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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#721 lawrence


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 09:32 PM

Little update
Lower arm pin replaced and suspension all back together and torqued up
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Trigger wheel all ready to weld on
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It is welded in now but forgot to get a pic
I also bought the fuel for her and charged the battery.
Tried to start and I'm getting huge backfires through my inlet which is blowing the itbs off the manifold

Now I'm suspecting ignition timing or cam timing, so have bought a timing gun that will hopefully arrive soon so I can check EDIS is timing itself right on default settings.

Also fitted my electric window kit! It's well awesome! Took a bit of tinkering to get it to fit right but works wellish now. I need new window seals as mine are really rigid and breaking up in places!
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Need some new door cards also and some tasty DSN alloy door furniture but that can wait till the engine starts! Might make the cards myself, not sure yet!

More soon


#722 lawrence


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 07:54 PM

Little bugger,

Timing light arrived today, doesn't work at idle, lame.
Played with the ignition via tunerstudios. More backfires and even worse.
Then I sprayed easy start down all the plug and got backfires from both 1 and 4 and then 2 and 3.
Flames in pairs? Had to be something wrong with the timing.
Cam cover off. All fine cams fine, nothing 180 out.
Compression tested. 0, 0, 0, 0
I blew air down all the sparkplug holes.
Every inlet valve is open whether they are open because of cams or not.
Measured. All inlet valves are open about 2mm


Looks like the heads coming off. Bet all the valves are bent. Not even looked at the exhaust. Stupid boy
All for now. Good I've got spare heads. Hope the heads ok if not I'll get another skimmed.

Annoyed at myself. This engine better be amazing when it works.

#723 lawrence


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 11:17 AM

Well yesterday was very enlightening!


Bit of stripping

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So. Yh I laughed hahah. Had to really. Think I should stop making engines yet?!!


As always with me. Things don’t go great!


Close ups.

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minimal bends there!


Where they kissed the seats

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But its not all bad. I can see no cracks at all. All this damage has been done at cranking or manually turning the engine. 


Head first. 


Exhaust valves are all perfectly fine and undamaged. It appears that there is zero damage to the head itself. I trial fitted some spare inlet valves. No damage to any of the valve guides and the valve seats look perfect still. 

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No leaks on cylinder 4. Valves sealing fine. Ill clean up the rest of my spare valves and trial fit them. If none of them leak or minially leak without lapping then I would say this head is good to go again!


And back to the block

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The marks on all the pistons are very superficial, it appears the valves hit the piston and then were all forced backwards into the cylinder wall. This has pushed the aluminium up. The pockparks were on the crown already if people are interested. But, where the rings run haven’t been touched. Theres no marks on the cylinder walls.


So ive not damaged the liners but have come very very close. 


Plan – Test the valves. Assess block and maybe gently dress the bent aluminium down to level it again.


Sure there’s a risk it might not work when its all back together but for the cost of a headgasket which I already have im happy to risk it. And buy some breakdown cover.


All for now. Updates tommorow


#724 lawrence


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 08:33 PM

So time to catch up with a few days work


Yesterday I had a little supervisor to keep occupied so couldn’t do as much as I liked

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So I lapped the valves in. 

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all sealed nicely

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dressed the marks down on the block gently

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ordered the headgasket kit

and made a little plane out of various bits lying about.

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Might make a few more and sell them. Think it took me an hour or so to make it. Im going to make a few more and if I can get it made in less than half an hour see if I can sell them for £15 or so. Ill sort some stainless steel out too. 


Then onwards to today

Gasket set arrived

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compression tested – all about 250 again which is awesome!

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modified and improved alternator mount fitted, I cut my hand badly on the rough one. This has nicely smoothed edges and the outer bar has stiffened it up more

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Then I attacked the battery and started her up.

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Oil pressure at idle is nice and solid, fast idle 35 ish. No rev counter so not sure how high, just done by ear. 


Drove her back and fourth a few times. 

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So that’s that. Engine works. Bit smokey at first start but soon went away. Bought up to temp and kept at a high idle to bed the rings in best I could.


Few issues still

>Alternator is not charging the engine still!

>Quite a large oil leak  the clutch side of the engine, had a look underneath and the end seal on the sump is misplaced a little and is weeping from there – not something I can fix without sump off so that’s something to do. 


All for now.

Glad the engine runs nicely



#725 l_jonez


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 12:01 AM

Keep at it. If it was easy everyone would do it 

#726 lawrence


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Posted 18 July 2018 - 07:00 PM

Cheers Lawson, she might work one day!

So then, update time


Last time the engine was running and the issues were

>Oil leak + no alternator charging


Ive skipped the alternator problem for now mainly because I can get her mot’d and up and running and then deal with that. Everything on my car is LED bar the indicators and my overall running battery draw is low.


But there's a starting problem. On the bench my starter is fine. On the engine, my starter is fine off jump leads and a spare battery. 


But the current power cable just isn’t man enough. I did voltage drop test and its not dropping voltage it just doesn’t have the capacity to crank the new high compression engine fast enough to start. I also cant cleanly solder a connection on to it due to being very thin copper coated steel wire. Car starts fine off the current battery using jump leads in series to act as the main battery cable.


So ive purchased some 170amp battery cable that’s purely copper so I can solder some connections on it at the starter. 


Photo showing rubbish quality and corrosion

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>Then I had an engine problem

The ceramic on the spark plug cracked. Heard a weird popping noise when she was running for her to then drop to running on 3

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The bit of ceramic then bounced about until it closed the electrode off on the plug. I used my endoscope and spotted it in the cylinder. 


