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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#601 lawrence


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Posted 31 July 2017 - 07:02 PM

New update from today.

Photo of the completed handles

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And one at night

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Onwards to today, needed to remake the sensor mount for the fuel injection

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tacked together

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Fits nice

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Its stable enough to start running the engine however ill remove it and fully weld and reinforce it when I know that it is aligned properly.


Whilst I was under the wing I also sorted out the washer bottle mount. Made a blanking plate out of an old number plate to cover the heater vent inlet also. With a simple rubber gasket. Not fully sealed on but better then a hole like before!

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Went to fit the waterbottle back in and found it had leaked since I refilled it. It got a hole in it a while ago that I filled with liquid metal. Had all corroded so cleaned up and hammered to give a better grip for more liquid metal

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and refilled

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if it fails again ill get a plastic bottle, they are only push bike bottles so nice and cheap.


So that’s that done.

Onwards to the shifter

Its always been a bit slack on the ball part of the shifter so took it off to see if I can tweak it

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wrapped the concertina type part together with electrical tape to take up some of the slack between it and the housing

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wow. Its amazing now. Zero play and nice and tight, just need to refit the link arm and the shifter will be sorted!


Plan next is to sort the exhaust out


That’s all for now


#602 lawrence


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Posted 01 August 2017 - 07:57 PM

More work done on mini today, its been an exhausting day ;) Haven't touched the exhaust. ill do it another day was its a nice job.


So today basically went from bad to worse today,

I realised I needed to refit the exhaust in order to start the engine due to the lambda etc. So I did a bit of welding


Mock up

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perfectly cut metal

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weldy weldy

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ready to fit

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and fitted, ish

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So I had to cut the upturned bit off. Basically the backbox with the bend towards the centre tunnel was too long to fit under so it stuck out hugely. So I trimmed the pipes, so now it’s a straight exhaust not an upturned one.


Well that was annoying but not the end of the world.

Next I needed to tackle the manifold end. Now the exhaust fell off a while ago and ground out the flexi joint on the road.


36148537302_961d680cc8_k.jpg20170801_171826 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

so I cut off the spiky bit and water tested it for leaks and its all good. Which is nice

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But the bad bit was the manifold itself.


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leak in the exhaust that needs fixing

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and from where the lambda was

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Now I remember when I welded it that the flow wasn’t the best so cut off the two link pipe parts

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look at that flow. Its awful. That needs fixing


mani back on the car.

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Now I need to make some modification to the manifold which I didn’t really want to have to faff about with but I need my lambda sensor to be accurate with no leaks obviously.


In Addition to this where I welded the back box to the centre silence is a bit wonky. Grr.


Im going to buy some vband clamps for the exhaust and make it into three removable sections, this will help with making the exhaust fit nicely


That’s all for now people. Update Friday potentially


#603 lawrence


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Posted 02 August 2017 - 05:49 PM

Right people. Ive been shopping. Got 2 new bobbin mounts for the backbox. Also ordered two Flexi pipes. ones 2inch one and one 1 3/4inch one. Also one 1 3/4 inch V band clamp. Got one 2 inch v band in the garage.


Plan for the exhaust is =


LCB 2 into 1 link pipe that I will need to modify to keep the flow and allow me to take the manifold off. Its annoying but I can't modify the current exhaust enough to make the manifold and the 2-1 piece as all one bit. The clearances around my frame are too tight. Although I am seriously contemplating cutting a chunk out of the front panel. welding a brace across the subframe and lopping a chunk out of it to make more clearance but that is a big decision to make as no way in hell am I taking the engine and gearbox out!!!! although now the mani is off I may have room to remove the rad, take off both the engine mounts and shove the engine and gearbox combo back to make room for the grinder, that is an avenue I will look into first obviously. I wish I did this before when I swopped engines!!!!!!!grrr.


after the 2-1 ill put a vband

then flexi

then straight pipe

then silencer. 

then 90deg bend


then another v band

then another Flexi to get rid of any alignment issues 

then the rear silencer cutout combo.


Thats the plan. I'm on holiday next week so its likely to happen the week after. I will lay all the parts out and take a photo which will make more sense


Hope that makes sense!


#604 lawrence


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Posted 13 August 2017 - 09:51 PM

Hello again then people,


Been a few days since the last update, I've been on holiday and come back. Been offered a job for when I finish uni which is awesome and have had all the parts I ordered arrive!


So I've got all the clamps and flexies I ordered and dug through my scrap metal bits and so should be able to create something suitable and airtight to remove the exhaust gasses. 


