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Our First House!

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#76 Bean


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Posted 10 January 2010 - 10:20 PM

Oh, without a doubt! :)

It's still pretty cold in there - Well, it would be, especially in this weather! So it's nice to have something to warm you up! :)

The central heating system is alot better now - The radiators actually work! :) So that comes on twice a day, to try and get the chill off. There was a couple of places that it was damp, so hopefully now that the walls are stripped back, it will just draw that out a bit!

The hot water is amazingly hot, too! :)

Mr Kris went over to the house today - (I'm not feeling too well, so I stayed in the warm! :))...

But we now have decent loft access! :P

Previously, the only access has been through a cupboard (!) in the bathroom - Which was most bizarre! Now, however, we have a decent size hatch in the landing ceiling! - Hopefully be able to get some insulation up there, now!

Talking of which...

We bought 14 rolls of insulation a couple of weeks ago! :)

Carbon-Neutral 170 insulation - A bargain at £5 a roll!! :)

But we couldn't take it for that, surely? :o

No - We got to the til and, for some reason, were only charged £2.50 each! :P That's one way to insulate a loft for £35! :P

Anyways, K went up into the loft today and apparently it's absolutely HUGE! We weren't sure how much we'd get, considering the orientation and pitch of the roof ... but it's nice to know that space is up there!

I don't know if it's big enough to actually become a room, but for now, it's ever-useful storage space! :P

28 Days Later ... I know the one! :P Thanks! :P

I think this is more like it though? :(

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An asylum just on the Welsh border -

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Unfortunately, probably flattened now - It was being knocked down to make way for a "leisure complex" :dozing:

#77 mighty mini jack

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 12:18 AM

Yep thats more like it! :)

Reminds me alot of Brookenby R.A.F base i went to last year, 4 trips there every weekend, loved it!

#78 Udo


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Posted 11 January 2010 - 06:37 PM

I don't know if it's big enough to actually become a room, but for now, it's ever-useful storage space! :)

Good progress Bean.

My house is very similar in decoration style etc and is 1914 if it helps with your research at all, No celler in mine being on a flood plain thou!

Just a note on the quote above - please be careful how much stuff you put in the loft, in older house's the ceiling joists are there to simply hold the ceiling up which will probably be plaster and lath and if you start overloading it it will crack and then fall down. They aren't designed to carry a lot of weight as they arent structural. In modern houses with trussed roofs the ceiling joist tie the ends of the rafters together and so are structural.

I have a massive loft space so to get some use out of it I reinforced the ceiling joists with additional timbers screwed to the top of them which aslo allows a greater thickness of insulation before you get to the top of the joists (if that makes sense)

sorry if I seem to be negative but surveyor by trade

Oh nearly forgot , have you investigated the dining room floor anymore? is the celler below the dining room?

Seems odd that you have concrete then nothing. Next door to me (all timber ground floors) someone had concreted over the timber !!!

Anyway crack on!


#79 Twincam


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:37 AM

Oh, without a doubt! :D

It's still pretty cold in there - Well, it would be, especially in this weather! So it's nice to have something to warm you up! :lol:

The central heating system is alot better now - The radiators actually work! :geek: So that comes on twice a day, to try and get the chill off. There was a couple of places that it was damp, so hopefully now that the walls are stripped back, it will just draw that out a bit!

Have you made sure that theres no air left in the radiator - did mine last week and have noticed a vast improvement (still need to balance the house but that can wait)

#80 markaboot


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 12:50 PM

some good progress, keep up the good work.

im building walls this afternoon!

#81 Bean


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:53 PM

Anyway crack on!


PM'd! :)

Have you made sure that theres no air left in the radiator - did mine last week and have noticed a vast improvement (still need to balance the house but that can wait)

Every time we go to it, there's more air, lol. But it's gradually getting less and less - It's a huge change though. The amount of air that came out was incredible! The radiators are actually hot now, it's quite nice, heh! :)

some good progress, keep up the good work.

im building walls this afternoon!

