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#271 titters


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 09:31 AM

does it pop from the exhaust after each shift? i can do it on my bike with the kill switch (thumb operated) full throttle click shift click pop and away you go its no quicker on the bike because its fiddly but it makes a little bang so i do it sometimes lol

hi all

i dont think bikes with fuel injection can do the backfire thing on the kill switch as the kill switch turns the injectors off so no access fuel in the cylinder like on a carb engine, therefore no load bang when the ignition is switch back on,


#272 supermotolee


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 07:58 PM

yeah thats true didnt realise ades was fuel injected the carbed ones will though hehe

#273 koss


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 08:52 PM

:- if you cut the spark with a flat shifter ya might get a flamer :1eye:

#274 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 09:23 PM

:- if you cut the spark with a flat shifter ya might get a flamer :1eye:

Mmmm, I might have to investigate a quick shifter :1eye:

Dan, yes it's me- just don't tell anyone :w00t:

#275 markrally


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Posted 29 August 2006 - 10:31 PM

:- if you cut the spark with a flat shifter ya might get a flamer :1eye:

Mmmm, I might have to investigate a quick shifter :1eye:

Dan, yes it's me- just don't tell anyone :w00t:

Try here, CLICKY These seem to be the most recommended kits out there but there is others available but they dont have the blip for the downshifts.


#276 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:46 PM

There's trouble at mill.

Just broken down in the middle of Leamington in Friday afternoon rush-hour traffic :w00t: The car started spluttering and mis-firing in the same manner as it did when I ran out of petrol. The engine stopped at some traffic lights, but I suspected I'd run out of petrol again (really must calibrate the gauge properly!) so I left the engine off with the fuel pump on while I waited. Fortunately the engine fired and I managed to splutter away down a side road to save my blushes.

While I was waiting for my wife to fetch a can full of juice I did some investigations and realised I hadn't actually run out of petrol after all :w00t: I'll be mainly sleeping in the mini tonight then. Or with the dogs.

I think the trouble lies firmly at the door of the Facet fuel pump. I've never been entirely convinced about it, as the noise it makes seems to change with the wind, and it also seems to get very warm/hot, so I'll be buying and fitting a new one before I go for another jaunt.

Prior to this little episode I'd been messing about with the front wheel toe angles, and I'm happy to report that the car feels a hell of a lot better at the front now (still a little too pointy at the back though). Having spoken to Chris at Z-cars he's going to shorten my RH drive shaft for me to enable me to set the rear toe angles correctly, so I'm looking for tips on how to remove it

Oh yes. My clutch is slipping in the higher gears under full load, so that's another job.......

I still had more fun in the hour or so that I was out in the car than should be legal. Thinking about it, most of what I was doing probably wasn't legal :w00t: :proud:

Edited by Dick Dastardly, 08 September 2006 - 06:47 PM.

#277 pete


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 08:13 PM

As a coincidence i've just removed both of Ade's driveshafts to fit new cv boots. Remove hub nut, undo shock, anti-roll bar and inner bolt retaining the rear suspension arm. Pull suspension arm away from middle of car and inner joint will just pull out of diff.


#278 markrally


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 09:07 PM

Ive had a similar problem with fuel starvation as the tank is tilted slightly bacwards with the pickup at the fron and the pump is in front so when i went up a hill it cut out as it was in the rain and only after 2 miles i suspected a loose/wet connection, rolled it into a side street tried again and it went until i went up another hill, finally sussed the problem so always make sure it now has plenty in it as i dont have a gauge fitted either.
I am havin trouble with the cv boots leakin grease everywhere :w00t: I have fitted new zip ties tonight as the originals were a bit slack.

I havnt done the geometry correctly yet so i havnt let it rip properely


#279 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 09:13 PM

I checked the fuel level manually when I finally got the car home and it had just under half a tank, so my money's still on a faulty fuel pump.

Thanks for the instructions Pete- that'll keep me out of mischief this weekend.

#280 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 05:20 PM

Anyone going to Stanford Hall tomorrow?

Edited by Dick Dastardly, 09 September 2006 - 05:36 PM.

#281 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 05:15 PM

I left my car parked-up at Stanford Hall while the other half and I walked the dogs around and ogled stuff, and when I got back to it there was a business card left by the deputy editor of a certian publication under the drivers side wiper.

May give them a bell tomorrow..... :w00t:

#282 koss


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 05:42 PM

D D are you going to croft?

#283 4ndrew


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 10:34 AM

Just read all 19 pages! Geez it took a while, but congratulations to you sir on what appears to have been one epic project! Although you have on going niggles it really is a fantastic achievement!

Nice on :w00t:

#284 maph2


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 02:36 PM

I left my car parked-up at Stanford Hall while the other half and I walked the dogs around and ogled stuff, and when I got back to it there was a business card left by the deputy editor of a certian publication under the drivers side wiper.

May give them a bell tomorrow..... :w00t:

must have been a bit of a squeeze with the family on board :(

#285 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 04:23 PM

I left my car parked-up at Stanford Hall while the other half and I walked the dogs around and ogled stuff, and when I got back to it there was a business card left by the deputy editor of a certian publication under the drivers side wiper.

May give them a bell tomorrow..... :proud:

must have been a bit of a squeeze with the family on board :errr:

After recent troubles, I thought it wise to have a back-up vehicle with a boot full of dogs and tools tagging along...

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