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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#676 lawrence


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 09:10 PM

Time for an update people, as any of you know who work nights it buggers you up for at least 2 days after them. Well ive got 3 weeks worth! The money will be nice but im not getting a lot done on mini! L


So ive basically been doing little things

Fitted some mesh behind the grill holes

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fitted heat reflective tape, some heatwrap to the exhaust

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Engine bay now completely done. You can see the new place for my coil pack now too.

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fitting the speed sensor for the digidash

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mount being made

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tabs welded to the drum

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I ran test mode and the digidash is recognising the sensor as working, just need to extend the wiring and cable tie the sensor out of the way of the shock absorber as it is a little close, so that’s the speedo nearly sorted.


Onto the alternator, new module has arrived – The battery is on charge tonight so all being well tomorrow I will roll her back in front of the garage and get the bloody alternator working


So this afternoon observer cat was watching from the window wondering why I was messing around in the rain

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Took off air dam

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mocked up the tow eye, bumper and splitter

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observer cat approved

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made an adaptor for the tow bar

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And finally cut some lengths of stainless to make brackets with tomorrow.

40139351532_30d266d4a7_z.jpg20180209_184332 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr I contemplated bending them tonight and fiberglassing them on instead of drilling holes for bolts but decided against it as ive already bought the bolts and cba to faff about with horrible fiberglass!


So plan for tomorrow

>Bumper brackets to be made

>Splitter to be fitted

>Wiring extended for speedo

>Check the output on megasquirt for tacho.

>drill out subframe mount and fit tow eye


That’s all for now folks. 

#677 lawrence


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Posted 11 February 2018 - 10:02 AM

Small update from yesterday,

subframe hole drilled slightly. Also had to remove the engine mount and trim the bolt down a little. But tow eye is now fitted and would be functional if needed! Alloy mounts fitted also
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From the front
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Brackets fitted to the splitter
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The metal strips are interference fit to the splitter, it means I've avoided drilling holes in the front!

And bent up
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And all fitted
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Bumper fitted also. Just 3 little brackets for the bumper.

Need to decide do I stick with chrome or plastidip the chrome Matt black. Can't decide. Opinions please people?

I didn't have time to fix the alternator but am planning to do it this afternoon

That's all for now :) I'm getting there!!

#678 Will16


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Posted 11 February 2018 - 12:36 PM

Front end looks really mean now man! Splitter is sick!

#679 lawrence


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Posted 19 February 2018 - 09:36 AM

Thanks for the likes and comments guys. I've been doing a few bits and pieces to mini but mostly I have been working, got to fund my habit somehow!


Plastidipped the front bumper

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needs a few more coats but it looks good.


Then bits started going wrong.


Fitted the new regulator, wired in, started engine. Doesn't work


engine off, checked all wiring again with continuity checker, its fine (so it should be its taken me ages to make a waterproof loom!)

So Its now taken off to fully inspect it on the bench but I may need a new one.


>Washer pump

Did some pre mot wiring checks like adjusting lights etc and checking everything works.

The washer pump now doesn't! Urh. 

So i have bought an entire washer kit the comes with the reservoir, pump, hose everything. Will fit it when it arrives.



Cheeky bugger has now got a miss at idle! How dare she, above idle its fine, no issues at all but let her idle for a little while and the misfire starts. 

Spark checked-all good

Plug checked- sooty plugs 2,3 and4 which I expected as she was overfueling and is sitting at idle.


Plug one is oily, like moist oily, checked the piston, its oily also. 

Cleaned the plug and the misfire went 


So new valve stem oil seals needed, add this to the puffs of smoke I get on startup and setting off all points in this direction. The engine currently fitted was at 95k I believe so I am not annoyed at it, it's just an inconvenience.


Rope bought to do the rope trick and we will go from there. But as my cams are coming out I'm sure you can guess what will happen ;)



#680 paulrockliffe


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Posted 19 February 2018 - 10:40 AM

What cam are you fitting? 


I'm picking up a Micra with 40k on the engine later this week with the the plan of doing the swap either next winter or the winter after, depending on how busy I am with a loft conversion at home and whether I've got all the bits paid for and delivered; need to be able to get it done fairly quickly as I don't want to be working on the car when the weather is nice!

#681 lawrence


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 11:06 PM

They are 744 cams from matt Humphries. About 3mm more lift I think and a longer duration. Make sure you give yourself lots of time to do the conversion.


So alternator

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I removed the alternator from the car so I could completely continuity check it. Problem was found in two of the diodes. Flowing voltage both ways which obviously is wrong!


