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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#616 l_jonez


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Posted 18 August 2017 - 10:08 PM

If you put masking tape on the back of the holes when fiber glassing then it prevents resin running down the surface

#617 mini_matt_106


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 02:20 AM

I'm 90% sure you should etch prime bare metal before filler, too late now I guess, I've got a flip front knocking around if you're in Hampshire?

#618 Northernpower


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 09:27 AM

I'm 90% sure you should etch prime bare metal before filler, too late now I guess, I've got a flip front knocking around if you're in Hampshire?

3M who you will know make a lot of body prep products always recommend applying filler to bare metal. If you apply it to a painted surface you're adding another variable into the equation i.e. you're assuming the paint has full adhesion to the metal.

#619 l_jonez


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 04:03 PM

Filler should go onto bare metal

#620 lawrence


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 06:30 PM

Cheers for the comments guys, I've always followed the directions on what the filler says which is apply directly to bare metal. Only times I don't are when I'm adding a little more to smooth off the imperfections but the majority goes on bare.


So bits done today, not alot tho.


first off, little road trip to the bubble car museum near Boston

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saw a few of these

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I do like them, not practical tho!


back to mini.

made my decision and got the hole saw out

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cleaned up the edges and a bit of filler from the fibreglassing the other day

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Interestingly it was once a carbon skinned bonnet.

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going to try and find the reciept for it haha


mesh for behind the holes

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and tidied up the back bench and had a think about the exhaust

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bonnet placed on

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I like the holes :)



#621 mini_matt_106


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Posted 21 August 2017 - 01:26 PM

I stand corrected

#622 lawrence


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 01:09 PM

Update from this morning


Few bits and pieces really.

Refited my gear linkage with the nice bearings and its amazing, truly amazing. Its almost as smooth as my parents new ish skoda its that good. The only play left is in the gearbox and theres nothing I can do about that.


Also tidyed up the wiring in the front wings and p clipped it all tidy

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compared to how it once was its defo an improvement!!

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and I agree with whoever posted before, that brake plumbing was horrible!!


So onto the exhaust.

I had a think and kept rolling around infont of the car with bits of metal until I thought what the hell am I doing, ive got a spare engine ffs. So put it on the bench

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that’s easier!


Cut up the exhaust. Hmm it shouldn’t be like this!

35924548553_d12c9db799_z.jpg20170822_122106 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


So I cut the linking bits off because I want to get the exhaust closer to the block.

Plan is to do this, weld one pipe straight down and have the other blend to it. Then I will have space to fit the 2 new downpipes which will go together under the car towards the y piece.


Youll have to use your imagination

36594831841_11cb2b5ab4_z.jpg20170822_124046 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


anyhow itll mean I can have the slip joint at the front of the block where there is more space and create clearance around the engine and frame area which was tight before.


Ive ordered a 180 bend which ill cut in half and extend to tweak the angles to what I need them at.


Least ive made my mind up about the exhaust now.


Updates next week when parts arrive



#623 mini_matt_106


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Posted 23 August 2017 - 08:43 AM

Cool so homemade 4-1

#624 lawrence


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Posted 24 August 2017 - 02:26 PM

Nope not a 41 a 421


So I was at uni all day yesterday but as normal half mini today half uni in the afternoon.


Had a few deliverys,

New connectors for the tbs

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and got my bit of 180deg steel bend too.


Sorted out the wiring on the front end, had to take the dash out but it needs to come out for megasquirt anyhow

36776721945_72a13195e8_k.jpg20170824_124415 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

much less rats nesty!


So indicators, dip, main, fog, drl and side lights now all work J and all the switches and relays etc too!

36637540511_33cd511901_k.jpg20170824_104842 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


I still need to fit a resistor to the indicator circuit as the led headlights annoying haven’t got one fitted and the ones I bought are useless.


Onto the exhaust

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lopped the 180 bend in half and extended the pipes up. Tacked it all together and its works nicely. Exhaust is in two pieces to aid putting it together on the car.


Ive trial fitted it to mini and the clearance is good. It’s a cm or so from the block and a cm ish from the frame so right where I want it.


Update next week, will be the exhaust and a bit of wiring when the waterproof connectors arrive.



#625 lawrence


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Posted 30 August 2017 - 08:38 AM

Little update from last week

Fitted new bonnet ties

36703349411_ab7ab3d74f_k.jpg20170827_123150 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

rear aerocatches are lockable and the front locking clips I had just were awful to line up, at least this way its easier to get the bonnet on and off without damaging the paint and also a theft deterrent too.


36033904313_7dbbbdc643_k.jpg20170827_133338 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

painted round the bonnet gutter, planning to get some self adhesive foam for the bonnet to sit on to stop chipping the paint!


Primed bonnet

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first bits of paint

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bit more

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painted the gril surround

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fittings back on the bonnet

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and back together looking shiny and quite smart really!

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That’s all for now. Still waiting on my wiring parts! Least my new side lights have arrived so I can fit them and mock them up.



#626 lawrence


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Posted 31 August 2017 - 04:26 PM

Medium sized update this one.


Side lights finally arrived and so did the ampseal connectors so ive fitted the lights. Ill do with wiring next time the soldering iron is out

36133616783_964ac84258_k.jpg20170830_101607 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


Now onto the manifold and downpipes, last update was them tacked together for a trial fit. Now they are more welded


Welded downpipe fully and marked where to cut out

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Cut out and blend part welded

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Next one welded and marked up

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And welded

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All sorted on the down pipe section

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And y piece, flexi and v band tacked together

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And welded with a bit of paint

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Since the photos ive extended one of the downpipes to give more clearance round the gaiter, Got about a 2cm between the manifold and OS inner gaiter. Should be plenty of clearance to keep the gaiter cool now. Also ive made the centre pipe section and started to make brackets to hold up the rear silencer. May need to buy a 90deg bend to make the rear exhaust section, not sure yet.

Next update will be next week as im on placement the next 3 days. Officially got 3 months left to uni now too which is awesome!!



#627 lawrence


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Posted 04 September 2017 - 03:40 PM

Little update from this morning, really should be doing my uni work but I just needed to do something not to do with uni as a break!


Finished the wiring to the fogs and side lights

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36215946023_c2c80c7c01_b.jpg20170904_103847 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


Looked for my split pins for the cv nuts but remembered I had to fix the tie rod bolt. Then I remembered I needed to redo a wheel bearing


New races fitted

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also painted up the NS front arch as it was a bit chipped.

Front back together, tie bar to bottom arm bolt in the correct way. BJs are all good still . Everything torqued up.

36626758170_3a2c8d7bf5_b.jpg20170904_133824 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr



Still need to fit the steering rack gaitors but need to buy some more cable ties first. Also found my split pins eventually so can torque up the OS front suspension components


Update maybe at the end of this week, play it by ear as im doing a full time week plus working Sundays plus an essay haha



Edited by lawrence, 04 September 2017 - 03:44 PM.

#628 paulrockliffe


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Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:05 PM

Looks good!  Do you have a link to those indicators you've fitted?



#629 lawrence


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Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:37 PM

Cheers paul, do you mean the indicator headlight combo?

#630 paulrockliffe


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Posted 04 September 2017 - 06:58 PM

Yeah, not a huge fan of the headlights, but the indicators look really neat.

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