Also finally have got the correct brake pads after having to send some wrongly packaged parts back which took ages.


And I have also received my new headlights that weren't cheap but do look good! Just hoping the indicators will wire up nicely!


So headlights, One fitted

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And the second

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Awesome daytime running lights 

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They are so bright!

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The beams themselves are really good and have a great cutoff, A flat American style beam but not scattered 


I had to buy new headlights basically as there was no way I could get the wiring to fit in the NS headlamp bowl because of the radiator which is very close behind it, let alone the fact I still had to somehow attach the projector to the bulb unit somehow and seal it to the elements. I wasn't going back to candle beams and these were the next best option!


Lastly and I have to mention it because I promised. Girlfriend bought this

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Newish MINI top spec Cooper SD. Now haters gunna hate I quite like it personally. Its fast and handles well. However the Plastic Chrome is very tacky but luckily she is planning to get it all painted black (good). 


Thats all for now,


Exhausting work coming up soon, then ill have to sort out those bleeding brakes but who knows maybe that will fuel me for the next bit of work and ignite my thinking to get megasquirt finally working ;) #carpuns



#605 thelegg


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Posted 14 August 2017 - 11:27 AM

Seen those headlights advertised on Facebook I think? They've always tempted me as let's be honest the original lamps and useless. Love the colour of your girlfriends new MINI

#606 lawrence


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Posted 14 August 2017 - 08:07 PM

I saw them too and went searching on eBay haha :) I think they suit mini because she's been modernised and modified anyhu so why go back to candle light!!


Right. I didn't do the exhaust I did some bodywork, I hate bodywork. It always reminds me of when I had much to learn and did poor repairs that were structurally fine but look rubbish


firstly I made some brackets to hold the fog lights on and took out the amber ring also.

36175617600_bbadbdbae2_k.jpg20170814_174828 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


nice fitting from the front with the seal

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they look better not amber I think

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So onto the front seams.

I filled em back in 2012 when the new front end went on. They are seam welded from the back and then tigersealed on the front and back to prevent water ingress. But now look at them :(

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primed for now

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rusting under the filler

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close up

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So I primed em just to protect them and while I have a little think. 

I've got no inner wings on the front so the front end is a little wobbly. 

Not sure what to do with the seams to be honest


Options are

>fill again - will crack but quick and easy

>seam seal and fill - again will crack like this

>fill to remould the front panel and then seam seal - may crack but will be along the sealent line so can be touched up easily, plus then the front will have seams

>lead load the seams - lead is more tolerant to flex and moisture getting in so even if the paint cracks the water won't make its way into the joint - downside is I've never used it before and apparently its a fickle beast to use, plus it'll burn all the sealent off front the back of the joint so that'll need redoing

>Weld the bugger up from the front and fill it - easy peasy , downside is I can never go back to seams but in all honestly I'm not that bothered, its not like I've filled over rust at the end of the day. 


Im leaning towards either lead loading and learning new skill or putting stitch welds in 1cm miss 1cm like that.


Opinions always welcome :)

thats all folks



Edited by lawrence, 14 August 2017 - 08:53 PM.

#607 McMini 22

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Posted 14 August 2017 - 11:13 PM

You know the answer is new wings and front panel!
I have in the past made a repair strip with a 1/2 inch fold and formed it by bending and cutting with snips. A fair bit of work but should last a few years if you rust protect it properly.
Lead loading is tricky and the materials ain't cheap. If you can pat your head and rub your tummy you'll be great at it. If not you'll have a burnt hand and a blob of solder on the floor.

#608 Will16


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Posted 14 August 2017 - 11:47 PM

I like the new headlights and blinkers, suit it well :D If I was you, personally I'd weld the seams from the front, grind back, skim of filler and jobs a goodun!

#609 thelegg


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 12:57 PM

If your not bothered about having seams then just weld them up and then grind it back smooth :) it might burn off the stone chip or seam sealer on the inside but if you don't weld for too long the heat shouldn't build up

#610 lawrence


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 06:49 PM

Right then guys, thanks for the comment they are much appreciated and make me think I'm doing the right thing!!

I decided to weld them up in the end, although I've got the stuff for lead loading I just haven't got the time to teach myself a new skill like that, maybe in the future


Ive welded them because they are never going to be a good enough fit to just seam seal them. I'm thinking of doing a flip front for her one day but for now welding will do.