So I put a spare plug in hoping the bit of ceramic would bounce out the exhaust. Well the flipping thing didn’t, it smushed another plug. Tried one more time and heard a lovely tinkling noise as it left the cylinder and made its way down the exhaust. When I took the exhaust off. I found it, went to take a photo, kicked the mat I put it on and it flew away into the gravel. Shame. 


But least it was out.


Pressure checked cylinder 

No change. They are all about 225ish.

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put down the scope and bar a few marks on the piston crown it looks ok. No scratched bores etc. 


did a bit of wiring- fan was running the wrong way. Also wired it to a switch in the cabin for now. 

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Squirt has an output for the fan but my coolent numbers etc are all wrong.


So today

Ø  Sort oil leak


Problem found

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nice and tidy work area – bit of shade too from the trees

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and all back together

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seal no longer touching the flywheel.


So that’s all for now. Next update will be next week.


To do list for mot

Ø  Run new battery power cable. – ordered. Map gas bought to solder connector on also.

Ø  General checkup and put dash back in.


Deadline for the MOT is before the 3rdAugust as that’s when I move to my first house!!!


I expect her to fail the Mot, probably on emissions – will take laptop so can tune her to pass ;)




#727 McMini 22

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Posted 19 July 2018 - 10:50 PM

I bought some ridiculously thick battery cable but it will not fit in the channel under the car without a bit of modifying. Also getting battery terminals to fit will not be easy but I think I found some on eBay that will fit.
I'm currently (sorry!) Running everything off a set of jump leads to the starter motor at the moment so another job to tackle.
And by the way the reason you had an oil leak is it looks like you left a set of mole grips in there!?

#728 l_jonez


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Posted 20 July 2018 - 11:36 PM

170 amp cable probably won't be man enough. Most starters use between 100-150A so ideal you want the cable to handle double. I've gone for 300A on mine.
On my high compression engine the starter does occasionally stall, I've found feathering the throttle helps a bit.

#729 thelegg


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Posted 22 July 2018 - 03:51 PM

Hey mate if you can't get the terminals to solder on have you thought about using the ones that crimp? I made up a new battery cable years ago using some big hydraulic crimps and there still looking and working perfectly :) drop me a pm if you like maybe you could post the cable down to me with the terminals n I could make it up and send it back

#730 lawrence


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Posted 24 July 2018 - 08:27 PM

Little update.

Oil leak is sorted. Ran the engine up to temperature and no leaks onto the mat underneath!

Secondly the 170amp battery cable isnt man enough. Should have read these posts before i soldered the end on today!! Battery cable anyone?
300amp one ordered and new ends for it ordered!

Lastly. When i started the engine today the jump battery terminal fell off the starter motor. But the engine continued to run!! At idle the engine made 12.5v. Rev her and as far as she went was 13.5v. So the alternator kinda works?!

More friday

#731 lawrence


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Posted 26 July 2018 - 04:07 PM

Little update.


Thankyou for the offer of crimping the cables. Luckily ive soldered them nicely, I bought some high quality copper connections so that should help with the conduction! 300amp cable arrive yesterday.


Nicely soldered

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300amp next to the 170


I decided to make another battery earth

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And ive also made another engine earth, left the old one on as it wont be doing any harm. This one goes straight from the starter motor to the body so should conduct nicely. The original was engine to subframe (subframe is solid mounted so does conduct)

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Just waiting on my battery terminals now, Battery is on charge too, hopefully i can avoid getting a new one! 

Side note, she starts and idles nicely!



Edited by lawrence, 26 July 2018 - 04:10 PM.

#732 lawrence


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Posted 28 July 2018 - 04:42 PM

Today's update
Terminals arrived. Fitted
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Ready for the road test
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Up the road
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Alternator defo working!
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So yh she moves.
Brakes work
Alternator works
Engine works
Cooling works

Plan- Rinse out coolant system and refill (currently water and it looks grim!), adjust rear brakes, Book mot!

Getting there!

#733 l_jonez


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Posted 28 July 2018 - 10:35 PM

Love the ghetto battery tie down

#734 lawrence


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Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:06 PM

Time for an update.

Both good and bad things to report as normal!


Firstly, battery secured, just for you Lawson! I was happy with the string personally!

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So my previous plan was swop the coolant, adjust the brake and book the mot!

Well I stuffed some coolent flush in the scummy water to allow it to clean and scour the system.

Then adjusted the rear brakes to spot on.


Then drove to the mot! (With a support car with my dad in I will add and all the tools I could think of should she break down!!!)

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cooling system did well

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had a good look underneath

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bit grot. 

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Some jobs for another day that. Alright for now.


And a nice photo on the way home!

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stuck it on my insta


She failed. 


But I got the emissions checked before the mot was started and she passed on then, 

No point doing the rest if she had failed emissions and considering she only had been road tuned on the way to the mot I was well happy!


Passed on bodywork

Passed on brakes

Passed on suspension

Nothing exploded

Nothing broke

Nothing fell off (I don’t think)


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flipping seatbelts!!!


Rear belts arnt fitted. Why. No-one can get in the back even if they have no legs, my seats don’t move enough to let them even climb past!- I leave the seats there just to tidy up the back


And passengers front seatbelt wouldn’t work. Wouldn’t go in or come back out! 


So I ordered one off ebay but had a look when I got home.


Basically the rear bin was pushing on the seatbelt retraction mechanism. Bent the rear bin out of the way- fixed – got a spare on the way too just incase. 


And took out the rear seats. 




Going to call tomorrow morning to get her in for the recheck if possible!


All for now! Oh and the acceleration enrichment needs a hell of a tweak!


#735 Bat


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Posted 31 July 2018 - 07:16 AM


Wow looks like the last leg of an epic journey is in sight!

Cheers  :proud:

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