So I have resealed the diode bridge with a bit of nail varnish.


And all back together ready to fit

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Made myself a new tool to pop the valve collets off so I can change the seals

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if its stupid but it works then its not stupid J


rope has arrived too

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onwards to dismantling

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Found an issue. Not sure why its happened but it would explain the strange rattling noise on idle that I had put down to the chain! No damage to the cam, caps or head tho so ive dodged a bullet there.


I have a feeling it may be due to my torque gauge and me under torqueing them. Ive had it 9 years and its never been calibrated plus it only cost £20! So after pay day im going to purchase a new torque wrench and demote my current one to a breaker bar which coincidentally I want too.


Next update dependent on weather, it keeps raining here! Keep an eye out.






#682 lawrence


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Posted 09 March 2018 - 11:56 PM

So people, long time no update for me.


The snow came. We all know about it so I wont bang on. It was proper cold and nasty outside so I did some extra shifts at work and had some lazy days.


I have since been paid and am trying my hardest to stay out of my overdraft as im currently saving for a house with my girlfriend, that means ive spent very little on mini.


But today the weather has warmed up somewhat so I went out to play


So continuing off from before, new gasket set bought as I cant for the life of me find the valve stem seals I know I have. Ah well more spares that will be handy for another day

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So new valve seals fitted for the offending cylinder

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The exhaust side seals I took off were rather crisp. The rubber itself was a lot stiffer compared with the inlet side. I can only assume over time the exhaust valve is getting hot and that’s degraded the rubber more than the inlet that is being cooled with petrol and the air intake. Inlet side was a faff to change due to the ITBs but its done now.


I have also now purchased a new torque wrench (with my birthday money! Woop!)

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Hopefully that will fix my bolt problem. Also on that note I discovered the upper timing chain lower bolt pulley was also not torqued to spec. I am 100% sure that it was torqued correctly before as I cut open the back of my hand when I did it so tend to remember that sorta thing!


Lastly the instant gasket between the timing chain cover and the cylinder head seems to have failed already. Im putting it down to cheap liquid gasket but its annoying all the same!

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That’s all for now folks.


Another update tomorrow hopefully. Wont be anything too fun as im putting bits back together. Who knows, hopefully the alternator may even work!!!




#683 lawrence


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Posted 14 March 2018 - 09:42 AM

Little update,

Cams back in
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And welded up my old torque wrench, now to be a breaker bar
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Before I did it I checked the difference. It was 12. So anything done up was done up 12nm less than it should be. Kicking myself for that!

But it's not all good news. My cams are off. I turned the engine over by hand, apart from the new effort with the cams making the valves harder to open where the cam touches the bucket then engine turned over by hand fine.

But she won't start. I checked everything but not even a cough with easy start. I have skipped a tooth somewhere annoyingly.

Plans today.
-re alignment of cams, bet they are both a tooth out.
-check alternator.
-glue magnets for speed sensor.
-repair welder now I have finally got around to buying the part I need.

That's all folks

#684 lawrence


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Posted 15 March 2018 - 12:03 AM

Well people, today didn’t got to plan at all!


Started off with rechecking the timing, that wasn’t so bad a job. It was out 180degrees – im a muppet!


Retimed. Engine spun by hand. No crunches. Good.

Span over. Engine didn’t start. Easy start – popped and backfired.

Hmm – timing issue.

Checked. One tooth out still. Ok so ill pop off the sprockets and itll be fine

Haha. Famous last thought that one.

Sprockets off. Turning engine over by hand via the crank bolt to TDC again and it wont go all the way round. Nothing shifted. Flipped direction on the ratchet. Fine for ¾ of the engine rotation then it locked up again. Flipped ratchet again, same result


Not cam related. They were disconnected. Not upper chain related as that’s slack and not catching on anything.

Repeated this for about 15mins. Even tried my endoscope to have a look inside the engine timing- no luck there.


Stopped for lunch


Back from lunch- cant seem to find any issues. Engine turns fine for ¾ then locks up.

So im now thinking when I loosened the cams off the second time the bottom chain was slack for a moment and it doubled back on itself and that its partway around the lower sprocket and hitting something.

Bottom chain needs to come off to check and retime engine.


THAT’S AN ENGINE OUT JOB!!!! Ahh – it was going so well.


But – reality check – the engine puffed smoke, it would have failed emissions and not got an MOT so I had to change the stem seals. There is no use me having a grump about it and I had to face facts, and it was either my error or some really bad luck that the chain acted up.