So welded up with multiple tacks 

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ground back

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First skim of filler

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Second skim

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And welded up that hole I drilled when I tested moving the arches up

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Its hard to tell in the photos but on the OS I have made a fillet panel a while ago. This links up the wing and front panel and has a bent flange, it was a test to see if it removed the cracking I was getting on the front panel. The NS doesn't have one yet but as there is no cracking on the OS I will make one and weld it in. When I have the welder out I will also make a little bracket to weld to the wing-A panel flange part like the did from standard. This will also help with flexing  in that area.


Plan for tomorrow morning is to do another layer of filler, sand back and then prime. It better not dare crack again now. Interestingly the wing and front panel have alot less flex in the now and feel more rigid


thats all for now


#611 benm


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 06:53 PM

careful with filling the front seams, they can crack with stresses, i filled mine and they cracked just with the mini being off the road and being worked on

#612 lawrence


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Posted 15 August 2017 - 08:37 PM

I know that too well ben :( I'm hoping this time they will not as they are seam welded internally and externally now! Got my fingers crossed

#613 lawrence


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Posted 16 August 2017 - 08:34 PM

Right people, little update from today


Firstly I made my filler panel on the NS, simple flat bit of metal which I then bent up to give a lip. I lap welded it for extra rigidity also. Seam sealed the back.


More fillering

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Tiger sealed the back of the lip as well as the new fog lights too

36567374026_aedf77fe40_k.jpg20170816_171836 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

same both sides but only the one photo



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So the fillering isn't the best but meh, neither is the paint job but that doesn't bother me.


Painty paint

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and bonnet back on, and fitted the fog lights too. 

36217220280_0b06b38a43_k.jpg20170816_192331 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


ill pop the lights back in tomorrow. Does look alot better tho. All different shades of white but meh, ill roller it all sometime when I get some more paint.


#614 lawrence


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 02:28 PM

Right people,

Little bit done this morning, im doing uni work this afternoon so couldn’t be in the garage all day. It was raining all morning so did a few bits inside, haven’t put the lights back, did repair the light bowls but never took a photo.


Photo of that filler panel from yesterday

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should add a bit of rigidity.


So today, whilst tidying the back desk of the garage to start the exhaust I found the cruise control from before so spent this morning playing with that instead


Nice tidy work area!

36582980376_df491b8f0a_k.jpg20170817_104304 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


Mocked up the bracket on the carbs.

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broke the silly spring thing

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Called starlocks incase anyone is interested, ive ordered a box. Took me ages to find the name of them!


Now for the faffy bit. Need to make the cable guide. So used the old outer from the speedo drive of my old bike (That previously was used for the throttle cable before I replaced it)


Had to drill out a 8mm thread once I had found some long enough, faff of a job


So thread welded to a steel sleeve

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ground a hole for plug welding and peeled back some insulation

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welded, ground back and painted, another quality paint job here!

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and covered with heatshrink

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did the same the other end, use your imagination


making the bracket

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And ready to go on the car

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and fitted

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its bolted to the back of the cylinder head. Ill make the bracket smaller when it next comes off as its bigger than it needs to be.


It a simple electromagnetic lock that will hold the throttle at the position when its turned on. Plan is it wire it to a momentary push button that ill mount to the steering wheel where I put my hands when im cruising. Momentary button will be wired to a remote control so the button will be wireless.


I will also have a manual on and off switch underneath the dash. Meaning if the worst happens and for some reason the steering wheel switch sticks, or the remote stays stuck on on or the relay in the receiver sticks or whatever I can cut the power to all of it. And if everthing fails which will never happen I just put my foot on the clutch and cut the engine, sorted

Exhaust being done sometime soon J


#615 lawrence


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Posted 18 August 2017 - 01:42 PM

Good afternoon,

Its time for this mornings small update before I get my uni work started


Repaired headlights from yesterday

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fitted with allen heads bolts

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bit of protection to stop the grill rubbing off the new paint

36510575111_93e21ecaa2_k.jpg20170818_101648 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


Bonnet off to fiberglass the holes up

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I detest fiberglass, its horrible, its sticky and it doesn’t do what you want it to do and I avoid it where I can


Clean up and roughed the surfaces that need fixing

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one layer applied on the back

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bit seethrough

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and flipped over and filled the front

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Just need to sand the front back, layer of filler, primer and paint. Out of white paint tho currently


And how ive left her for today

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Ive Been shopping online also, got some white versions of the front fogs so now ill be able to wire them in, bought some waterproof connectors for the wiring for them and ive found some new inlet manifold rubbers to replace the cracked ones that I used for mocking the manifold up (must remember to make a inlet manifold gasket also!)


That’s all for now folks, might do an update tomorrow pm, depends how I get on with my work today! It so nice to see the front looking in reasonable condition tho!!



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