Was going to add this yesterday but the forum was broken so the days won't make much sense, but here it is:
Got more done this weekend (my weekend this week was Friday & today - working again tomorrow). I spent quite a few hours getting the O/S flitch repair panel to fit correctly so the A-panel wouldn't sit out from the door by a mile. I also trimmed the repair panel down rather than putting the whole thing in. With door and A-panel trial fitted:

Once that was done, I stripped the dodgy e-coat/primer off the flitch repair panel, masked off the areas which will be welded and gave it a coat of etch primer, 2 coats of normal primer and 2 coats of hammerite. Hopefully this will help fend off the rust - even if a little paint burns off when it's welded in, most will remain. I'll also get some waxoyl in there. I also gave the A-post stiffener the same treatment as well as the inside of the pillar. The surfaces which will be welded will get a coat of zinc rich weld-through primer.
I also cleaned up the area where the top damper mount fits to - the rust that can be seen in the photo above was actually the remains of the damper mount - the inner wing is completely solid.
I also removed the bulk of the LH wing and A-panel, mainly so I could get a proper look at the flitch panel and A-pillar on that side. It looks a lot better than the RH! There's a little rust at the very bottom of the lip which the A-panel mounts round and a hole in the step which will both need sorting but otherwise it's good:

The inner wing behind the damper mount this side is also clean & solid. Next bit to do will be getting the repair sections for the LH flitch/step made up and clean up the wing mounting flanges. Then I'll ask Dave to come over and weld the fresh bits in.
I'm also going to be looking for an engine and gearbox (anyone with a very cheap facelift Vectra B or Astra G 1.8???) to drop in to work out the inner wings, radiator mounts, etc. and any mods which will need to be done on the front panel - I want to practice on the old one first!