So finally an update. Photobucket was playing up but it seems ok now. I turned her around and took a few photos

Nice front view

Side view, probably should wash her

Bit of tyre paint as a test, unsure of it yet
So now she's moved round lets have a look at the awful fit on the arch. This is now much improved. Unfortunately there are holes in the body that arnt covered by the arch like the other side

Welded and filled


More paint

This door looks awful. Well I had the paint out so thought at least I can get it one colour!

“Professionally” masked up

Fitted the rear arch now it's painted

New seals again like the other arches. Held on with stainless Allen bolts as everyone loves Allen bolts!

Door painted a bit

And that side now all sorted.
After lunch I sorted out the nsf front drive shaft gaitor, didn't take any photos as was all greasy and oily. I also balanced the rear brakes as best I could and put one of the brackets on to hold the dash in for the mot
So the re mot, well that was today.
Well it didn't happen
Car was driving like a complete git the entire way. Stupidly lean on the afr for some unknown reason

and absolutely no power
Hooked it up to the gas analyser
O2 was 0.3 and can be 3.5
Hydrocarbons 8000!!!! Limit is 1300 I think (off the top of my head)
So we stopped the mot, waste of time doing it if the emissions were going to fail
On the way home I took the leads off one at a time. During idle when I took leads off the engine stalled apart from on cylinder one. So something's up there

I've got loads of sparks from my ht leads but I may remake it all the same.
So it's fuel or mechanical problem
Compression tested the engine. 128,124,128, 122
So thank god for that, I really don't want to take the engine out and get another one as I can't afford that

So I'm thinking fueling and ignition needs improvement
I'm going to make a new manifold from aluminium that's at a nicer angle for the carbs so I'll put some photos of that up when I get a chance as I've got the parts I need now
Ignition wise I'm going to order some solid copper cored ht cable to remake the leads to exclude the problem
And as we all like a run of bad luck how's this
New nsf inner cv gaitor shredded

May have to remake my rear engine mount as I suspect it had got too much bounce in it due to the way it's mounted. I shall investigate this area when I redo the intake
So I'm back to lifts,motorbike and borrowing my parents car for the time being
Rather lame I know but at least the weather is getting better!
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