So – new plan this afternoon. Engine out!


Everything removed

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engine and box separated

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My nice work area

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my new engine transportation system.

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A definite improvement from back in Jan 2015! Although I was tempted to do it again for old time sake! 3 years ago! How time flies when your engines still break!!!!!!!

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and how I left her

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now this is my issue

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That’s my old 1.3 that had the fun high comp engine till it went pop.


Ive got most of the bits needed to rebuild it. It was my plan to do so this summer and swop it over when the weather improved.


I have just purchased a set of rings – honing tool will be bought soon.


“Project new high comp 1.3” is a go!!


Update soon people




#685 lawrence


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Posted 15 March 2018 - 03:09 PM

Small update. Half day due to night shift tonight and having a nap.


Engine taken apart, not found the issue yet

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workbench cleared and skimmed head dismantled. I tested the valves and they all need lapping in

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all dismantled and cleaned 39928322585_1295fdf9db_z.jpg20180315_124656 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


lapped the first lot of valves in

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They still leak a little after using fine compound. Will use coarse and then fine and see if I can improve them.



>Gasket sealent

>Honing tool


Im on 2 night shifts now. Next update will be Sunday. Going to dig out the 1275, block, pistons and crank and give it all a clean-up. Ive got a week off work next week, viewing some houses with the girlfriend and hopefully will have the engine ready to go back in by the end of the week.



#686 McMini 22

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Posted 19 March 2018 - 03:20 PM

It's a bummer you are having to do all this extra work. It will be interesting to find out what caused the bottom end to lock.

#687 lawrence


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Posted 21 March 2018 - 08:15 PM

I agree it is a little bit of a setback but at the end of the day it’s the engine I wanted to make for her eventually so im still happy overall. Regading the engine not turning over ive put that to one side. I have more days off of this week and Monday Tuesday next week all dedicated to getting her working.


So today

Started off with the honing

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went well I think considering I haven’t done it before.

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Then I started digging out bits of the 1.3 from when I took it apart and found this!


Past me had cable tied the shells!

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In addition to that past me had also put the end caps on the con rods so those shells were fine too and the crank is fine as I had oiled it and wrapped in a towel. Again cable tied.


But those of you who follow this know my luck

Oh whats that, a piston.

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but wait- theres more

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I was livid. Literally so annoyed! not only have I spend time dismantling and honing this engine as well as buying parts and wasting my money!


I needed a pick me up. So decided to clean up the bore and trial fit a ring. Now if the gaps are too much I was going to be properly grumpy.


But my luck returned

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Within spec. 0.254 was too small and 0.279 too tight. Recommended is 0.2-0.3!


I had a think. Broken pistons were what caused that excessive blowby and pressurisation of the crankcase that was my problem with this engine (before the rad popped and it overheated) I simply assumed it was worn bores/rings.


So as a bit of a stress/anger relief I chose to smash the pistons off the rods using a combination of hammer, chisel and grinder.

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The remains of the offending items

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After that I decided what all well researched micra people would do.

To take apart another 998 engine!

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grimy pistons removed

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and some washing up done to clean em up

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So plan is – find garage to press out gudgeon pins from the 1.3 rods and pop on the 998 pistons


To those of you not in the know for micra engines.

>Both the 998 and 1275 have the same bore 71mm

>Same piston design roughly- same rings etc – but the 998 has no dish whereas the 1275 pistons do.

>Different rods – 998 are longer

>different crank – 1275 has a longer throw


So to make a high compression engine using

>998 pistons

>1275 rods and crank

>1275 block

>skimmed head

>new cams


Watch this space – Oh and if your worried Frank from MSC (micra guru) said the engine will be fine but that the compression will be “quite high” and will need super unleaded to help it.




Oh, and the girlfriend and I have put in an offer for a garage - has a house attached too! 

#688 McMini 22

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 04:26 PM

Good progress!
How did you hone the bores? The cross hatch angle looks a bit shallow and should be close to 45 degrees.

#689 Will16


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 05:17 PM

Looking good man, props to you for just cracking on building a spec'd engine, I know I'd of thrown my toys out the pram and left if for a few months :lol: Nice one on getting a house too!

#690 lawrence


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Posted 23 March 2018 - 11:49 AM

I did the bores myself with a 3 arm self centering type honer. Never done it before tho. It does feel quite rough and the angle was 40 degs mostly (checked with a protractor). Reckon that will be ok?

House we hope will go through. Has a
reasonable size garage too which is essential for me, got some nice plans for it.

Will update when the pistons are back from the shop


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