minidan, the standard R1 gear-shift lever is actuated by a a very heavy duty cable which is connected at the other end to the gear lever. You simply push forwards to go down the box ,or pull backwards to go up the box, or I suppose you could have it working vice versa if you turn the gearbox mounted lever around 180 degrees.
On a standard system like mine you can't actually achieve full power upshifts- you have to lift off the throttle slightly to unload the transmission, but you don't need the clutch. It's best to be as aggressive, and fast as possible with these up-changes to minimise any damage to the box.
Ade has fitted a power shifter which senses movement of the gear lever and momentarily cuts the ignition for a split second so he doesn't need to lift off at all! If you think my shifts are quick, you should hear his
It's more difficult, but down-shifts can be clutchless too. To achieve these you need to unload the transmission by blipping the throttle, but the standard mini pedal layout mixed with the brake/ throttle pedal travel doesn't make heel/toeing easy. I think I've actually damaged my foot trying this
Oh yes, I forgot to mention my wheel alignment is still like a dogs back leg, and it's still as scary as hell on fast sweepers
First job is to replace my front left hub which is worn to hell- the outer wheel-bearing race just drops in without needing a drift- which results in loads of play at the wheel. I have the new hub ready to drop on, but I'm struggling for time at the mo'
When that's done I'm calling Chris about the drive shaft issue.......