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Mini For First Car, Insurance ? Help, R U 17, What Are You Paying, Where And What Engine/upgrades Do You Have

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#16 ste88


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 02:54 PM

i'm with footman james, i'm 21 but was 20 when i passed my test (august 09), got insured as 3rd party, fire and theft on a 1972 mini 1000 and i think it was about £700, fully comp was £950 i think.

#17 djdobson


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:07 PM

for my 998 i payed £1700 but it all to do with where you live also my insurance company bumped my premium up from 900 to that amount when i passed because they already had me in a policy. my advice is to insure the car once you have passed or else you may get bitten in the bum like i did.

my mate has a 1.3 spi and pays £2700 but it is a jap import.

stay standard for the first year is my advice

#18 mattso118


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:22 PM

Im with Footman James now, my quote was £375 3rd party fire and theft with a 5000 mile a year limit, or fully comp was £575 with no limit on the mileage, although i do live in a pretty quiet area, and peole keep saying they wont insure you under the age of 25 or whatever ... its not true, they wont give you an online quote but they will over the phone, I am 17 my car is a 1987 mayfair 998cc with a stage one and thats all, honestly give footman james a call they are always very helpfull...

#19 lindy119


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:34 PM

When I was 17 I had a look around most of the possible companies and found that the classic car insurers were far dearer than the general ones. So I ended up with Tesco on a quote of £1300 which was then reduced to £1000 with my Pass Plus (which was completely free for me).

But, they didn't reduce it one bit when I turned 18 but possibly because I've not actually been driving for a whole year yet. (only a week to go!!)

#20 mini-man-dan


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:40 PM

I've had a quote for my Pickup valued at £7000 with a 1275 engine declared for £1400. That was either Adrian Flux or Footman James, can't quite remember exactly!
Remember, TMF+ members get 15% off Adrian Flux and Sureterm insurance, but TMF+ is down at the mo so only existing members can get it.
Dan :D

#21 Foxy10


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:05 PM

im 17 an with footman james i pay £555 4 a 1980 998 mini with a non standard respray, exhaust changes, bucket seats, apolstry changes an a sports steering wheel. thats 3rd party, f+t and unlimited milage. :D

#22 Burnard


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:11 PM

Footman james quote for when ive passed my test was £800.
Adrian flux was £2000 including provisional.
Both will be cheaper with pass plus.

Thats on a 998 designer, which now looks like this, with a stage one kit:
Posted Image

Edited by Burnard, 05 January 2010 - 04:11 PM.

#23 leaky


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:24 PM

Im paying £1600.

998 pocketed block with a 1275 head, A stage one kit. Alloys, group 2 arches fully comp with unlimited. My access is also only £100 which was dumb. If I had put that to £500 I'm sure it would drop the price quite a bit.

I'v been calling around to see what I can get if for when mine runs out. With a 998 stage 3 head stage 1 kit. 4 pot 10"brake conversion and 10" wheels. Cobra classic seats and also told them about the sound system and that was about £1100 with 1 years NCB. I havnt done Pass plus yet but closer to the time I may do it depending if it will lower my insurance or not and not all companies will accept it. Again that was fully comp.

#24 luiji89


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:25 PM

17 standard mini city e 998 cc

fully comp £1000

#25 dazzul


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:11 PM

Im 18 but was 17 when i started. i got mine fully comp £1500 paying monthly with direct line, standard in high crime, just checked and there saying 1700 now.

#26 paul6266


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:14 PM

i had a 998 with a stage 1 kit alloys and std interior and that set me back £900ish from memory, footman james were the cheapest but just dont have a crash cus customer service is shocking

sorry that was fully comp too

#27 danieldavidgregory


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 05:30 PM

thanks for the reply`s everyone, really helpfull

will have a ring round tomoro.

#28 Pauly


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:12 PM

On my blue'n (998) at 18 it was around £420, on footman james with 1500 mile a year limited mileage. It going to cost me the same amount this year with my 1310 in it, it has come down but now im doing an engine change it will go back up to more or less where it was last year

Be aware that even though classic policys are really cheap they do have their downsides (not many though).

Car has to be 15 years or older
You can only have limited mileage which is 4500 max with footman james (can build up if its your daily drive, I do 6000 in my other mini)
You have to be with a mini club

Remember to declare any mods you do to the car aswell.

If you do a search theres loads of insurance threads.

#29 miniman24


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:30 PM

Footman James mate, quoted me £320 TPFT a year, but i live in the middle of nowhere, locked and alarmed garage, part of a mini club etc. Thats on a 998 stage 1 :D

#30 GTIAlex06


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:33 PM

Posted Image

1989 Mini City 998cc. Standard. £880 fully comp...5000 miles

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