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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#586 lawrence


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Posted 21 June 2017 - 08:11 PM

Well then, time for an update.
Been a little busy with uni work lately but I do have this photo from today



Doesn't look like much but what that is is megasquirt talking to my laptop.
So MS works. So does my serial to USB cable. I've managed to flash the firmware over to the MS. I've managed to get both my old laptop and my Mac to link to MS. Taken me a few days but I've managed it!

So now I can look into all the other bits and pieces and set up all my sensors and that malarkey. I'm going to do a dry run of the wiring with my reusable connectors before I properly wire everything into the car.

Hopefully and I've got my fingers crossed that I may have a video soon of the engine running!!!


Edited by lawrence, 09 July 2017 - 09:29 PM.

#587 lawrence


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Posted 02 July 2017 - 09:58 PM



35648734656_e71fb6f1de_b.jpg20131213_175953 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

Edited by lawrence, 03 July 2017 - 08:40 PM.

#588 micraminiman


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 07:23 AM

If your on Facebook Lawrence, you a member of the Nissan Powered Classic Mini group? Its an active group, loads going on all the time.


#589 lawrence


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 08:20 AM

Cheers for that link, I've joined the group


on a different note I was testing out picture hosting, all of my photos though photo bucket are now blocked so I am now uploading to flicker. I shall update all my photos when I have the time but its going to take a hell of a while! :(

#590 micraminiman


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 08:47 AM

Added you on, glad you have you in the group. 

I use the hosting on this site. The pics need to be below a certain size, but what I found is that if I download the pics that I post to Facebook from my phone, they are already the right size to upload to here.

#591 thelegg


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 11:50 AM

I wouldn't bother with Flickr as it doesn't post the pic only a link to Flickr to view the photo, if you save all your pics from photobucket to your phone it makes then all small enough to be uploaded via the uploading thingy on this forum

#592 lawrence


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Posted 06 July 2017 - 12:31 PM

Flickr seems to be working for me however I'm going to wait a bit and see whats happening about the whole situation following the announcement


with regards to mini, 

Ive done nothing, not a thing. 


Uni is more important currently, I've had an exam and job interviews and all fun things like that!


But what I have done is sort minis insurance out so she is currently insured for when I get her back on the road. In addition to this I have purchased (at great expense) the bluetooth-serial converter for megasquirt.


This means ill be able to communicate with megasquirt via the bluetooth on both my Mac as well as my phone.


It also means that in the future Im planning to make a new dash that will show the all the engine information. Im thinking of installing a small tablet (potentially a nexus 7) and that along with the AFR gauge and some warning lights will make a simple yet effective dash. Although the bluetooth converter is costly it is alot less money compared to buying high quality gauges that I would otherwise have to buy!


Thats all for now people, not sure when the next update will be I'm afraid.



#593 thelegg


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Posted 07 July 2017 - 11:59 AM

Will be interesting to see what happens with the photobucket situation but personally I can't see it changing, I have however managed to get Flickr to work but only on my laptop which is a pain but a sulution I guess, fingers crossed you get one of the jobs you've been interviewed for then :)

#594 Ben_O


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Posted 07 July 2017 - 06:14 PM

Use Imgur

#595 Northernpower


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Posted 07 July 2017 - 06:30 PM

Will be interesting to see what happens with the photobucket situation but personally I can't see it changing, I have however managed to get Flickr to work but only on my laptop which is a pain but a sulution I guess, fingers crossed you get one of the jobs you've been interviewed for then :)

If you haven't done so already have a look at this thread http://www.theminifo...on-photobucket/

#596 l_jonez


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Posted 09 July 2017 - 11:02 PM

A hack has been discovered if you stick ~original at the end of the link the image will work

So the link will end .jpg~original[/IMG][/URL]

Edited by l_jonez, 09 July 2017 - 11:06 PM.

#597 lawrence


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 09:27 AM

The hack didn't work for me. I haven't time to change my photos currently but hopefully in the future I will be able to.


Little update from the other day

36003611275_438d2b3d39_k.jpg20170715_150008 by Lawrence Balls

fitted my new brake callipers and brake lines.


waiting on my new brake pads as the ones I bought ages ago are unfortunately the wrong fit which is annoying 


also noted this gaiter is dead. I've got some NOS one in stock so will change them over.

35163857974_f88f4d358e_k.jpg20170715_151124 by Lawrence Balls


thats all for now. still waiting on my bluetooth adapter for megasquirt from across the pond. got charges £14 in customs charges which is a shame but I don't have the time to go into the hassle of trying to make a cheaper unit work 



#598 thelegg


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 10:24 AM

It's a long task changing all the photo links lol I'm doing 1 or 2 posts of my build during the week so getting there slowly :) brakes look good mate shame about the gaiter, they don't last 5 mins these days :/ mine where new last year for MOT n it's been on the road about a month from then till now and there already perished!

