, the grp shell gell coat will be lime green all other panels will
be carbon,
cant wait to get my hands on, as always working away from home,
if any one is building one in Scotland drop me a line, if you need help doing your project.
Regards Ben
Hi Ben, Did you get the car all finished, collected, tried and tested ?
I've built one but not with zcars frame etc.. made my own spaceframe, used metal shell, busa turbo..
Took wheels brakes etc off my hot rod.. 13 x 10 etc
Built it to race in scottish saloons but apparently have banned spaceframed cars for 2011 so will probably have to sell it and build/buy something else.. ;-(
just packing my bags to fly home,
leaving the island of new caledonia to Australia and connection Bancock then to heathrow,
then Glasgow, hearing the weather is bad at home to go collect my Kit,
No my Engine is in the frame and still needs to be built, as been busy at work
I will have to wait till the weather breaks to go collect it as Chris says the weather
in Hull is bad.
just have to enjoy xmas first before going down to Hull when the weather is better.
hope you sort out another project.
Regards Ben.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 09:43 PM
just packing my bags to fly home,
leaving the island of new caledonia to Australia and connection Bancock then to heathrow,
then Glasgow, hearing the weather is bad at home to go collect my Kit,
My brother was working in new caledonia a couple of months ago, he's currently in Thailand waiting to go back, small world
Posted 21 December 2010 - 08:16 PM
Posted 16 January 2011 - 09:42 PM
Hi Gang got my Kit home at last minus my Wheels and tyres, nice Wheels but my tyres were not thereWhat job was he doing over there.
when I arrived at z cars o well just have to get on till they arrive, just as I get my Kit I have to go to Dundee
to do a job just my luck as I want to get stuck into the Kit.
I will keep you all posted as time goes by on the Build.
Regards Ben.
Posted 17 January 2011 - 02:07 PM
Posted 17 January 2011 - 07:31 PM
I WILL TAKE SOME AS SOON AS I GET HOME, HOPE THIS JOB IS SHORTPictures would be nice - everyone loves pictures...............
Regards Ben.
Posted 18 January 2011 - 03:29 PM
I see that your next project will a Sprint like mine, I see you done a very high build standard on youPictures would be nice - everyone loves pictures...............
Mine will have no thrills, as I will be moniriting weight and funcsion on all parts going into my Project
Standard 209 Hayabusa, run it for a while to get used to it and fettle Suspension ect, then all out Turbo
it will be good to see yours and mine next to each other at some time in the futur.
as it will be interesting to see 2 space frame Grp Sprints maxed out for the Street
Regards bendion58
Posted 20 January 2011 - 09:03 AM
Posted 20 January 2011 - 01:41 PM
OK I look forward to seing it on the forum when you get startedI am going to be using a steel sheel, well only the very bare minimum of steel shell, I have already got the shell from Vtecmini2 (Cheers John if your reading this). My layout will be totally different to yours with mine being LHD for a starters. Once I start tog et my teeth into the design of it I'll post a diary in the Motorbike engined part of the forum as its not a Zcar frame.
Posted 11 February 2011 - 10:53 PM
OK I look forward to seing it on the forum when you get startedI am going to be using a steel sheel, well only the very bare minimum of steel shell, I have already got the shell from Vtecmini2 (Cheers John if your reading this). My layout will be totally different to yours with mine being LHD for a starters. Once I start tog et my teeth into the design of it I'll post a diary in the Motorbike engined part of the forum as its not a Zcar frame.
At long last got my Kit home, yeehaaa
I never thought all the stuff would take up so much of my Garage Space,
So Better get get stuck in eh, and try and get the all in 1 Bulkhead and foor Bolted in to place
as it blocks acess around the Kit, what a pain
o well better get back to Garage.
Some more photos soon.
Regards Ben.
Posted 01 April 2011 - 06:07 PM
to get on with the project, but I will try and get some photos to you when I get home guys.
Happy building those who are are builds.
Regards Ben.
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