Update from 21/9/2010 not been on here a while but progress has been made!
Alpine Ida x001 headunit
Focal k2 Power 16.5cm mid bass
Focal k2 power 4cm tweeters

Focal k2 power crossovers
and the beast
ORION HCCA 10" 4000watts sub! (4" excursion)
Running on a vibe black box 1 2500watt amp,
4awg wire
60amp fuse
soon to have two batterys with switch relays
New alternator to go on a A561 Ford Granada Scorpio Sierra 89-94 Alternator 90amp
(then upgrade wires from amp)

So ive been doing alot of homework on getting all my sound system sorted, ive done all the work myself so far of which im very proud of, As you guys know the focals have been in the rear shelf for over 6months now and there pumping great the woffers are worn in real nice and the excursion is amazing, worked on my headunit it is now all carpeted and nicely center of where the heater should be. (upload pictures on a later date)
Anyways good new i have brought everything i need so far, today i got my sub woffer box cut to size im using 1inch thick mdf i was working on measurement for over an hour to try and get the perfect hz cubic feet volume right for this woffer, all is done and i have a big job of putting it all together tomorrow.
Im going to post a tread of how i built this and keep u guys posted!
Attached Files
Edited by PartySausage, 21 September 2010 - 02:25 AM.