I dont have mine machined yet but the photo below is something like what I am aiming towards for my fix, although moving the steering rack is the best way to combat bump steer it might not be possible for some to do.
As I said in my build diary I am going to use a 1/2" UNF turnbuckle with RH&LH threads (like the one attached to the rose joint in the below picture, I already bought the taps and the 3/4" hex bar to make this), LH thread 1/2" Rose joints.
I think the major difference between the picture below and mine is that I am thinking of tapping 1/2"UNF into the bottom half of the spacer (made from the same 3/4" hex bar) and then taper the top end and thread the spacer (3/8"UNF), similar to the current track rod end. Or I might ream out the steering arm and whack a high tensile 1/2"UNF bolt all the way through the lot, still undecided.......
I am hoping to get the machining done this week/weekend, after which I will post up some pictures and might even do some drawings for people to copy if they want.
Anyhooo, here is a picture I have stolen/borrowed from the 16Vminiclub site:
i know im being really cheeky, but you couldnt get some extra ones done at the same time and i will buy them from you. pretty please with sugar on top..