want to do the same to my estate rear floor?
Hey if you want to bring it down we can do whatever you want to it.
lol looks brilliant mate! top work as usual! wish i had a workshop to do my cars in, only got a poxy gravel drive!
Having a fully equipped shop to work in helps, as does having a Dad who's worked on Minis for over 26 years straight.
Liking the fab work a lot

Thanks, I love doing this kind of stuff it's much more fun than just cutting out rust.
so much grinding! nice work.
Don't remind me I'm trying to put it off for as long as possible.
I did a bit of CAD and made a template up for the recess in the seat frame.

Once I was happy with the template I cut 5 pieces of steel to from the recess and welded them together.

Here it is fully welded after being cleaned up on the wire wheel.

I welded the new piece to the seat frame and would you believe it it all clears.

I thought I'd also bolt on the seat back as a final check.

I actually think it looks better now with the centre pulled in.

Tomorrow I'm gunna have a look and see if I can find a pair of Metro clasps to hold the seat back up and figure out how to mount them to the body.