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Ken -The 1275 High Compression Engine Micra Mini (Running Project)

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#466 lawrence


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Posted 10 March 2016 - 07:43 PM

Don't you just hate wiring. Even tho it is slightly therapeutic going throught all my own rubbish wiring from a few years ago

I'm making a new dash for her. Got a speedo/Rev counter combo coming to fit.
Planning to make a little Woden filler bit for where the origional speedo was then covering the dash in some faux suede to match the top and bottom rails so should look quite tidy when sorted out :)

Also going to order some nice blue illuminated aluminum buttons which should do nicely to replace the horrid origional rocker switches


#467 lawrence


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Posted 28 March 2016 - 02:07 PM

So people. I'm not doing great with working on mini :(
I'm trying to save money a little at the moment and have to really focus on my uni work
However I have been shopping on good old ebay and ordered lots of fun new parts for my new dash design :)

Firsts my new speedo has arrived

And it's awesome.
But I have found some slight issues already
> First being the fuel gauge light. It was on all the time. There were no wires on the speedo that allocated to a fuel gauge so the first thing I've done is cut the trace on the circuit board. So that's now sorted
>secondly it's Rev counter is for a bike so goes to 14k. Now the micra maxes out at 8k ish so I'll see what the Rev limit is as there is a shift light built in on the tacko. If it's no way near where I want it I'll open up the Rev counter again and bodge a wire so I can wire the output of megajolt to it.

I've also been thinking about the new front drls and the indicators. I used to have some little modules for the front indicators that turn the drls off so you can see the indicators clearly.
I dug them out of my wiring stuff in the garage. Re soldered some of the rubbish wires on them and then hopefully they will work!

Re soldered
Heat shrunk to protect
This time I'll install them behind the dash away from the elements in the front wings that killed them off last time. Plus it'll keep the wiring tidyer in the front wings too.

Wired in the bike speedo to the old wires on the mini dash
Fingers crossed that everything will work when it's all wired back up

I've also changed a few bits and pieces on my main fuse box in order to get rid of the secondary one that was on the steering column. I had a bad habit of putting new bits of wiring onto there instead of doing it properly.

Lastly I've ordered a load of new switches to replace the mini rocker type ones so need to make a new panel where the four origional ones once were

Oh and I've got some new digital gauges in the post. Going back to oil pressure gauge, water temperature and wideband. Voltmeter is going as it's pointless and vaccum gauge also going too.

So that's all for now.
I shall update when I'm next off. Most likey sometime Friday when I'm off uni and feel like I've done enough work to not feel guilty working on my car!


#468 thelegg


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Posted 29 March 2016 - 12:43 PM

Good to see your still plodding along with it, don't go cutting corners on your uni work as the mini can wait 👍

#469 No-dice


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Posted 30 March 2016 - 07:36 PM

Hi mate, looking good......quick question, did you use the engine steady bar with your ur gearstick ?

#470 JBMini


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Posted 31 March 2016 - 06:30 PM

Great build mate!


#471 lawrence


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Posted 02 April 2016 - 08:32 PM

Cheers for the comments chaps.
Nope I didnt. The back original mini mount has been replaced with two exhaust bobbin mounts to give some flexibility but the shifter mechanism is semi solid mounted. This means that during acceleration and deceleration the gear position moves but it's something I've got used to

Time for an update then.
Coated the alloy dash in faux suede
Fitted a few bits
Just waiting on my temperature and oil pressure gauge to fill the other two holes either side of the wideband.

Charging point sorted for my phone too, just need a bit of wiring and I'm having it poke out by the top rail of the dash

Stealth install for the speakers too

And a bit more wiring
I've tapped the ignition outputs and put another fuse box in to run various bits and pieces.

Now got to wait for the gauges to arrive in the post and then I can get the rest of the wiring sorted and clean the inside of the car as it’s a hell of a mess!

#472 thelegg


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 06:01 AM

So jealous of your lack of wires haha

#473 lawrence


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 05:07 PM

There's definitely enough to start to get me bored of it, put it that way. One of my gauges have arrived. Now waiting for my Drl dimming wiring relay to come in the post and all the switches as I'm currently in limbo as I don't know what inputs are needed for the switches. Should be able to shut the dash all away then and give the interior a much deserved deep clean and she will look tidy again!

#474 lawrence


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Posted 07 April 2016 - 05:25 PM

Minor update. Parts have finally arrived from China, cheap but look to be well made. Time will tell
Loads of new switches bought also
Planning to have the blue part slightly lit up when the side lights come on then fully when actually pressed. Should look pretty and only require a few resistors, nothing too complicated here. Black anodised so no shiny bits here!

