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2010 Summer Eurotrip

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#16 floydrob


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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:37 PM

better just mention passengers will have to pay for their accomodation in barcelona in amsterdam, at its the only thing thats 'per person', but its only £50 or so for both.

then its at the drivers discression what else they pay for :blink: half the petrol, munchies & ferry? lol. and they can be the tri pod for the camera.

ma have to jiggle the route around a bit...as i just noticed porto-nantes is a 13hr drive and people on the VW forum are chickening out with their air cooled engines. might have to miss out portugal and just fire straight up through spain, but we can all decide nearer the time, or when we are in barcelona we can have a conflab to see the what every1 wants to do.

i am personall happy doing a 13 hr drive, but it will b a nightmare with overheating bug busses.and we'll end up missing the ferry home.

and JD, my mini is getting painted at the moment...it hansnt even got seats, a steering wheel, engine or front subframe in it at the moment! but i need it on the road by end of feb.

This looks like a better route...slightly shorter, cutting out Chzech Republic and sicily, but more time at the med and slows the pace down a bit so more time to stop and chill for lunch or whatever, last thng we want is to be stuck in our cars for 12hrs on a scorching hot day.

we can still stay at nurburg for a full day, but then we go to zurich instead of brno, and then have a relatively short drive the following day to davos, then stelvio over the pass, and have hours to kill on the way. so plenty of pictures, messing about and having another shot of the pass. :thumbsup:

Edited by floydrob, 30 December 2009 - 02:44 PM.

#17 floydrob


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Posted 22 January 2010 - 06:07 PM

anyone else interested? i'm pm'ing out the sponsor forms as we speak. it's a shame if no1 else comes. i've got a few from local clubs, and a few VW's coming too.

#18 cherryblossom


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Posted 22 January 2010 - 06:14 PM

sorry havent got back to you, been really busy at work and stuff.

i dont think ill be going as cant time off work :( but good luck tho :(

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