Welcome to the TMF Trader Area.
To be able to advertise on TMF, all traders or members offering a service need to register there details
with the TMF Team. You can do this by sending a PM with the details requested below to TMF Trader Moderator:
All traders must supply the following information, as complete as possible.
Type of company or service offered (Parts Supply, Welding Service, etc):
Company Name:
Propietor / Owner Name:
TMF Username:
Company Address:
Contact Telephone No:
Contact Email Address:
Vat No / Company No*:
*Mark N/A where not applicable.
This information is stored privately by the TMF Team. It will not be accessable via the public forum.
We require this information to protect ourselves and TMF members from rouge traders and such. The information may
be shared with members of the forum, the police, trading standards or in a court of law if requested.
Traders may use this area to provide discussions on products, new items, special offers, discounted deals and
also to aid customers with product information, notices, reviews and customer feedback.
We ask for all trader adverts or forum topics of this nature to be posted within the catergories of the trader section.
(Traders Products & Services, Product Recalls & Alerts, Products & Services Reviews, Products & Services Enquiries)
Trading on this forum is NOT a right, it is a privilege. TMF reserve the right to remove any trader without notice if we believe misconduct as been carried out by the trader in any respect. All traders must operate within the relevant laws and within the forum rules. Traders are asked to co-operate with TMF Staff at all times to resolve any issues quickly to resolve the situation.
Forum Users
Please use the sections to discuss products, traders and services you may wish to recieve or have recieved.
Please note that this is not a for sale / wanted section for forum users! These type of topics will be removed and
general forum rules apply.
If you wish to become a listed trader on the forum, please see the above to register your details.
**Please note none of the products or services are endorsed by the TMF Team unless otherwise stated**