Hopefull will be able to do some bits at the weekend but maybe tommorow depending on how i am for time
Keep tuned

#475 lawrence


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 07:18 AM

Right then people. This thread really needs an update.
I went out to play in the garage on the 8th. One of the new parts I bought didn't flipping work so got a refund for that. But on the positive side I can now use the wiring and connectors from it so it's not all bad!

I've had zero time to work on her also :( placement at uni has been 9-5 Monday to Friday. Saturday I spend with the gf and Sunday im at work so I can afford to get to uni.

So feeling mildly demoralised :(
I'm in three minds of what to do currently.

i want to do my full bike test and have a slightly faster bike than my 125. But I also want my car back :(
My plan is to do my bike test soon once I've raised the funds up for it.

But I also want to move back to Norwich with my girlfriend

And I want my car :(

But I can only have one! Plus I've got uni work up to my ears so no time for myself.

Today I'm going to give the bike a service and then do some more wiring on the mini. I plan to be in the garage all day and will hopefully get lots done too :)
Update coming this evening


#476 thelegg


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:05 AM

There's no shame in taking some time out if everything is getting to much mate :)

#477 lawrence


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 07:58 PM

Yh but it just gets me down that's all.

So today. I've been busy but not where I planned to be honest

I've checked the bike over. Air filter is grotty and I've never changed that so I've ordered a new one. Also ordered a new spark plug that's a heat range cooler as much of my use of the bike is commuting at 60 so it may do the bike some good.

Mini wise I've not got a massive amount done. Sorted out the wiring for my front end a little so it's more tidy but I had a Friend call me and ask for help with his car

He bought a Toyota supra the other day and the headgasket has let go around cylinder one
Now I know minis are bad for hgf but this supra is a chronic offender.

But it has made me feel a bit better about my car. Sure it's messing me around and I've got to rewire the bugger again but it's nothing compared to my friends car! It took us 5 hours stripping parts to get the head loose and in the end we stopped when it got dark.
He's got sensors broken, An intercooler system to clean, head work all sorts.

So puts into perspective the wiring and inlet manifold I've got to do as actually not being that bad!

So next week I WILL completly finish the wiring! It will be completly sorted ready for me to make the new inlet manifold that will be tied in with the wideband to create a racecar of a machine that will hurtle down the road like a missile (up to 998cc can be!)

Well that's the plan anyhow haha

#478 lawrence


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 08:37 PM

So then. I wanted to finish my wiring this week but that hasn't exactly happened. Unfortunatly uni and life has got in the way. It is nearly there however.

The reason the wiring is taking me forever is that I have very little money to spend on her and I want to remove all the crimped connectors where possible and replace them with soldered wires protected by heatsshrink. I have also stripped a lot of the excess out too

So time for an update. Starting off

Making the new switch bracket

Super accurate hole drilling

Sorted. It's not perfect but then it probably will be changed again soonish

Took a photo because it looked pretty

Dash trial fitted

All wired in :)

None of the switches are wired in yet but that's the easy part as everything is labelled
Left to do is the wiring for the os front lights and indicators and I need to make my mind up if I fit the dash door back too

Feel free to comment

#479 Chris1992


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Posted 30 April 2016 - 11:35 AM

Looking good mate! I know what you mean about the wiring. I'm stuck in the middle of sorting mine too and it's not fun lol. Doesn't help that I can't solder to save my life either haha.

#480 lawrence


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 07:45 AM

So then :) everyone loves an update don't they!
Well I've got two days left till my uni work is due in and then I've got three weeks where I can work on my car! :)

But there has been things happening!

If booked my full motorbike training and test :) cost £500 :( that's the money I was going to use respraying mini but I thought to myself it's not like she's rusting away right now, I'll leave her for the time being as knowing my luck I'll respray the beast only to damage the new paintwork somehow!

So that's something to look forward to :).

What else. Hmm, girlfriend wants a holiday this year, but she's a smart girl and knows I'm poor so hopefully she'll think cheap!

Mini related I've done a few things
Got a pretty night time photo of the dash
All very pretty in the blue :)

Then I've made my lights too!
Projector beams yo :) yes I know it is not a fancy pants install where you take the lense off etc. ive literally cut the back off the light and stuffed the projector in and it's held there with a few brackets I found in the garage. Plan is to cut some plastic bits and stuff a load of sealent round the edges.

But I like them, just need to find some bulbs and make up a loom now :)
That's all folks

Edited by lawrence, 10 May 2016 - 07:49 AM.

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