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#181 retrodan


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Posted 04 July 2006 - 05:32 PM

your panel gaps look good as they same as mine, do u mean the problem is that the front lower edge of the door is in past the line of the A panel?!?! plus i love the retro look as thats what im about ans love the colour and well just all of it!!! but im an 'A' series man so im will keep 1380 power for now!!! good work :w00t:

#182 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 09 July 2006 - 10:49 PM

Well, I've spent almost every hour this weekend (apart from watching a certain football match) wiring everything from scratch. It was a hard slog but I now have lights, wipers, indicators etc etc. To celebrate I trailered the car to a long stretch of cul-de-sac on an industrial estate nearby to give it it's first proper outing and a bit of a shakedown.

Early indications are good! The handling is very confidence inspiring (at low-ish speads at least)- you don't expect to feel comfortable kicking the tail out in a car after only 5 minutes of familiarisation, but it felt very natural and predictable in this instance.

To say this was the first outing I was amazed at every aspect (touch wood!)- the lack of leaks, the brakes!!!!! (which were very impressive :proud: ) the fact that nothing fell off! the way the fan kicked in when it should have etc etc. I'm a bit deaf tonight though!!! I reckon ear plugs are a real necessity.

The one main problem (lot's of little things need sorting) is that the engine refused to rev past about 7,000 rev's where it would start to misfire. This is encouraging in one respect as the car felt decently quick but not mind-blowingly so and I hadn't even got to the meat of the rev range. I shall start some further investigations tomorrow.......

#183 Mincento


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 12:13 AM

sounds good :) bet you were having the time of your life :proud: did you get an audience?


#184 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 06:56 AM

Only audience was from some poor French truck driver who was presumably sleeping until I turned up!!! Still, he gave it the thumbs up!

#185 McGoo 69

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 12:53 PM

wow such a nice build!

love the old style look but with modern carbon!

It sounds awsome! id love to have one of those some day!!

#186 pete


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 05:23 PM

DD or Markrally, have either of you put any inner rear arches on to stop C**p spraying up inside????


#187 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:09 PM


Yes I've put some inner rear arches on. fabricated them from some group4 fibreglass jobbies and some 1mm ally sheet. Also made a rear sprocket guard for the same reasons.

Spoken to a few knowledgeable people today, and they're all of the same opinion that the engine is running too lean. TTS performance down in Silverstone were really helpful, so I booked a 3 hour slot on their rolling road on Friday. The intention is to fit my Dynojet kit, and see at least 140bhp at the rear wheels. Fingers crossed. You never know it might make it down the strip on Sunday after all!

Here's an mpeg of the first shakedown run where I was short-shifting at circa 6,500 rpm.....Oh and turn your volume up!


Bye for now

Edited by Dick Dastardly, 10 July 2006 - 09:13 PM.

#188 clarks.2006


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:39 PM

Nice little video looking quick even quiker after rolling road!

#189 dougie_10 :D

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:47 PM

WOW :)

Cool video! I wish I was old enough to be able to even contemplate having a z-cars mini :'(

Being 16 I wont be able to get insurance until I am probably in my late 20's lol

Great project and car mate ! keep up the good stuff :proud:

#190 dean_chad


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:48 PM

fantastic buddy. finally happy to have it out and about? looks and sounds spot on. is it what you expected?

dougie im only 23 and building a zcars mini... i was suprised to get a very affordable insurance quota thats part of the reason why im building it, other than the fact its blindingly quick hehe!

Edited by dean_chad, 10 July 2006 - 09:51 PM.

#191 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:55 PM

I'd say it exceeded my expectations really. I was supposed to be doing some serious activity like calibrating the gear indicators, and adjusting the brake bias etc etc. NAH! I just couldn't stop tooling around in it. The whole experience is intoxicating! I just can't wait for the next step- when it's performing correctly and I can drive it amongst the unexpecting masses!!! :) :proud:

#192 Ade


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:55 PM

TTS performance down in Silverstone were really helpful, so I booked a 3 hour slot on their rolling road on Friday. The intention is to fit my Dynojet kit, and see at least 140bhp at the rear wheels. Fingers crossed. You never know it might make it down the strip on Sunday after all!

Gutted! I booked mine in last week and they said they couldn't get it in until next week! :'( You must've bribed them!! :)

Nice vid aswell!! Deffo nowhere near worrying the limiter there! You'll be amazed when you actually get it into the powerband!!!!! lol Sounds like you need to get used to the upshifts aswell :proud: Took me a bit of getting used to but when you do it's soooooooo sweet!! It's all i can do nowadays not to hit the limiter lol

#193 dougie_10 :D

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:57 PM

fantastic buddy. finally happy to have it out and about? looks and sounds spot on. is it what you expected?

dougie im only 23 and building a zcars mini... i was suprised to get a very affordable insurance quota thats part of the reason why im building it, other than the fact its blindingly quick hehe!

There is hope then :proud: lol

DD I cant blame you , whats the point in having something if you cant muck around with it lol

#194 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 10:07 PM

Oh, and Dougie- I'd give my mini away (and just about everything else!) to be 16 again!


I just pleaded with TTS until they gave in!! Have you used their services before? I need to get used to every aspect of driving the mini- it's a very foreign experience but a learning curve I'm going to relish. I must have stalled more times on Sunday than I have in the rest of my driving years put together. God knows how I'll fair trying to hustle it off the line on Sunday- should be funny if nothing else!!

#195 gizmo


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 10:24 PM

D.D., How does one view your video?? all I get is photo bucket enroll...RichMk1

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