Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)
Posted 04 November 2011 - 10:44 PM
Posted 05 November 2011 - 05:12 PM
Edited by Risky, 05 November 2011 - 05:13 PM.
Posted 05 November 2011 - 06:03 PM
So then, onwards to todays update
finished off my blanking off of holes on the front panel

ground it down

filled, just needs to be sanded and finished off to be lovely and smooooth!

rubbed down the other side of the a panel ready for fitting

small patch made to rectify my old mistake on the flitch

a panel tacked on and all gaps finalised and lloking as good as i can get them

a panel fully welded on, i havent ground the little patch from earlier down as i couldnt really be bothered!

all welded and zinc primed ready for the wing to go on (its being plug welded as i have no spot welder

wing fully welded on (i was proper rusty on my plug welding!)

seam welded front panel to wing join to try and make it a little more rust proof!

ground down, cleaned up and seam sealed inner wing joint

and also the scuttle gap

hi build primed the wing, scuttle gaps not as nice as the other side but its still nice for pattern panels!

overall shot. its looking so much better now

then i gave the inner wing a bit of a rub down and paint to make it look all nice like the wing

hope you like todays update then! Not sure when the next one will be but
plans are;
>seam seal inside of wing and paint the last bits of it
>seam seal and fill and prime the front panel to wing joint
front will then be ready for respray so ill:
>finish painting the boot floor and undersealing it
>make a start on my boot install as i cant afford the panels i need untill next pay day (2 ish weeks)
thats all i can think of now. comments are always nice
Posted 05 November 2011 - 06:29 PM
Posted 05 November 2011 - 06:52 PM
Posted 05 November 2011 - 06:57 PM
Posted 06 November 2011 - 08:17 PM
fitted the bonnect back on, gaps a bit wide at the top and rather tight at the bottom, will pop the grill back on soon to see what they are like tho

painted the plate on the bulkhead behind the carb

welded a few nuts on the inner flitch, anyone guess what they are for?

thats right, for the all important fire extinguisher

rubbed down the rest of the scuttle end etched a few patches. braided fuel hose is also visible in this pic

then finnaly seam sealed the wing off

just these bits left to do now

more work tommorow in the morning
hope you like this update. feel free to comment
Posted 07 November 2011 - 08:55 PM
slopped some lovely rustoloum on the wing. its looking nice and shiny and protected now

built up my fuel pump and filter with nice braided pipes and alloy clips. its going to be on view in the boot so has to look pretty

need to find some door cards that match these now tho!

hope you like todays mini update!
next steps
> finish off the front and make a start to the boot install (found lots of mdf in the back of the garage during tidying it today!)
Posted 16 November 2011 - 08:57 PM
cleaned up the front panel wing seam and seam sealed it, just needs a little filler, some more sealent and a schoosh of primer and the front will be done!

cleaned up the radiator i took of a hile ago and gave it a paint

done a bit more filling and prep work of the scuttle panel and wing as i wasnt happy with a few dents and want to try and cut down on the respray costs later

also primered the scuttle panel where i had etched it the other week

started to rub down the bodywork to key it for the respray

and removed the headlining to help with the prep for the respray

hope you like this
more this weekend in theory
Posted 17 November 2011 - 10:28 AM

Posted 20 November 2011 - 01:53 PM

so then, a little update, doesnt look like much in the photos but its so much better in real life
scuttle to wing join is now as perfect as i can make it and the little storage dings are sorted

and ive made a start on the wing to front panel join, there quite alot of filler but it is all solid underneath so it dosnt bother me so much and i want it to look nice

not sure what im gunna be doing while the filler is drying, Possibley install my wiring loom

so hope you like this little update, its not alot but is something. more later

Posted 20 November 2011 - 09:27 PM
primed the wing yet again

finished off the rounding of the front panel on the drivers side

and made all the patches i need to make the front panel symetrical, will weld them when i get more gas

thats all for today
Posted 01 December 2011 - 07:14 PM
the trouble i have is if i get a proffessional respray shes going to be off the road for at least 6 more months as i cannot offord it now or in the forseeable future

so i have therefore decided to respray her satin black for the time being to get her back on the road. Im going for the race/custom kind of look right now anyways. I think when i can afford the respray ill go for the sophisticated posh look

so then, ive done some more work today

welded in my panels i had made last time

ground down and primed, the front panel is looking pretty symetrical right now

and ive rubbed down the rest of the front panel ready for primer

primed it up

ive got a bit more welding to do below the bonnet catch on the front panel which i forgot about and then im making my grill

decided that im going to fill the seams as im having troulble getting them looking tidy, plus i saw a proper good job done of this recently so its made me want to do it too

what im going to do (picture from google, its not done yet)

hope you like this update
Edited by lawrence, 01 December 2011 - 07:15 PM.
Posted 01 December 2011 - 07:55 PM
Your project is coming along nicely

Posted 02 December 2011 - 10:33 AM

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