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#1 Jordie


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 05:40 PM

Welcome to the TMF Trader Area.


To be able to advertise on TMF, all traders or members offering a service need to register there details
with the TMF Team. You can do this by sending a PM with the details requested below to the TMF Admin listed: http://www.theminifo.../35244-sonikk4/


All traders must supply the following information, as complete as possible.

Type of company or service offered (Parts Supply, Welding Service, etc):
Company Name:
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*Mark N/A where not applicable.

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We require this information to protect ourselves and TMF members from rouge traders and such. The information may
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Traders may use this area to provide discussions on products, new items, special offers, discounted deals and
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We ask for all trader adverts or forum topics of this nature to be posted within the catergories of the trader section.
(Traders Products & Services, Product Recalls & Alerts, Products & Services Reviews, Products & Services Enquiries)

Trading on this forum is NOT a right, it is a privilege. TMF reserve the right to remove any trader without notice if we believe misconduct as been carried out by the trader in any respect. All traders must operate within the relevant laws and within the forum rules. Traders are asked to co-operate with TMF Staff at all times to resolve any issues quickly to resolve the situation.

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If you wish to become a listed trader on the forum, please see the above to register your details.

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Edited by The Matt, 01 September 2013 - 06:03 PM.
Change of contact from, Matt to Sonikk4-01-09-13

#2 roofless


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 05:53 PM

this include me?

#3 Jordie


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 06:01 PM

Do you provide a product or service to the forum and wish to be able to advertise this?

If so it applies.

This will be common knowledge to some of the bigger traders, as I have been requesting information from these traders for the last month or so.

I provide a transportation service to the forum members and have a topic on here, so my details have been logged with the TMF team also.


#4 RacingGreen


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 06:12 PM

Pm sent

#5 roberts


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Posted 04 November 2009 - 09:45 PM

Just a quick one...

When I release new products I create a thread in Mini Chat, can I still do this?

*I ask because it's nice to update the beautiful people of this forum with a whats going on, with a new topic every so often (it saves people having to search through pages of a single topic to find updates) and I don't really want to end up having 10 topics in the 'Traders Products & Services section'.

Before you suggest it, I already update my initial post in my thread on a regular occasion, but that's not the same.

Edited by roberts, 04 November 2009 - 09:50 PM.

#6 Timtom


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Posted 04 November 2009 - 09:49 PM

its the quoted list of things to fill in.. its proprietor not.. propietor and.. you wrote 'rouge' traders

But.. an actual question will 'authorised' traders have any note on there profile bit? so you can see they are a such?


#7 Jordie


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Posted 05 November 2009 - 12:29 PM

Just a quick one...

When I release new products I create a thread in Mini Chat, can I still do this?

*I ask because it's nice to update the beautiful people of this forum with a whats going on, with a new topic every so often (it saves people having to search through pages of a single topic to find updates) and I don't really want to end up having 10 topics in the 'Traders Products & Services section'.

Before you suggest it, I already update my initial post in my thread on a regular occasion, but that's not the same.

Hello Roberts.

Please post your new items etc in the trader section of the forum. Topics still show under new posts and people will also be looking through these sections of the forum when looking for parts, offers, discounts etc. Im sorry, but this helps keep the forum manageable and help keep topics in there correct sections, which will make the forum better as a whole as information will be easily findable. For example if someone posts saying "can you remember that post where a company was selling x product?". Users will know the topic will be within trader section.


#8 Jordie


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Posted 05 November 2009 - 12:31 PM

its the quoted list of things to fill in.. its proprietor not.. propietor and.. you wrote 'rouge' traders

But.. an actual question will 'authorised' traders have any note on there profile bit? so you can see they are a such?


Sorry for my english. I am not a english teacher, but i do try to write in good english as much as possible. Thanks for the update, I have edited my post.

Traders who have complied with TMF and provided the details willingly, will be changed to a Trader user group which will be shown under the avatar/username of said person/company.

This will help us identify which traders have supplied details to TMF. Anyone found to be a non-registered trader will have any topics removed from the forum.


#9 Timtom


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Posted 05 November 2009 - 01:15 PM

Thanks for that Jordie..

It should definately decrease the bad folk :)

by the way.. I wasn't trying to have a dig about the spelling but thought if that has got to go somewhere proper it should have correct spelling :thumbsup:


#10 Rosslin Racing

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Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:40 PM

well I have been trying to start a new topic (to high light my small company supplying Switzerland and the surround contries with Innocenti parts and new classic mini parts) even after sending my company detail to Jordie with no luck. Is this going to take as long as the membership pack which also are failing?.

#11 Jordie


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:59 PM

I explained to you via PM that we are changing user groups and permissions and this is on going, you seemed happy with that fact.


#12 roofless


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:10 PM

I'm in :)

#13 Bec


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Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:11 PM

I've changed the permissions Rosslin Racing so you can start topics in here now - it will then be reset so only traders can start topics once the usergroup is all up and running. Any more problems?

#14 Body stylist

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 01:53 PM

Hi, as a registered company with TMF is it not possible to have a section for that company?
I see my new items have been moved into this section, but all in 1 thread, this makes replies mixed to the different products.
Or can we just start a new thread in here for the actual product itself instead of just adding to the one you have moved my parts into?


Tony (absmotorsport.net)

#15 roberts


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 04:11 PM

I must say I really like this new section.

It makes everything easy to find and everything placed into one thread has made me modify and improve things. As well as come up with a system that will work for both me and the readers of the thread (I think I've managed to do that by introducing link updates at the bottom of my initial thread starter post).

But I understand what Tony is saying, as my thread is now a little hard to follow as well. I'm assuming it has been put together in order of when the posts were made, rather than one topic I had created followed by another??

This means (for example) my initial LE Centre Console post is followed by a user reply's from something different, then a reply to a Centre Consoles question by me, folled by general reply's etc. making it, not exactly easy to follow. Anyway it doesn't really bother me, give it a few months and no one will notice the 1st 2/3 pages. But if it can be re-arranged into the correct reply's and post order that would be a bonus.

One thing though, I have a bit of market research I want to do, in the form of a poll, is it ok to create this in Mini Chat?

(I basically want to find the average gap between the seats for armrests)

Edited by roberts, 11 November 2009 - 04:12 PM.

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