Stage 3. Hayabusa turbo kit 500hp at tyre / 550hp at engine @ 27psi boost
Garrett GT30-76RS race turbo
50mm Blow off valve
Turbosmart HIgh temp Wastegate, latest type with small thick diaphragm.
aluminium airbox plenum, handweld by Holeshot
uprated injectors 690cc
MBE 9A4 ecu (fully mapable, ign, fuel, boost, temp and pressure compensations, etc)
Turbo pistons
Carrillo Conrods
Extra Heavy duty 12mm cylinder studs and spacers
Adjustable cam sprockets
upgraded head gasket, don't know the make...
cyl' barrel spacer
clutch spring kit with spacers and bolts, I am running the original/ slightly modified clutch with this kit.
Turbosmart Eboost 2 electronic 6 stage boost controller, I have 6 programs mapped, lowest is 8PSI, highest is 27 PSI and meant for racefuel.
Pic of the install
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Recent pic, I've been wrapping the headers, turbo and downpipe with ultra high temp wrapping, wish I could do the coat you have, that always looks so good!
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and last pic with new Waste gate, this one is more easy to work on compared to the old type, I can swap diaphragm in 5 minutes if it would melt, but i'm pretty sure this one is up to the job, as you can see my downpipe goes the other way around, so the WG has lots of heat to cope with. Before only the headers were wrapped, not such a good idea!
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