Thanks! :(

Blimey, you've only just knocked them down!? :thumbsup: :)

Am thinking about networking the house - For when we get out broadband connected. Don't want to have horrid wires hanging around, so I might lay some networking internally, when the re-wire takes place! :D

My boss has promised some of the right spec cable, so it makes sense to do it!! :P

#82 yorkshirechris



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:55 PM

Don't rush renovating it, the mistake I made with this house is a panic-paint of pretty much every room and I'm now re-doing them all because they look crap :D

#83 Frozo


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:57 PM

You've done a nice job so far :) my radiator in my room is rubbish and i need to keep bleading it :thumbsup: but at least it makes my room warm :D

have you been down bromwich road? cause im sure i see a mini go down there? or unless im just thinking its gone past lol :( (not today)

#84 Bean


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:00 PM

Don't worry - We wont, lol - There's just a priority for things that need to be done. The kitchen's coming in Feb, so we need alot done before then. We need to get the re-wire done, really - which means that we need to channel the walls etc... so once we bring the house into a state that we can call it the "start", then we can move forwards...

(Does that actually make sense? lol. There's things that need to be done before we can actually start, is what I mean :thumbsup:)

We've had a wander 'round, seeing where we want switches etc. Then we thought about where we wanted sockets - So that's done... K just has to do all the hard work and re-wire it now :D

You still in the same place as when I came up, Chris? :)

#85 Bean


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:07 PM

You've done a nice job so far :) my radiator in my room is rubbish and i need to keep bleading it :thumbsup: but at least it makes my room warm :D

have you been down bromwich road? cause im sure i see a mini go down there? or unless im just thinking its gone past lol :) (not today)

I have been down there a few times, lol. Not in the last couple of days though, my Mini was left at the house for a while :(

#86 Frozo


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:08 PM

You've done a nice job so far :) my radiator in my room is rubbish and i need to keep bleading it :thumbsup: but at least it makes my room warm :D

have you been down bromwich road? cause im sure i see a mini go down there? or unless im just thinking its gone past lol :) (not today)

I have been down there a few times, lol. Not in the last couple of days though, my Mini was left at the house for a while :(

ah okay :P

#87 GraemeC


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 09:19 AM

With wireless as cheap and reliable as it is I would think carfully about networking the house. I'll admit there are some advantages but you have to think about where all the cables are going to be terminated - up to about 8 cables you could terminate them all on a face plate next to where your PC/router equipment will be but any more and you'll really need to put a LAN cabinet somewhere, which will obvously need power etc and they can be unsightly boxes.

The biggest headache is that wherever it ends up is pretty permanent - fine if you have somewhere that will never get used for anything else but awkward if your house use changes in the future. I have put them into people's 'home office' rooms only for them to contact me later with "we're having a baby and the office will be the nursery, can we move the cables?" Er, not easily!

#88 minimadjonesy


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 10:23 AM

That's what the basement or under stairs cupboard is for isn't it?? Both ususally useless areas!! lol

#89 GraemeC


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 10:34 AM

Basement - possibly, again as long as it isn't put in the way of 'future development' such as the dark room.
Not everyone has (or keeps) understairs cupbards though. In fact usually the basement staircase would be under the 'normal' stairs.

Bean - where was you bargain insulation from? For that price I might do the garage!!

Edited by GraemeC, 13 January 2010 - 10:36 AM.

#90 Bean


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 11:25 AM

Really appreciate the networking thoughts, Graeme, thank you! :D But I'm only thinking of a couple of network cables, maybe one in the bedrooms, one in the dining room, but mostly downstairs. We will have a wireless network too, but if you can have a wired network that isn't too intrusive, I think I'd prefer it - Plus I can get a couple of switches etc through work :dontgetit:

I would, personally, love the cellar to become a study/home office/darkroom area. I don't need a massive darkroom - Just enough for some wet processing & an enlarger! The rest I'd love to be a home office, especially as I can work from home & also run WeirdBlue from it - Just to keep it out of the way of 'home life'. :thumbsup: The bedrooms will always stay as bedrooms :thumbsup:

The insulation was from Homebase, lol. I have no idea whether it was supposed to be £2.50, or whether the miserable sod very helpful worker messed it up!! :P

Either way, at £5 a roll, it's still not bad!! :withstupid:

It's the Carbon Neutrol E-Cose stuff :)

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