#599 lawrence


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 07:13 PM

To be honest with the photos now deathrow has sorted them ill leave them for the time being and only transfer the links from flikr if photobucket goes under.


Little mini update.

Regarding the gaiter – I remembered why I didn’t change them ages ago.

Need to order some KAD lock limiters to fit to the rack


Now ordered them, so when they come I can fit them and then git the new gaiters also. The lock limiters mean I will not need to trim the front panel any more than it already is


The Bluetooth adaptor has arrived from across the pond. Its small considering the price! Haven’t tested it yet because every day I seem to have it starts to drizzle and im having to work on mini outside currently whilst she doesn’t drive.


What have I been doing then.

Firstly the bonnet needs securing


Cad template

35694023400_6b6d2c3b40_k.jpg20170722_115921 by Lawrence Balls, on top of the world

35275177503_016ceeda49_k.jpg20170722_120144 by Lawrence Balls, on the interets

transferred to stainless

36043632496_8393a224ee_k.jpg20170722_122116 by Lawrence Balls, on a lemon


35243289894_b653b247a0_k.jpg20170722_122554 by Lawrence Balls, on fire

other side

35914777932_15868ee805_k.jpg20170722_125117 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

36083677475_5627df7ac8_k.jpg20170722_125606 by Lawrence Balls, on a seat


more cad

36061732256_c9e429285f_k.jpg20170722_133237 by Lawrence Balls, on a ferarri

transferred to metal

36061732256_c9e429285f_k.jpg20170722_133237 by Lawrence Balls, on potato


other side, you get how I do it, not taking photos all the time!

35934019512_3cd0b451f9_k.jpg20170722_160834 by Lawrence Balls, on panda


and all the brackets done

35294815783_33bb4ef530_k.jpg20170722_164156 by Lawrence Balls, on squirel


So the bonnet now locks from the front and with the aerocatches at the back, took a while to get the alignment sorted. The fiberglass bonnet is such a bad fit but itll do for now. Im contemplating a flip front conversion. Maybe.


Also sorted out the wiring for my projector beam lights

36097423386_13a4162638_z.jpg20170724_115543 by Lawrence Balls, on a boat

(gaffa tape for waterproofing)


So plan for next week is get the brakes sorted (pending on new pads finally arriving, the last ones were completely the wrong fitment). Then have a look at hardwiring in megasquirt. It seems stupid mocking it all up when im going to use it anyhow, might as well wire it into the car, then if it rains I can still do work!



#600 lawrence


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Posted 25 July 2017 - 02:38 PM

Little update from today,

Just a few bits that were annoying me and then one idea that has turned out quite nice, not sure how to wire it in yet tho.


Firstly modified the light bowl so the wiring fits

36156020225_951f719310_k.jpg20170725_112347 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


went to do the other side and hit an issue,

36023379191_2ec92c2147_k.jpg20170725_122521 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

yup that’s the rad, don’t want a hole in that! Ill have think.

Ordered new bulbs for the projectors also.


Onto the rear arches

Better fit on the OS one now

35765402250_f45db57cd9_k.jpg20170725_121543 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

same as NS

35349766223_755adc9439_k.jpg20170725_121548 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

I had to redrill 3 holes on the OS annoyingly, currently filled the holes with sealent as you do!


decided to underseal inside the arches now they are in their final position


35317298084_6ba2f45f66_k.jpg20170725_121557 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

35317299154_608cc1be48_k.jpg20170725_122305 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


35988243872_14c8228a5e_k.jpg20170725_122327 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

35349691613_d754e59b99_k.jpg20170725_125419 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


yes it underseal aka MOT in a tin. But it also works nicely as a waterproofing and its going over the top of paint etc.


Onto another project

35317266344_74d02293ed_k.jpg20170725_131416 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

was going to drill holes and paint it like the other side and then I had a little think I wondered if I could fit some funky leds in the handles


led strips with some wires soldered on.

35317230554_6ba76003f3_k.jpg20170725_134008 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


heatshrink to stop shorting out

35317235154_bf871495fc_k.jpg20170725_140120 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

35765363190_7341c253aa_k.jpg20170725_133958 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr


and held in with some hot glue

35988144072_e3aea1db79_k.jpg20170725_141108 by Lawrence Balls, on Flickr

glue will also semi waterproof the leds too.


Ive also fitted them to the car and they look quite good but I want to take a night time photo of them. Regarding the wiring im thinking of wiring them into my automatic light sensor for when it gets dark, ill need to think about it. That would mean that they would be on every night but as my rear view mirror has a downlighter also that is on constantly a few more tiny leds are not going to drain my big battery. Ill have a think, any suggestion are always appreciated



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