Liking the work and panel fabrication very nice. Be careful when you get your door step panels, the ones iv'e had so far have needed a lot of work to make them fit. Seeing as you have got access to a folder have a go at making your own which is what i wish i had done but hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Thanks for the kind words. I had thought about making my own step sill but the bends are to close together to do on our folder so I'll have to buy one.
Your metal work is great. I love all the pictures aswell as it give a good idea of what i need to do when starting to fix my rusty bits.
Repairing rust really isn't that hard as long as you've got a game plan and take your time. The trickiest part for me is the welding but I'm getting pretty good now.
I started this morning by tacking the new scuttle section onto the car.

Once I was happy with where it was positioned I welded along the length of the repair and down into the channel.

Last of all I attacked it the the grinder and then switched to a flap disc and got it all lovely and smooth.

I of course need an O.S wing but there's no way I was going to fork out the £85 for a new one so I dug out the front end that I've had for the past 6 years.

I thought it was going to be a lot of work to get the wing off but they had obviously been replaced at some point and brazed on instead of welded. This meant that the brazed joints could just the heated up the the oxy and popped off. Dad the heating while I held the panels steady as things tend to go horribly wrong when I use the oxy.

The joins inside the wing where a bit harder to do but still easier than drilling and grinding welds.

So after 20 minutes of heating , flexing and scraping I've got two really good wings, a front panel that needs a bit of work but is pretty good and 6/8ths of a slam panel.

The only thing I had to do was grind off the plug brazes.

I also linished all the surface rust off the back of the wing and red oxided the whole thing to try and save myself some work once it's fitted.

The last thing I did today was make a repair section for the end of the scuttle and weld it in.

Tomorrow I'm going to make a scuttle closing panel and weld that in and hopefully make a start on welding the the new/old wing on.
Edited by Tupers, 12 May 2010 - 08:26 PM.