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My Rwd Yamaha R1 engined tarmac eater

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#46 Alburglar


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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:09 AM

Engine removal problems again.
How the bloody bugggery do I remove the extension rod from the selector rod? (see pic). I have a haynes manual and the lyndsay porter resto book. Both are vague and simply say:
"drift the roll pin out where the collar of extension rod meets the selector shaft"

How do I drift the roll pin out?

It is late rod change remote control type gearing.

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#47 Alburglar


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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:14 AM


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#48 Alburglar


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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:57 AM

Plus when I cut away the metal under my arches to allow for 13s what is the best tool for the job? And what is the best method for bending the metal to form a lip once you've done it

#49 Alburglar


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Posted 18 April 2004 - 03:20 PM

I have been told that to move the pin, you have to put car in 3rd gear and then hit the pin using a hammer and a correctly sized drift. Just need to find the right drift now, or I might use an old screw driver.

Sold In-car dvd player today (came with the car), so I went shopping crazy and ordered:
poly- bump stops, rebound rubber, bottom arm rubbers, tie rod rubbers
New metro disks and green stuff pads
Genuine sportspak arches and templates
And loads of tools.

#50 Alburglar


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 04:37 PM

Thanks to all those who helped with my technical post.
As you can see I have got that pesky pin out and now gear selector has been removed.
All I did was leave it in neutral and bought the 3/16 dift punch. It took a total of 4seconds to do the job once i had the right tool.
Sorted. :)

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#51 Alburglar


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 04:44 PM

Next job was removing the old mini hubs and the castle nut on the hub did not want to move.
I found the best method was wedging a lever between the hub and the floor and then jumping on the torgue wrench.

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#52 Alburglar


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 04:53 PM

The Z-cars conversion requires that you remove the hub for couple of reasons.

Firstly, You need to remove the hub in-order to seperate the drive shafts from the engine. This is done so that you can remove the a-series engine and also because you have to send your drive shafts to Z-cars to be modified. They are cut shorter and modded so you can still hold the spline in the hub in-place and be fixed to the hub itself, as the engine the shafts were fixed to isn't there anymore.

Here are the drive shafts un-modified

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#53 Alburglar


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 04:59 PM

Secondly, an upgrade in brakes is essential.
I have gone for the vented metro disks and 4pot calipers route, which requires Mark2 metro hubs to be fitted with Mk1 metro ball joints.
Here is a pic are the mini hubs and disks removed. The mini calipers are cable tied out of the way for time being, but will eventually be removed. If anyone wants the removed hubs, disks and calipers let me know

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#54 Alburglar


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 05:03 PM

and thirdly:

You might want to take this oppurtunity to give your tie rods, top and bottom arms a bit of a clean up.

I'm gonna scrub mine up and give them a lick of paint. I'm also replacing all rubbers with deflex polyurethane items.

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#55 Alburglar


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Posted 25 April 2004 - 07:43 AM

Was bored tonight at work and was surfing the net looking into a solution to replacing the button control on my power shifter. I had gone off the idea of load bearing sensors, as i figured they must be slower than buttons because you have to move the gear stick to get the sensor to sense the load being applied so it then breaks the ignition and changes gear.

What I came up with was so simple I can't belive I havn't thought of it before...
...Paddle-shift controls on the steering column!
It means I can have the instant up changes at full throttle and down changes that only require letting off the throttle slightly at the touch of a paddle. This, I think, will be much nicer to use than having buttons mounted on the dash or on the steering wheel(nitrous style).

I have contacted a kit car company that uses paddle-shifters, but will leave it at that for now until I have bought the components.

#56 F1 Mini

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 08:20 AM

Stonielgh Kit Car show next weekend AL, there will be loads of bike engined cars there so loads of good ideas floating around aswell. I will be nicking the best of them with any luck. Am going both days (Sunday and Monday), so if you want we could meet up ?

#57 Dom


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Posted 25 April 2004 - 08:21 AM

sounds cool :cool:

#58 Alburglar


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Posted 25 April 2004 - 03:15 PM

Stonielgh Kit Car show next weekend AL, there will be loads of bike engined cars there so loads of good ideas floating around aswell. I will be nicking the best of them with any luck. Am going both days (Sunday and Monday), so if you want we could meet up ?

I Can't get to Stoneligh Clive. Bit annoyed really because I booked the days off and was gonna get my cousin and a mate to come along, but I changed shift patterns and my leave that was booked got lost and now we are short staffed! Typical.
Dax cars are using a turbo busa demo with paddle shift if your interested.

#59 Alburglar


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Posted 26 April 2004 - 04:36 PM

I have contacted a kit car company that uses paddle-shifters, but will leave it at that for now until I have bought the components.

Looks like the Malone Car Company who make high powered trike kits are gonna try and help me out. I'm sending them some pics of where the paddles would be on the steering column to see if it suits what they can provide, and then they'll let me know.


#60 F1 Mini

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:01 PM

The Bloke from Pro-Shifter phoned me today they are going to Stonliegh, Sorry mate, will give you any relivant info I find.

Asked him weather it would down shift under full throttle (ie new person driving and accidentialy hitting the wrong button), he said that on up shifting under fun throttle it cutts the Ignition so allows the dogs in the box enough time to disengauge and change gear, But the down shift does not cut the ignition and if you pressed it accidentaly when mean to go up the dogs hold it in gear. Means I can let the wife drive it on the track (Hope she doesn't see this post)

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