Thanks 4 that, when you say standard, can you just explain to a newbie over here how i get one with alloys and sports arches and class it as standard what ones will i need.
just been talking to graham sykes and been told to defo go for a 1.0 or smaller, and stay away from coopers as there alot more.
owww dummy over here gets you now... is that a type or somthing lol............ links may help, Thanks
ok, to run you through it there are 4 more common engines in a mini, there are others though, but they arent as common:
998 carbed
1275 carbed
1275 SPI
1275 MPI
the carbed engines are the older engines, have a carburetor, and the SPI nd MPI are the more modern engines, injection engines, SPI is single point injection, and MPI is multi point injection (sometimes known as Twin Point Injection) the injection engines are the later ones, the sports pack coopers were the last of the minis, and are all MPI, unless they arent genuine sportspack minis! SPI were just before the MPI minis, and then all the earlier minis were carbed. The carb minis are easier to tune the engine, but arent as reliable in cold weather as they dont like starting as easy! but people like them because the engines are easier to tune.
Obviously the number is the CC of the engine, so 998 is basically 1L and 1275 1.3L
Edited by The_Mistro, 05 January 2010 - 02:03 PM.