Updated June 2021
Hi All
As some may know I work for ACW Motorsport Plastics, who manufacture and supply polycarbonate windows for many makes and models of cars.
I would like to offer you as a TMF member a 10% discount on all Classic Mini related products.
We currently have the following for classic Mini's:
- Mk1: 2-Piece Sliding Door Windows
- Mk1: Rear Quarter Windows to fit in chrome opening surround or original rubber
- Mk2: Rear quarter to fit in stainless opening surround
- Mk3+: Door windows, sliders optional
- Mk3+: Rear Quarters to fit into fixed rubbers, opening Chrome Surrounds, or bolted to the bodywork
- Mk3+: Rear Window to fit into rubber
- Mini Pickup Rear Window
- Mini Miglia door windows with regulation hole
MiniClassic_Mk3-5.jpg 89.85K
We also ship worldwide.
To get your unique single-use discount code for our website, please PM me and I will generate one for your username.
Edited by mini-man-dan, 08 June 2021 - 09:19 AM.