It's still pretty cold in there - Well, it would be, especially in this weather! So it's nice to have something to warm you up!

The central heating system is alot better now - The radiators actually work!

The hot water is amazingly hot, too!

Mr Kris went over to the house today - (I'm not feeling too well, so I stayed in the warm!

But we now have decent loft access!

Previously, the only access has been through a cupboard (!) in the bathroom - Which was most bizarre! Now, however, we have a decent size hatch in the landing ceiling! - Hopefully be able to get some insulation up there, now!
Talking of which...
We bought 14 rolls of insulation a couple of weeks ago!

Carbon-Neutral 170 insulation - A bargain at £5 a roll!!

But we couldn't take it for that, surely?

No - We got to the til and, for some reason, were only charged £2.50 each!

Anyways, K went up into the loft today and apparently it's absolutely HUGE! We weren't sure how much we'd get, considering the orientation and pitch of the roof ... but it's nice to know that space is up there!
I don't know if it's big enough to actually become a room, but for now, it's ever-useful storage space!

28 Days Later ... I know the one!

I think this is more like it though?

An asylum just on the Welsh border -

Unfortunately, probably flattened now - It was being knocked down to make way for a "leisure complex"